Recent content by SodFather09

  1. SodFather09

    Want to upgrade blue iris and system need advice

    Hey thanks again will all the camera AI work on ?? Or do I need to update the software? Everything you said seems to be understandable. I looked within my BI (just browsing) and few options I didn’t see . I’ll go over it all tomorrow. Thanks again maybe the camera AI is all I need , I...
  2. SodFather09

    Want to upgrade blue iris and system need advice

    Thank you for the quick reply . I never thought about using the Camera AI, I know a few of my dahua camera’s have this feature. With that said if using the camera AI then it wouldn’t use the system cpu correct? Also is there a guide on how to setup AI using the camera? Thanks again
  3. SodFather09

    Want to upgrade blue iris and system need advice

    Hello I have an old version of blue iris I would like to download and install the newest version of BI . My support has expired from my understanding the links within BI don’t work so you need to go to the BI website scroll down to the bottom and buy a new extended maintenance...
  4. SodFather09

    Blue Iris URLs for external streams

    Looks like http is the issue how do you run https url ?
  5. SodFather09

    Blue Iris URLs for external streams

    I’m trying to figure out how to add my camera feed to action tiles I can get http://biueirisi:port/mjpg/shortname/video.mjpeg this work fine in chrome however it won’t work in action tiles . Any idea ?
  6. SodFather09

    Trick or Treat Car Burglars -- November 1, 2023

    Lmao how do you do that announcement?
  7. SodFather09


    What type of gun is that ? Dog almost got it.
  8. SodFather09


    What camera is this ?
  9. SodFather09

    Neighbor busts camera

    Move out of CA that’s the first problem, POS camera to start with. Put up no trespassing signs, and good cameras with a loud siren, When she does it again call pd have her arrested and trespassed from the property.
  10. SodFather09

    New member needing some insights

    If you go with reolink you will regret it. They suck at night and all around crappy camera.
  11. SodFather09

    Biden...he deserves his own thread......

    Biden is the worst president in U.S. history . Trump will be back very soon to fix this once again .
  12. SodFather09


    What does defog mean?
  13. SodFather09

    What happened to the Fence?

    Nice find , are you going to show the video to the home owner? Looks to be drunk or a medical problem. Also nice choice of music ha ha
  14. SodFather09

    Our beloved Leo passed today…

    Awww so sorry, I know it’s hard .
  15. SodFather09

    NVME for storage 24/7 Recording

    I would just go western digital purple drive , and do you really need the speed over a spinning drive?