Color 4k-x 6mm -- Half view out of focus/Blurry


Getting comfortable
Jan 1, 2024
What's going on here?
I know these are known to have focus issues but seems I have half a screen out of whack.

Left side of view is much more focused than right side view. Look at the stone driveway, can see stone on left, blur on right.

Is this a bad camera or typical view? The lens is clean, at least on the outside.

Cam is mounted on a test/temp mount on a pole. Intended for a street view/overview was hoping to catch daytime license plates. Street light right there too for night time view.
Right now plates are totally unreadable. LPR cam will go up on pole as well, right next to this cam eventually.

Anyway, thoughts? Bad camera?

View attachment left side.mp4
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no driveway pic seen.
Without a picture, you mention stone.

The bitrate may be too low and if lots of little things in view, that can happen as it can't process everything. We saw that here with somebody with gravel.

Definitely move it around so the field of view sees different things and see if it changes.
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Looks like the camera might be focused on a Near object, thus far objects are not sharp.
Could be the little branches, or the tree bark ( right)
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I thought so too but isn't the 4k-x a fixed focus distance? There are no motors in there to move focus.

Distance to driveway edge is about 40-45 feet.
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Crank that bitrate up to 20,480 or higher if it lets it. Also lower the FPS and see if that helps.

A lot going on in that scene (trying to resolve every one of those stone angles in the driveway) and at 4K it takes a lot more processing than a 4MP.

That may not solve all of it because as pointed out, focus was a known issue with the 6mm version (probably because it it underpowered) and why Andy stopped marketing them.

Also make sure Area of Interest (or is it Region of Interest) is turned off.
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Area of interest is the ROI tab on that screenshot above - you draw a block around where you want the camera to "focus" the bitrate at - so it will be higher bitrate in that area and less in the area outside the box.

I guess for kicks try it on the street and see if it makes that clearer and fuzzes up the driveway.

Maybe it is playing around with ROI to find the sweet spot for you.

If upping bitrate and dropping FPS helped, it sounds like the issue of just too much going on in the scene and it can't process it all.

Maybe for your situation the ROI will help.
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So ROI was off, trying turning it on and drawing on the street. Not much noticeable change. It's on now.

Maybe a Z4E forced to color would be a better fit up there. Already have 2 of them in other locations in service running IR at night.

A Z12E is on hand and going up there for LPR duty shortly.
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Maybe he got it worked out then. How's yours?
Mine is fine. But mounted 35 feet in the air so no DoF issue for me at that height.

Yeah, the 'blur' in this post seems opposite of what I recall being the issue with the 6mm. It was more for nearer distances. At least for the capture above, it looks more clear closer and loses focus more in the distance.
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Lots on here about blur close up. Nothing about blur on 1 side.

I was hoping this cam would work up there, plenty of light from the streetlight on the pole across the street.

Not so sure I’m going to keep it there…

@EMPIRETECANDY - ever see this before?