Recent content by xebra

  1. X

    Arjun, where are ya?

    Google IRL
  2. X

    How to get Win11 to reconnect to remote wireless router on reboot?

    I finally have this issue resolved!!! :cool: first, The nanostations are working great! Thanks again for the suggestion! No dropouts, strong signal. I'm not 100% sure that they are in direct alignment with each other, but the bandwidth is excellent over the 50+ feet between them. I used a...
  3. X

    Arjun, where are ya?

    I heard that female skydivers use tampons before the jump, so they don't whistle on the way down..
  4. X

    Aliens in my yard?

    The camera is easy to see. Granted it could have been a transient spider or spider web, but there are no webs on it or even near it now. I'm still leaning towards the aliens... Obviously that camera needs to be adjusted...
  5. X

    Aliens in my yard?

    Bug? Time travelers?
  6. X

    Arjun, where are ya?

    Eat your banana
  7. X

    Arjun, where are ya?

    this ever happen to you??
  8. X

    Arjun, where are ya?

    Don't let this happen to you....
  9. X

    How to get Win11 to reconnect to remote wireless router on reboot?

    I agree with mounting plumb and will do so for the final position. At the moment, one 5AC is wedged between a couple of cardboard boxes in the attic of the shed roughly aimed at the house and the other is laying on it's side in my office, roughly aimed at the shed. Still getting between 250 &...
  10. X

    How to get Win11 to reconnect to remote wireless router on reboot?

    Thanks for sharing the picture. Have you had these up for long? How are they holding up in the UV? Nice design, I may have parts laying around to attempt one, if not Home depot and Lowes are close by. I think I would put a cap on the top and find a way to block the hole in the 1 1/2" long...
  11. X

    How to get Win11 to reconnect to remote wireless router on reboot?

    Tony,, The 5AC nanostations arrived yesterday and this afternoon, I moved them to the perspective locations, sort of. I have my daughter making some 3 d printed wall mounts for their final resting place. At the moment the nanostations are just shooting through the walls of the house and...
  12. X

    Learning and implementing

    Learning and implementing
  13. X

    Idea to mount router / switch to wall

    Some of you have probably used this technique but here it is for those that have never seen it. In case the router or switch doesn't come with a mounting template, or you got one second hand, try this trick to figure out where the screws need to go to mount it to the wall. Put the device on...
  14. X

    static ip question

    OK thanks for the explanation. I can see the application in a business with several networks, but on a private LAN, it seems overkill to keep unwanted computers from accessing the specific network if all addresses are assigned. Still learning, thanks for the responses.
  15. X

    static ip question

    OK, I see that thanks for the quick response. What is the advantage/disadvantage of this type of network with so few addresses? Is it some effort at security by limiting the total number of ip addresses? Or is it, it's being done only because it can be done?