Recent content by skybeorn

  1. skybeorn

    RTSP and Encryption Key

    As most of you probably know you can access a camera or recorders stream via RTSP. (rtsp://user:apwd@IP:554/Streaming/channels/101) However if the user has encryption enabled, when i access this stream via VLC or another third party source the stream is loaded, but it is unviewable because of...
  2. skybeorn

    Accessing rtsp of Cameras Managed by NVR

    Not running a VPN client or anything. Not sure what it was.
  3. skybeorn

    Accessing rtsp of Cameras Managed by NVR

    Was able to get the stream on a Linux box via VLC, so it must be something windows related that's blocking it. (web page up too)
  4. skybeorn

    Accessing rtsp of Cameras Managed by NVR

    NVR Model: DS-7604NI-K1/4P FW version: 3.4.92 B170220 Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-06-07 11:23 Eastern Daylight Time Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0091s latency). Not shown: 994 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp filtered ssh 80/tcp open...
  5. skybeorn

    Accessing rtsp of Cameras Managed by NVR

    Followed your directions, but maybe I am missing something here? Set the camera to Manual instead of plug and play. Made sure Default gateway on the camera was the recorders integrated switch default gateway( Put the static route as described into my Asus RT-AC5300. I can...
  6. skybeorn

    Accessing rtsp of Cameras Managed by NVR

    You need to access the Recorder RTSP stream not the cameras. The cameras are in a different subnet. Your RTSP should look like this: rtsp://NVRuser:NVRPWD@RecorderIP:RTSPPORT/Streaming/Channels/102 so it would like this Main Stream: (Channel 1 Main) rtsp://admin...