Search results for query: pushover

  1. A

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    ...out the curl command and I can't seem to get it working. This is my command (the cmd is run as an administrator) :- curl.exe -s --form-string "mytoken_redacted" --form-string "user=myuserdetails_redacted" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO"...
  2. V

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Recently I was where you are regarding Pushover. Please see my post, #06 in this string:
  3. A

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Hi Everyone Guys, I am looking for some help to set up the notifications on Pushover app. Not trying to be after your blood but just that we have a long weekend here and I would be able to try out things that might be suggested over those periods relative to normal weeks. So any quick help or...
  4. S

    Updated BI to and now my EmpireTech Cam wont alert anymore

    IPC-T5442TM-AS-3.6mm Used to work fine on the older version of BI, alerting thru pushover. Now - I cant get any alerts. Nothing changed except updated blue iris. Pushover works (Manual alert via BI) But something must be going on with the signals coming from the camera over to BI (via ONVIF?)...
  5. A

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    ...don't seem to work as I think they should work. It's been set up on the camera web interface for now (as I don't know how to set it up on Pushover - looking for help to do so on that app - I have already purchased the app anyway). I have set it up for the camera for 'Smart Events' viz...
  6. TonyR

    Pushover Alerts

    BI's log shows the alerts as being sent BUT they are not coming in via Pushover reliably?
  7. atrain99

    Pushover Alerts

    Hello , I have curl.exe in win11 setup for blue iris with deepstack alerts via pushover and at times the alerts work great and other times of the day/night I get them randomly or not at all ??? Any help to get them pushing properly is appreciated Thanks
  8. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...share the app. If you migrate the Google Play or Apple account to a new device, you do not need to pay again. Just like all your other apps. (I just did this last week - to a new Galaxy S24+) You can also pay $5 for a desktop browser account (per browser). See more here...
  9. atrain99

    Blue Iris CPU at 100% and drive over allocation

    Hello I have Blue iris up and running with Deepstack AI for alerts via pushover. I have the cameras to constant record. Recently I'm getting drive overallocation and my CPU is at 100% . I've also noticed that the bottlenecking may be causing some of the Deepstack AI alerts to not be pushed...
  10. Pogo

    Preferred ways to get push notification of alerts from BI? MMS alerts..., which were only several a day. Nothing complicated or otherwise attention-getting in any way, shape or form. Knew about Pushover and decided to revisit the initial @jaydeel thread after perusing it some time ago just out of curiosity. Seemed like a lot of work at the time...
  11. T

    Delay between tasks in Alert Action set

    What sort of delays in seconds are people seeing from the instant you step in front of the camera to the moment you get your pushover/telegram AI based notification? I had tried uninstalling and reinstalling Blue Iris then re-importing my configuration. I saw in another thread that it might...
  12. robpur

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I've been playing with ntfy as a replacement for Pushover and have worked out a configuration for AITOOL. I've used Pushover for years and have been happy with it, but it won't run on GrapheneOS without Google services installed. Pushover and ntfy do about the same thing, but in different ways...
  13. biggen

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    No. Working the same for me as always. Delay can be anywhere from a few seconds to 15 or so.
  14. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    You have duplicate message arguments. Remove this one: --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO" It’s replacing the one first with the links you want.
  15. D

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    So here's my current message with the code above but I'm still unable to get the link. -s --form-string "token=ABCD" --form-string "user=ABCD" --form-string "message=<b>&CAM</b> &MEMO <a href='&WAN/alerts/&ALERT_DB?fulljpeg'>Hi-Res</a> <a...
  16. E

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...BI camera, right after sending a test message, the notification on the phone happens within a few seconds. It seems to me the pathway from pushover to my phone is delayed - or at a minimum, not consistent. I did get this error earlier today: That was prompted by me turning on an older...
  17. E

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    ...I was being lazy --- busted! :) No, I have the "wait for process to complete" unchecked. What's interesting is it seems when I'm in the pushover app on my android phone, there is no notification, but when I pull down to "refresh" the list of alerts, it'll show up. I've now uninstalled...
  18. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    See section Testing using the Windows Command Prompt in post #1.
  19. E

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Yeah, I'm now getting the tests from the pushover dashboard instantly on PC and phone. It's something on the BI side. When I do a "trigger now" it is taking minutes. I'll try the command line now.
  20. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks bi_gif_tool.ps1 utility instead the curl command (I’ve gotten used to a bit of delay). However, I can say that I am sending dozens of pushover notifications a day via Powershell scripts I am working on. For these, I have noticed no delays. Perhaps the delay you’re experiencing is caused...