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  1. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Impressive results. Keep us posted in a week or so to let us know how the overall stability/experience is going.
  2. J

    New lexan domes

    I have used that exact Meguiar's spray product, but for it's intented use, on headlights. I think one of the difficulties with trying to use it for a camera dome would be applying it in an absolutely perfect coating with the included spray-can nozzle. Remember, our camera's FOV will most likely...
  3. J

    5.8.0 - September 27, 2023

    Seems fairly self explanatory: the minimum duaration is as before, whatever is appropriate for your FOV. The newly added controls after that duration setting should default to 2 times within 3 seconds. Your pictured example seems impossible as shown: a 1 second trigger duration cannot occur 5...
  4. J

    5.8.0 - September 27, 2023

    Have you noticed if all of your Push (or Pushover, in my case) Alerts are working as before? I see significant changes there: the Alerts are populated in the Alerts list as they should be, but I am still trying to sort out the correct workflow to have all of my Pushover alerts come through as...
  5. J

    5.8.0 - September 27, 2023

    Yes, definitely many changes in It also defaults to a new setup of X number of triggers in Y number of seconds (2 triggers in 3 seconds by default). This seems to only happen after doing a camera details "inspection" then doing an "OK". Without the reinspection, it doesn't change...
  6. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Have you noticed that the entire website is currently down? That is likely affecting the ability to do both new "full" installations as well as adding downloadable modules. The whole CodeProject setup seems entirely too fragile IMHO. I currently have 2.1.18 working since it was...
  7. J

    5.8.0 - September 27, 2023

    Has anyone here tried this new version yet? Some interesting new features, just hope nothing got broken in the process. Yes, I know, no need to remind me: the leading edge is often the bleeding edge. I'm just looking for user experiences if there are any to report so far.
  8. J

    Rep. Lauren Boebert crotch grabber - best move she's done in a long time

    Once again, not a film, a live stage performance.
  9. J

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Huh, you might be running into another issue I have had as well: these Dahua cameras can be very stubborn about mixing and matching the (main) Admin: Username and Password vs. the "optional" ONVIF Username and Password. Frankly it's a bit of a rabbit hole getting those sorted, and good luck if...
  10. J

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Not sure if this is a proper workaround, but more of an observation: you can leave the camera firmware ONVIF Authentication on, and when you have an event that triggers this stream of "Events: request 8000ffff" (this can be from simply rebooting the cameras by power cycling them, or rebooting...
  11. J

    Blue Iris UI3

    Just to confirm and for my own understanding: these new(ish) caps on the number of items in the Alertlist and Cliplist only apply to what BI passes along to UI3, correct? in other words, when working from the BI console, these new numbers don't truly restrict the actual number of Alerts or...
  12. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Has anyone mentioned that the Coral USB and CPAI may not "play well" with the hardware abstraction going on with running this inside a VM? Just a possibility...
  13. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    In my use case, essentially the only times I get consistent notifications that are missing the image attachment are when I am the person leaving the house, setting off a few alerts. I attribute those missing photo attachments to in essence a glitch that occurs during that brief moment when I am...
  14. J

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    I was starting to wonder the same thing: yesterday I happened to open my BI console and noticed that an update was available (5.7.8). I didn't install it yet, as I was waiting for feedback on this forum, but I also noticed that the automated bot message didn't pick it up either.
  15. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Can you share any info on inference times with a medium size model with the OrangePi units?
  16. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I stand corrected, thanks. I guess I haven't looked in the last couple of months.
  17. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Have you really purchased one for $30? That has been the "theoretical" list price for a while, but actual retail has been over $100, if you can even find one at all.
  18. J website down (2023.07.07)

    A few people have proposed that those two conditions were needed for this to affect them: I can confirm that's not really the case. It affected my installation after about 24 hours from the first reports of this (so Saturday evening in my case), even though I never logged onto the console in...
  19. J

    Network connection to BI PC is lost after power outage. Restored with a reboot?

    I have to admit that it is odd that the fix is a reboot of the BI computer, rather than the router. Usually if it were an IP conflict, the router reboot would help sort that out, as they tend to be able to "see" and avoid assigning conflicts if they detect static assignments on the network...
  20. J

    Network connection to BI PC is lost after power outage. Restored with a reboot?

    You might also want to check and make sure that the static IP assignment of your BI computer is outside the range or "scope" of the DHCP assignments of the router. Oftentimes the router is automatically setup to assign the full available range of (private) IPs (for example -...
  21. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    I guess I'm relegated to always being the problem child here, as I can't for the life of me get version 1.7 to work correctly. I get no Pushover events now, as well as no logging injected into the BI logfile, but I do see the temporary popup toast notifications. I have followed the suggested...
  22. J

    Gigabyte Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor

    There will likely need to be a very carefully worded (tip-toe/dance) explanation posted after consulting with both legal and marketing departments (and most likely other interests as well). That might take a few days.
  23. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    I'm not sure that I asked the question clearly: is it a must to disable the secure webserver option when enabling the BI Pushover logging function (in all cases)?
  24. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Could you clarify one detail related to the new (optional) posting to the BI logfile feature? Is it mandatory to set this ( use credentials, be sure to uncheck 'Use secure session keys and login page' in Blue Iris settings: click Settings > Web server > Advanced) to the unchecked/insecure...
  25. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Awesome, that of course did the trick. I hadn't noticed the modifications that you had done to the Parameters line (perhaps you could consider more explicitly pointing those out if those change again, it should cut done on support guarantees naturally ;) ) . Many thanks again...
  26. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    HELP! I had this working well under yesterday's script version (1.4), but suddenly when I switched over to the new (as of a few hours ago) version 1.5 script, my attachment photos are no longer being sent. I saw that that was (in theory) the changeover to Optional attachments under 1.4, but it...
  27. J

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Out of curiosity, and it might be too early to tell, but have you gotten any sense that using this might cut back on the number of "empty" (missing attachment) Pushover messages? I haven't implemented this just yet (and will probably have more questions later when I do), but this would be my...
  28. J

    Push alerts not working in

    In your attached image, under Notifications, Push notifications, the rights seem to be assigned correctly (all profiles are turned "on" except the "null" profile of "0"). I set them up this way for any User (Name) that is accessing the official B.I App and needs push notifications to work. Of...
  29. J

    Push alerts not working in

    This tripped me up for a while as well, until I realized that I also had to go to Settings, Users, Edit user, and add the Push Notification "rights" to this user in the lower left corner of that dialog box (along with which profiles that applies to).
  30. J

    EmpireTech Item Name Adding,important

    I'm sorry, but I fail to see how adding yet another cross-reference name/model number makes things any easier for customers: frankly it just adds to the already confusing situation where the Dahua and Andy/Empiretech model names don't perfectly align, now we add a third naming option. Was this...