It's PRIDE Month....


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Waste of DNA....Non-Naturally Made Rejects.
The 29 years ('75 - '04) I worked Public Works in N. CA you'd get your ass thrown in jail for doing what they are doing, taking down signs. Those signs are mandated by federal and state authories to comply with the FHWA and MUTCD. The Feds actually mandated that CA move from worded signs to international symbol signs or lose funding. I know this for a fact because I had to change "Walk/Don't Walk" pedestrian signals to International Symbol signals of "White Walking Man/Orange Upraised Hand".

But the bigger issue: CA has been in a downhill slide in several categories for some time now...and the people that live there that continue to put people into office like they do have no leg to stand on when it come to complaining. They've allowed it, they want it, they like it, apparently....and they can have it.

I can't see the once attractive and desirable state sinking any lower than it is now.

RIP, Republik of Commiefornia. :screwy::poop::drool:
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