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  1. Paiberfunk

    How to view Dahua cameras without browser plugins

    Maddeningly , both waterfox and firefox act the same.. extremely glitchy on the web interface and will not consistently let me draw lines on the camera image. I tried SmartPSS , but cannot figure out for the life of me how to get to draw the IVS lines.. there's only this mystery IVS Rule...
  2. Paiberfunk

    How to view Dahua cameras without browser plugins

    Fundamentally.. why should these work when firefox/chrome/safari do not ? What're they doing different ? AFAIK WaterFox is a reskinned Firefox with more default privacy, yes ?
  3. Paiberfunk

    How to view Dahua cameras without browser plugins

    What's the recommended solution these days for macs who can't run IE but need to setup tripwires and IVS type stuff ? I can get my camera on SmartPSS for M1/2 macs, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to setup IVS stuff like I see people doing in IE demos.
  4. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    i'm quickly learning this...
  5. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Was about to buy one anyways.... lucky me!
  6. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Does one get a lotto number even if you couldn't manage to buy a ticket ?
  7. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    I'm a little sad because it seems like it's a good bargain, on the other hand 1/2.7" (I'm new at this) seems like it's going to be significantly worse low light performance.
  8. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    My guess (as a product manager) is that this type of relationship benefits everyone. Andy gets a niche market carve out with loyal customers, and Dahua gets avid beta testers by selling a small portion of products below market rates, and we get shiny toys. Everyone wins.
  9. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Would people here agree though that Andy’s firmware and hardware often appears actually be better than OEM?
  10. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Ah , but Andy seems to unique exception to this , getting OEM quality without getting gouged ?
  11. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Wonder why nobody else is selling it / it’s nowhere on the dahua site then .. maybe a special low end model just for them ?
  12. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Amcrest also sells the “Andy” specs camera for like 499. What made me curious about this one was its clearly a different build and form factor entirely vs the T180 or B180 he sells .. I’m looking to know if it’s a different OEM completely
  13. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    yes, this is the one I ordered from Andy. The Amcrest version does not have IR either… it would appear to be similar to the T180s but with a lower frame rate of 15 fps (and probably worse sensor , I’m guessing )
  14. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Yea I know from having been reading the forums for a while but just lurking that Andy sells better stuff, I just bought my first camera from him off Amazon in fact after getting sick of the issues with the reolinks I’ve been having ! @Heavyopp sorry for the suspicious looking link it’s just the...
  15. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Hrm ? Did I do something wrong ? It’s just an Amazon link
  16. Paiberfunk

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Andy , I’m wondering if you have seen amcrest’s offering here and if it’s Dahua product you plan on carrying or if it’s a different vendor .. I can’t find much info on it :