Recent content by Wildcat_1

  1. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    @tigerwillow1 have you tried the Experience Database ? If not then recommend you try that too if using IVS caps under AcuPick and those are seeing the incorrect caps.
  2. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    Yes I submitted a number of fixes and recommendations so hoping we’ll see those soon from them. Thanks
  3. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    Andy These are the ones we’ve been prioritizing and working with their dev teams on as I mentioned. Looking for follow up on some that you and I spoke about including ANPR so you and I can reach out to them again for an update. Thanks.
  4. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    @looney2ns Mines running pretty sweet (apart from the bugs) now but let me know which version you’re running and what mode AcuPick or Video Metadata etc. if AcuPick then I would highly recommend using the Experience Database on the cam and adding incorrect IVS caps to it as it will make a...
  5. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    Which version are you running @looney2ns ?
  6. W

    Ubiquiti UniFi AI Port

    UI hasn't even released multi-cam support in EA yet so I don't expect it in release form any time soon. As I mentioned I think UI unfortunately see the AI Port as a necessary product to bring people into their Protect ecosystem BUT critically only for people to buy their cameras, not use 3rd...
  7. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    All, as promised, I am detailing the 10 bugs I’ve found with the current 5x42 / B/t5xIR S3 cameras below. In some cases the bug is in how the camera interacts with NVR’s looking to read its capabilities and accurately interpret the metadata from the camera. In each case, I’ve listed the issue I...
  8. W

    Ubiquiti UniFi AI Port

    No problem. Just remember YMMV depending on your infrastructure, configuration, camera + associated FW levels across all of the above.
  9. W

    Ubiquiti UniFi AI Port

    I run and test a number of Dah, Hik, Axis and other brands and have not seen issues except with the very first few beta releases of the Protect Onvif Support FW. Those issues included not being able to detect cameras (turned out to be a limitation on UI's implementation, more below on this) as...
  10. W

    Ubiquiti UniFi AI Port

    Hey @rpmartinez I see you DM'd me as well so thought I would answer here in efforts to help others. Tagging @EMPIRETECANDY for awareness too. I run a full Unifi infrastructure (as well as others) as part of multiple setups I have in place. This includes Protect architecture for testing as well...
  11. W

    Checking In - WC Update

    All It’s been a while, hope everyone is doing well. I’ve been heads down working on a mix of global deployments and also a LOT of bug work, recommendations, working with Dahua etc trying to get the recent bugs and additions I’ve spoken about with NVR + S3 cams, in place. I'm pleased to see...
  12. W

    2024 EmpireTech Thanksgiving Day Sales& Black Friday &Christmas Sales- Winter Sales

    All It’s my pleasure once again to have the honor of picking winners in the latest lottery. A HUGE THANK YOU to Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY) as always for making these events possible. Great way to bring us all together as a community and give all a chance to win some great gear. So, without...
  13. W

    Review: EmpireTech IPC-T58IR-ZE-S3 / Dahua 5842T-ZE-S3 - 8MP / 4K Turret Camera

    All Just circling back around on the S3 cams. I submitted an exhaustive number of bug fix requests + AI algorithm and camera behavior changes on this one. 10 key ones I have been tracking and I'm still working with Dahua on getting these integrated. I can post the issues I found here for...
  14. W

    Mini-Review EmpireTech IPC-Color4M-T

    Thanks for the shoutout @wittaj ! @camdensnyder let any of us know if you have any questions on anything and do check out the reviews + tips / tricks / configuration videos I post and see if that helps you.
  15. W

    I Ordered an Axis Communications Axis Q1808-LE Camera

    Looking good my friend. Are you planning on running the Axis Plate Verifier with this one ? Not cheap for the license BUT it does do a good job. Of course if you're running them through OPENALPR or other Middleware, heck even NVR AI processing then no need.