Great looking site


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey

An alarm system is security. A camera system is surveillance. That may appear to be splitting hairs, but an alarm is an active system, either making noise, notifying a central office or both. A surveillance system simply records what happens IF you record 24/7. Even if you configure the video surveillance system to notify you, it is still not doing anything actively to intercede in the event and perhaps prevent/abort what's happening.

The three basic rules of video surveillance cameras-

Rule #1 - Cameras multiply like rabbits.
Rule #2 - Cameras are more addictive than drugs.
Rule #3 - You never have enough cameras.


Jul 26, 2021
Reaction score
North Carolina
Years ago me and my girlfriend were watching tv when there was a loud explosion that turned out to be the picture window showering us with glass due to a gun shot. We immediately got off our couches and I fell to the floor to discover I had been hit by pieces of the ballistic tipped bullet that came through the window. The police blamed a Mexican gang that were preforming initiations because there were 5 other shootings that same month in a 20 mile radius, but I have a different theory.
I installed a home security system and did a homerun to every motion sensor and had a 5’ tall fence installed around the front yard but never added a surveillance system due to most systems had such a low resolution at the time.
the police never even asked my neighbors if they saw anything. My next door neighbor saw a white car pull over in front of the house after hearing the gunshots that she thought were car backfires . She needs a new hearing aid .
Hopefully the Dell Optiplex I bought will handle the new addiction I’m about to face.
Now I just need a good camera and some cat 6A


Getting comfortable
Mar 25, 2019
Reaction score
North carolina

An alarm system is security. A camera system is surveillance. That may appear to be splitting hairs, but an alarm is an active system, either making noise, notifying a central office or both. A surveillance system simply records what happens IF you record 24/7. Even if you configure the video surveillance system to notify you, it is still not doing anything actively to intercede in the event and perhaps prevent/abort what's happening.

The three basic rules of video surveillance cameras-

Rule #1 - Cameras multiply like rabbits.
Rule #2 - Cameras are more addictive than drugs.
Rule #3 - You never have enough cameras.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Follow EVERY optimization in the wiki and you will be fine.

And by EVERY, I mean EVERY. Too many people come here complaining of high CPU usage and claim they have done every optimization in the wiki and once they post screenshots, we see they are not using the substreams and that is probably one of the biggest CPU savers. Do not skip one because you think it isn't important or won't make that big of a deal. Even dropping frame rate a few FPS can make a big difference. No reason to run more than 15FPS, and many us have cams running at 10 to 12 FPS.

A member here was able to run 50 cameras on a 4th generation CPU at 30%, so you will be fine for awhile LOL.

If you do not understand what something does in BI, then ask. Too many people also change a setting not realizing what it does and actually makes their performance worse.



Jul 26, 2021
Reaction score
North Carolina
Follow EVERY optimization in the wiki and you will be fine.

And by EVERY, I mean EVERY. Too many people come here complaining of high CPU usage and claim they have done every optimization in the wiki and once they post screenshots, we see they are not using the substreams and that is probably one of the biggest CPU savers. Do not skip one because you think it isn't important or won't make that big of a deal. Even dropping frame rate a few FPS can make a big difference. No reason to run more than 15FPS, and many us have cams running at 10 to 12 FPS.

A member here was able to run 50 cameras on a 4th generation CPU at 30%, so you will be fine for awhile LOL.

If you do not understand what something does in BI, then ask. Too many people also change a setting not realizing what it does and actually makes their performance worse.

I’m looking forward to getting started. I really appreciate those suggestions and I’ll be certain to follow the Wiki. Researching camera recommendations I’ve received like the 5442 and the IPC-Color4K-X .