Recent content by Wael

  1. Wael

    S3 animal detection

    Does anyone have a link for the animal detection firmware for the IPC-T54IR-AS?
  2. Wael

    Dahua nvr5216-16p-4ks2e defaults random camera names after reboot

    This thread was for the nvr5216-16p-4ks2. The most resent firmwares have solved the random camera name changes after reboot for this model. try this firmware on yours. (Deleted as it probably is not correct for the NVR mentioned) Actually here is a newer one. NVR4108-8P-4KS2/L As a safety...
  3. Wael

    Dahua nvr5216-16p-4ks2e defaults random camera names after reboot

    Please state the full model of your NVR. Different NVR’s behave differently even with the same firmware.
  4. Wael

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE Rhea V2.800.0000016.0.R.200430 Latest new firmware

    I'm not seeing it in the Dahua section on this site. Has it been removed or do you have a direct link?
  5. Wael

    Dahua IPC unbricking / recovery over serial UART and TFTP

    I’m going to say no on these pins. They are labeled “H_Motor”
  6. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    Wait, I thought your issue was not being able to downgrade the NVR firmware. Unless I missed something, your write up seems to be about updating chinese camera firmware?
  7. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    I have seen factory reset resolve strange behaviors in the past
  8. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    You should have v2 based on that manufacture date
  9. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    No I don’t have this issue. Have you tried changing cam names from the NVR itself?
  10. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    That has always been there since the inception of version 4. I thought you were talking about something else.
  11. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    Where is the “name edit” box you are referring to located?
  12. Wael

    Dahua IPC unbricking / recovery over serial UART and TFTP

    I don't see it in the photo you provided. Maybe look on the bottom side of that board or check the other boards? From my experience of other models it's usually 4 holes where a connector should be
  13. Wael

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this. I just downgraded normally from the NVR itself. Same way as if I was updating. But I have not tried downgrading from the versions you referenced. On another note, I always factory default before I do any update or downgrade.