PTZ5A4M-25X vs PTZ4M-25X


Getting the hang of it
Jun 12, 2020
Looking to update one front camera to tracking

I have an overview camera as well

I only need identify out to about 80ft

I do have fairly low light at night

Is the only real advantage for me the low light capability of the PTZA4M?

Or are there any other pros cons between the two?

I will be going with Empiretech for either, of course :)

Thank you
The PTZ5A4M-25X is 4MP on the ideal 1/1.8" sensor.

The PTZ4M-25X is 4MP on the smaller less than ideal 1/2.8" sensor.

Regardless of the what the LUX ratings say, the 5A will do better at night.
I have several of both models installed. The PTZ5A4M-25X 1/1.8 sensor is sharper even in the day and massively better able to get dim details at night. It really isn’t much of a competition. One is so obviously superior performing that the only reason to buy the 1/2.8 censored one is if one simply cannot afford the PTZ5A4M-25X
I don't have the cameras in same position, but these two shots tonight via PTZ5A4M-25X vs PTZ4M-25X should already give you a good feel for the night time difference. Mind, you the PTZ4M-25X would be even murkier without the extra IR floods.

PTZ4M-25X 4MP on less than ideal 1/2.8" sensor. Notice how the grass lacks detail and the fir tree has blobs for its branches.
Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 21.44.24.jpg

PTZ5A4M-25X is 4MP on the ideal 1/1.8" sensor. The grass is sharper. It's just plain more detail despite both being 4MP cameras.
Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 21.44.38.jpg

FInally, here is Andromeda galaxy this morning on the PTZ5A4M-25X. I can barely see any stars in the slight night haze with my eyes, but with the cameras set to 250 msec shutter and 65 gain, it sees a lot of stars even zoomed in about 15X.

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 03.34.16.jpg