Recent content by shakeel

  1. shakeel

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    Hello Graemac, I did not get any answer or workable solution.
  2. shakeel

    Samsung SDR-75300N

    Can you tell me the URL for playback. Lets say I want to see yesterday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm so what would be the URL in this case. Thanks,
  3. shakeel

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    its showing an error. I have tried it with time syntax also "starttime=20170701T123500Z" http://USER:PASSWORD@CAMIP:HTTPPORT/Streaming/channels/2/picture?starttime=20170701T123500Z Access Error: 404 -- Not Found Can't open URL
  4. shakeel

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    I want to take snapshot from past days (DVR Archive) would it be possible through http.