Intrusion Detection


Nov 15, 2016
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Hello all.

I'm going to list quite a bit of information in the hope someone can help me, so I will try format it for easy digestion. Ultimately though, I just want the answer to my questions so I placed them first and the info after that is supplementary and may be skipped if its too long.

How do you get intrusion detection to work and is it possible with my hardware listed? I have managed to get motion detection working, advanced motion detection, but not intrusion detection or line crossing (I believe these are called VCA?).

Things I have tried/checked:
On the IP camera I have checked (via web interface) that
  • Config->Smart Event->Enable intrusion detection check box is selected.
  • I have checked that the "Arming Schedule" period 1 start time 00:00 end time 24:00 on all days
  • Notify Survalence centre is selected
  • Config->Storage->Record Schedule Enable recorded schedule check box is checked
  • Hit edit on the schedule planner thing and "All day" is selected and "All events". period 1 start time 00:00 end time 24:00 on all days as well.
On the NVR I have checked (via web interface) that
  • Config->Smart Event->Intrusion Detection->Enable intrusion detection check box is selected.
  • Alarm Schedule is 00:00 to 24:00 on every day of the week
  • Linkage method->Notify Survalence center selected.
Note: Although I set the camera up first the settings in the NVR (web interface) appeared NOT set. I set them in the NVR and drew a different area and saved it which did get pushed onto the camera. Ultimately, I reset camera settings back to default and set via NVR web interface again.

Physically at the NVR I checked that
  • Menu->Record->Schedule check box enabled and is set to M|A (motion OR alarm)
  • Menu->Camera->VCA->Intrusion Detection check box enabled, and the drawn area is the same.
Intrusion Detection Settings:
Threshold 1s
Sensitivity 100
Percentage 1

I also drew a smaller box because there is a little conjecture on if the % setting is how much percentage of an object encroaches into your box or how much of the box is taken up by an object (so size of object). Originally I had a large box, so 1% could have been quite a large object if it was the later. So by making the box smaller and placing it in an area that I know I would be using to test I would effectively make sure I was greater than 1% of the box.

DS-7616N-E2/8P v3.3.4 Build 150616
3 x DS-2CD3145F-IS v5.3.3 Build 150624
1 x DS-2CD3145F-I
Note: After ordering my first NVR c/w PoE ports I switched to a PoE switch so I could access the cameras directly without getting up and down and fiddling with cables every time I wanted to try something different. If I had my time again I would not bother with a PoE model.

Design Intent:
My desire was to monitor the front side of my house, driveway, and front door via the 3 under eve dome cameras (Would also choose turret over dome in future) with the bullet camera purchased to pole mount in the swimming pool area to allow my wife to set the kids loose out the back while she works inside, and keep an eye on things in the pool area via a tablet. Ultimately, if I can get the intrusion detection working with MOST false positives eliminated I could set up alarming. The kids are too young to be in the pool area so it is to monitor that they have not circumvented the child proofing.

The 3 dome cameras were to record on events. I am not a fan of the constant record.

Issues pushing me to Intrusion Detection:
I had it working very sweetly, with most false negatives eliminated by using the Expert motion detection. However, while I was away working (I am away for 2 week stints) we lost power. After it came back on my wife informed me that they were no longer recording. She accesses the recordings and live feed via her android phone or tablet. Very nice to have when the man of the house is away.

Well you guessed it. Been running fine for about 8 months with no issues. The ONE TIME it stops, someone came onto my property and stole a 4x4 battery that I had left out the front (warped plates/stuffed). It was not worth much, maybe $50 but it's the principal!

So the reason I would like to get intrusion detection running is there is a bug with my NVR/IPC's that I can not resolve. When the IPC comes onto the network, the NVR picks it up and forces it BACK into "Normal" mode rather than keeping it in "Expert". I have powered it down/up with the NVR off line and it holds itself in Expert but as soon as you put the NVR back online and it picks up the camera it logs in and resets that flag. It only requires me to change it back as it keeps the other settings. So its just one drop down menu and a save button on each camera but I shouldn't have to do that. I am hoping that Intrusion Detection is a side step around that which also may enable me to eliminate even more false positives.

I also tried making a user other than Admin on the camera and assigning that login to the camera on the NVR and restricting what it can/can't do. I was hoping that would prevent the NVR from having he permission to change camera settings. This failed also as the NVR then refused to record events. I am also unable to remove "remote configuration changes" from the admin privileges.

If you're still with me so far, I commend you. I do babble a bit I am sorry. Any information on how to get Intrusion detection running would be greatly appreciated, or if anyone has any info on how to solve the NVR changing camera config setting would also be appreciated.

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Getting the hang of it
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
On the NVR (web interface) go to Event -> Smart Event-> Select your camera and under Linkage Method make sure Trigger Channel is enabled for that camera.
Also, "Motion | Alarm" will not record intrusion detection, you will have to change to Event.


Nov 15, 2016
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It probably means little to you, but you've earned yourself the prodigious title of my "new favourite person on the internet".
It's 3:30am here and I got up to get a glass of water and thought I would check my thread, and here you are in all your glory.
I changed to Event and checked out the Linkage Method as you said. Being a noob I don't fully understand linkage method so I hit the check box next to "Trigger Channel" which checked all the channels D1 through to D11. I'll be sure to read up on that tomorrow as I fine tune as I am sure thats swatting a fly with a hammer.

Saved everything and gawked through the live view just in time to see a vehicle drive through the area I had drawn at the end of my driveway. Very odd considering the lack of traffic down my road and the ridiculous hour.

Low and behold it worked. It recorded. Thank you so much!
Such a simple straight forward answer too after my 300 word essay.

Much appreciated. May good karma rain down upon you :)


Nov 15, 2016
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oh, I think I just figured out D1->D11 is camera channels yeah? I noticed my other cameras recorded when that car drove past too. I shall play more in the morning (or the afternoon when I get up). Thank you :)


IPCT Contributor
May 12, 2016
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Storage is cheap enough you should consider recording 24-7 15fps.


Getting the hang of it
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
oh, I think I just figured out D1->D11 is camera channels yeah? I noticed my other cameras recorded when that car drove past too. I shall play more in the morning (or the afternoon when I get up). Thank you :)
Yeah, D1, D2, D3..etc. are the channels, you should trigger only the channel of the camera you've configured for intrusion detection, if you select other channels it will record these other cameras too even if they do not have intrusion detection enabled.

As @tangent said, you should record 24/7 because intrusion detection or any other event can fail and you may lose some important footage.

Events are useful for faster searching on recordings.


Nov 15, 2016
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Yeah I hear what you guys are saying. And yes, I had it fail on me AND it was right when someone came up my driveway and took something that belongs to me.
However, I did have the motion detection buzzing perfectly. The problem I had was I was unaware of the known bug that pushes the motion detection back to "Normal".

Besides that I had it perfectly set up. I spent a heap of time trailing it and getting it tuned just right. Especially the driveway. You can easily park 6 cars in my driveway (2x3) and there are tree's that line it that cast beautiful dappled sunlight onto the drive/vehicles. A slight breeze and its all over the place. Add in the windscreens reflecting those beautiful fluffy clouds and its a nightmare to set up. I got it perfect though. Able to pick up small animals. Bandicoots, cats, dogs. I love watching them all on my cameras so I didn't want to tune them out. I also only got 3 or so false recordings a day if it was super windy.

I don't think I ever lost data (besides when the software bug kicked in). I would always check the cameras after a package arrived or even if anyone of the family were entering/leaving the house. I was really happy with it.

The reason I really liked it though was my wife didn't need to dedicate any time into learning anything except iVMS on her phone or tablet. She could just fire it up, go to the live view or the recordings and drag the camera across. Hit play and watch each event in sequence or use the slide bar. It was very convenient. Even my 3yr old son uses it. If he knows his Nan or someone is coming over "Daddy, I am going to check the eyes of the house".

I suppose the other thing that is handy, is I can fly out to work (away 2 weeks at a time) and come home and review the cameras if there has been an incident and it should not have been over written in that time. Only 4 cameras at the moment but I am going to have a few more when I can be bothered. Its a huge house (6 bedrooms, 2000sqm block) so I need a few more and if their all continually recording thats quite a bit of data to review if I need to. Adding complexity at the camera/recording I think saves the complexity of detailed searches perhaps I don't know. I just like it… I'm a tinkera too.

But thanks heaps for the help guys, I'm just fiddling with settings and things now getting it where I want. Gotta work on getting the picture looking schmick too but its all interesting and fun.



Getting the hang of it
Nov 13, 2015
Reaction score
Central Sierra Mountains, CA USA
If you set up email alerts with continuous recording you'll get the almost useless tiny crappy photos but more importantly you'll get the exact date/time of the alert for later review on the main recording. Using this method I've collected a decent collection of footage of furry mammals but so far no upright bipeds bent on larceny or worse. Ramleaf is right, storage is cheap.


Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score
Guys...I hope not a daft question...but do you need to set each camera separately for intrusion and motion detection, or can you just do it through NVR?


Oct 16, 2016
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If you log into the nvr through the web you can go into configuration and activate virtual host and will then be able to log into each camera through the nvr webpage. Saves you the hassle of what you are doing plugging into each camera.

Nvr page>Configuration >Advanced settings > enable virtual host
With that enabled you will then get a link in the camera management setting where it will send you through to each camera.


Apr 21, 2017
Reaction score
If you log into the nvr through the web you can go into configuration and activate virtual host ...
Thanks for advice TJ01, I already had that set up as virtual host, just so I could enable and disable IR on cameras.

However, from the above thread I understood that guys were setting motion detection in both NVR and in cameras. So I was wondering if that is a standard procedure, or is it enough to just do it in the NVR. Especially as I've seen on quite few threads and forums that NVR at one point or another overwrites "Expert" settings with "Normal".