Which Hik dome for ZoneMinder?

Hikvision has, like, a million different dome cams, each one with an unspeakable code name
. Which one would you recommend for a budget of around $500? It should have PTZ (or multiple sensors), IR night vision, wired IP/PoE, and it should be fully compatible with Zoneminder.
Havent heard about zoneminder, i could help if you would provide this informations:

Does zoneminder supports onvif?
Does zoneminder supports adding RTSP url's?
Zoneminder is a fantastic free software for surveillance cameras. It's very advanced, however it's not very easy to learn and it requires a Linux installation. I run it on an ubuntu virtual machine hosted by a windows server. It supports onvif and RTSP streams. I think that it is compatible with pretty much every Hik camera, but I am a bit lost among its very many models.
ZoneMinder will take anything you can throw at it that's supported via Linux Kernel or extended kernel modules (.ko files). In practical terms, that's going to mean ONVIF, RTSP or V4L (webcams, iphones, etc.) It's quite versatile. If a video device is supported by Linux, it typically shows up as a device in the /dev/ folder.