Recent content by zeak

  1. zeak

    wondering about how to setup my ip cam to record to my own cloud

    Opening 192.168.0.* port 80... ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime 2018-12-24T19:44:59.000Z Requesting device information... Manufacturer: EYEPLUS Model: EYEPLUS_DEV FirmwareVersion: GetCapabilities... Querying services Has Imaging services: /onvif/Imaging Has media services: /onvif/Media Has...
  2. zeak

    wondering about how to setup my ip cam to record to my own cloud

    I have the same cam and trying to connect it to home assistant I've run a port scan on the camera and this is what I have discovered. Port Scan has started… Port Scanning host: 192.168.0.* Open TCP Port: 23 telnet Open TCP Port: 80 http Open TCP...