Recent content by Swynol

  1. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    thanks for looking. very strange. I'm guessing you missed the port number off the proxy_pass by accident. i do normally use this header - proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; but i removed everything to go back to basics to see why it wasnt working. using the nginx config above but...
  2. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    @bp2008 still having issues with RP. i've removed almost everything from my nginx conf file except my blue iris server block and still get the same issue. login page loads, i enter the details, the login button changes to redirecting then back at the login page. ##CCTV Server## server...
  3. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    I removed all my s cutout policies and left the basic 1 line of proxy_pass. Login screen now loads with no error, but when I attempted to login it bounces back to the login page. I also see a too many redirect error sometimes
  4. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    @gazoo i'm getting the same. are you running through NGINX?
  5. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    not sure how that screenshot got their. the linked image is from imgur with that bit cut out. i have a few other lines in a separate file. i'm guessing its the x-content-type-options ssl_session_timeout 30m; ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1 TLSv1; ssl_certificate E:\le64\Domain.crt...
  6. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    I extracted the zip into the www folder of blue iris. my nginx config is ##CCTV Server## server { listen [::]:443 ssl; listen 443 ssl; server_name; include ssl.conf; location / { proxy_pass...
  7. Swynol

    Blue Iris UI3

    anyone got this working behind a reverse proxy? Trying with NGINX, the old Web interface worked fine. with UI3 i get too many redirects and it doesnt load the login screen.