US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'd say their poll is heavily biased and overloaded with Libtards being polled. Trying to start brainwashing their sheep that FJB has a chance and setting up the "close race" steal.
POSSIBLE MISTRIAL... A Juror discussed the case and told someone of the guilty verdict-- the day BEFORE it was announced in court.
IF this happens, my guess is the dems are seeing how the verdict will continue to help DJT, and dreamed up this fictional event as damage control. Hopefully they just dig their hole deeper.
Lie, lie, lie some more, then lie again! DEMONTURD way of doing buisness!

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^^^ Of course he does not regret signing that document. Nothing happened to Clapper. No jail time, no cancel, no fines, no prosecution, nothing. But it got Bidum elected now, didn't it?
I’m no longer sure what to think about polls like that.

On one hand I agree with @SJGUSMC21seeing huge rallies with 10s of thousands for Trump while Bidet can’t fill a coffee shop. And even if you’re a blind liberal and ignore the border, inflation, the destruction of our military, etc, you have to be able to see Bidet slipping away into dementia live on TV. Makes you think they’re manipulating the polls like they did last time.

On the other hand, one has to remember that at least 1 out of every 2 people you meet is a complete fucking moron, and/or so dependent on big government to provide for them cradle to grave, they’ll sacrifice all morals, values, and common sense in order to maintain the free shit gravy train, AND they just imported about 15-20 Million more of them and counting.
I’m no longer sure what to think about polls like that.

On one hand I agree with @SJGUSMC21seeing huge rallies with 10s of thousands for Trump while Bidet can’t fill a coffee shop. And even if you’re a blind liberal and ignore the border, inflation, the destruction of our military, etc, you have to be able to see Bidet slipping away into dementia live on TV. Makes you think they’re manipulating the polls like they did last time.

On the other hand, one has to remember that at least 1 out of every 2 people you meet is a complete fucking moron, and/or so dependent on big government to provide for them cradle to grave, they’ll sacrifice all morals, values, and common sense in order to maintain the free shit gravy train, AND they just imported about 15-20 Million more of them and counting.
Well Newsom just added ten thousand more that will be dependent on the Gov't.
Biden is really sliding down hill fast. I now have doubts that he will make it to November. The media is doing everything it can to "prop" him up.
The Debates, if he makes it, will be brutal...