Search results for query: pushover

  1. K


    Thank you ATGPUD2024, That's a good recommendation and quite affordable. I have also experimented with TonyR's Pushover suggestion with good success.
  2. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    This isn't typical. Some user's have correlated these events with weak cellular/wifi connections. Example
  3. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Got it, btw what's the reason one has to click on a notification for the image to appear. Why not appear immediately? Is that a pushover limitation?
  4. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...These messages will always play a sound and vibrate (if the user's device is configured to) regardless of the delivery time. High-priority should only be used when necessary and appropriate. High-priority messages are highlighted in red in the device clients."
  5. R

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    I have pushover send alerts and a photo to my android phone, works great. In the past, my samsung watch also alerted me (pushover alert) with a small photo, but now all I get is the txt itself, no photo (the phone shows the photo, not the watch). Anyone know why... did I change something? The...
  6. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Working! I should work on my accuracy. I'm assuming all notifications to pushover are priority Normal? If so I'll add this right at the end of my syntax so it beeps my phone at night when it's in sleep mode (notifications settings always deliver immediately critical alerts is enabled)...
  7. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...argument. This is why they are MIA. Insert them after &MEMO in the --form-string="message=...&MEMO" argument. Try this... -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a...
  8. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...Do you still see an error? Still not getting any HTML links. Btw your example 1 code block on pg1 also has a " after </a> -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F...
  9. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    BTW, I asked for the screenshot because what you pasted in post #589 had a newline after the bit. If this newline was actually in your Run Action 'Parameters' configuration, curl would choke on it. For this reason, it's best to post code-like settings in...
  10. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks that you were not careful in editing and moved the hyperlinks outside of the 'message' parameter value. It should be this... -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a...
  11. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@C:\BlueIris\Alerts\&ALERT_PATH" <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a href='&WAN/ui3.htm?rec=&ALERT_DB'>UI3</a>"...
  12. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...I added the other HTML parts into the syntax too like <a href that was missing but maybe I don't have them in the right order? -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F...
  13. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...and has the time stamp to the right and the pic below Here's my syntax again. Does anything stand out to you that's wrong? -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F...
  14. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Glad you got it working. This is my GIF solution...
  15. K


    ...I discovered that notepad.exe was always running as a background process in task manager. My above discovery was made after I implemented your curl advice and noted that there was a curl connection attempt upon BI Trigger now. Thank you for your help. I will experiment with curl & Pushover.
  16. TonyR


    Curl is built into Windows 10 and BI can run it from an alert. See the below thread on how to run curl.exe to send Pushover notifications OR modify to run your desired script:
  17. K


    Thanks wittaj, I would like to use Pushover but my BI on Windows 10 will not run any scripts or exe via, Camera / On Alert / Run a program or write to a file / Action: Run program or script / file. Would you know if this is based on a Windows 10 Blue Iris subscription? Nothing in BI log to...
  18. wittaj


    An android you don't need annual support, apple yes as the certificate is only good for one year. Most use the pushover app instead of BI app to get around it.
  19. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Have you tried the these suggestions in the Debugging section in post #1?
  20. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    The macros work only from Blue Iris Actions. Replace them with actual values.
  21. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...using macros so I suspect something is wrongly configured in my registry. This is what I have in blue iris and got an alert -s --form-string "token=ae6redacted" --form-string "user=udmredacted" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a...
  22. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Testing at command prompt also failing C:\Users\BIuser>curl -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F "attachment=@C:\BlueIris\Alerts\20240519_160000039.front.13701655.5123-7.15785.16770.jpg"...
  23. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Not working for me and here's what I did so far to troubleshoot Pushover website push a test notification working I'm seeing image files generate after deepstack confirms in C:\BlueIris\Alerts. I didn't enable Hi-res JPEG files in Trigger/Add to alerts list (it's showing database only) but I...
  24. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Yes. If (much later than the alert event) you want to view the image via the Pushover notification's 'Hi-Res' hyperlink, it's best to enable 'Burn label mark-up on images' OR add 'Hi-res JPEG files' to the alert list (moved to the Alerts tab in v5.8.0). OTH, if you don't care about viewing...
  25. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...macros, if I'm not using a custom sound, should I just delete --form-string "sound=%999" (i didn't define any 999 in registry) -s --form-string "token=%996" --form-string "user=%997" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" -F...
  26. D

    Push: failed 80090328 to iPhone, check security exemptions and service Login

    Alright installing pushover now, lengthy process but could be worthwhile given other apps also interact well with it - Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks Once I get a certain version working well which in this case is, I'm going to fight to stay there for a long...
  27. IAmATeaf

    Push: failed 80090328 to iPhone, check security exemptions and service Login

    as far as I know upgrading is the only way and in fact a few people have lodged support tickets and the reply back have been to upgrade.
  28. D

    Push: failed 80090328 to iPhone, check security exemptions and service Login

    So is the only workaround using pushover?
  29. J

    Error on ALERT_PATH

    These temp files should not persist, and the macro should change once Blue Iris finishes processing the Alert. I'm running; ll try testing this tomorrow. Here's some background.
  30. David L

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    I remember having a magnetic contact on our Alarm panel so when the panel door was opened, while the Alarm was Active, it would set off the Alarm system...