Recent content by wooferclaw

  1. W

    [MCR] Hikvision packer/unpacker for 5.3.x and newer firmware

    @montecrypto, do you plan to add R2 and R4 cameras? If I could assist you in any way, please let me know
  2. W

    [MCR] R6 EN camera firmware 5.4.3 repack +SSH -PSH

    Thanks for your work, i really appreciate it! With all possible respect, is it possible to assemble the firmware with anover version of busybox (same as you did here for the NVR [MCR] NVR_K51_BL_ML_STD_V3.4.80_160718 DS-78xxNI-I2 firmware +BUSYBOX +BPREAD -PSH )
  3. W

    5.4.0 firmware for EN/US R6 (2x42) cameras. SSH re-enabled. PSH disabled

    Unfortunately scp is not included (you need to rebuild dropbear) in dropbear ssh that is used in hikvision cameras.
  4. W

    5.4.0 firmware for EN/US R6 (2x42) cameras. SSH re-enabled. PSH disabled

    I have one small question. Trying to connect to camera via ftp (after starting ftpd) but same login and pass as I use for SSH seems not to work. Can you help me with establishing ftp access to camera filesystem?
  5. W

    5.4.0 firmware for EN/US R6 (2x42) cameras. SSH re-enabled. PSH disabled

    Works perfectly on my 2CD2742FWD-IZS. Thanks to @montecrypto!
  6. W

    5.3.8 psh-less firmware for EN R6 cameras (2x42 ).

    Reached maximum number of downloads extremely quickly, please use other sharing platform. for example - .
  7. W

    5.3.8 psh-less firmware for EN R6 cameras (2x42 ).

    same for me, truncated at 16MB