Search results

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    Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

    Does a nuke from a poor country do less damage than a nuke from a rich country?
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    OMG Thermal!

    You held out longer than I did!
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    Need NVR + 7x IP cams + 1x doorbell cam. What would you do?

    But will it detect the person or vehicle with the light off? Depends on the ambient light of course. If you're running BI, you can probably set up BI to do what you want. I'm doing it with a T180, but using a thermal camera to do the trigger.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    A democrat plan I approve of! The only improvement would be to pull a few more with them.
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    Dahua NVR IVS not working on Search

    Ideally somebody responding would have the exact camera model. Just about everybody here has higher end cameras, but this one is close enough that its behavior should be similar to the more common cameras here. I don't see that you've stated if you're searching on the camera itself or an NVR...
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    Dahua NVR IVS not working on Search

    Which camera model?
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    Latest SmartPSS 2.003.0000004.1.R.230310 refuses to run new cameras added via IP/port (37777)

    I'm running the same version of smartPss and have one direct connection to a camera. I think you said you have 2 cameras successfully connected and can't add the 3rd. This all suggests to me that there's some reason for the problem other than the smartPss version. The first obvious thing that...
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    54IR-ZE-S3 vs 58IR-ZE-S3 Night quality

    With your pictures not covering the same area it's hard to have an apples-to-apples opinion. A while back I ran their predecessor models, a 5442 and 5842, side-by-side, and was pleasantly surprised that the 5842 wasn't as less-good at night than I had expected.
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    Ethernet splitter

    I use a few of cheap ebay passive splitters and a few DIY. They all work ok.
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    The Craziest Taxi Ride Ever

    Reminds me of a time when I was in my 30s when the Porsche sales/demo guy used the other cars on the freeway as pylons. I was more scared than impressed.
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    Ethernet splitter

    Wow, I wonder how the one with the mod A/mode B switch works? To work with mode B that uses all 4 pairs, there must be some kind of circuitry inside the splitter at the switch/injector end. Maybe that explains why it's on the expensive end of the non-switch splitters. The weatherproof...
  12. T you agree with the advice I got from EmpireTech on camera selection?

    Some comments: 1. The recommended cameras are "turrets" (or eyeballs). not "domes". This is what you want for outside use. 2. The 4MP camera will do better in low light, while the 8MP will give a somewhat sharper image in bright light. Depends on your priorities. 3. I recommend you get the 16...
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    Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

    I see a lot of arguments here to start a direct war between Russia and USA, but not an answer to what I thought was a simple question.
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    Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

    Doesn't surprise me. If Russia put missiles into Cuba, wouldn't we react with some strong message?
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    Mini-Review EmpireTech IPC-Color4M-T

    I had coincidentally just read your very helpful post in another thread about equating the old names with the new names. It was so much easier with numbers indicating the model line of the camera. Comparing numbers is intuitive. The names WizMind, WizSense X, WizSense S, and so forth make no...
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    EmpireTek IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 - Dahua IPC-HDW5442T-ZE - Same software?

    The S3 cameras use different firmware than earlier models. EmpireTech puts the S3 on the model number, and it looks to me like Dahua doesn't. So as long as the 5442T-ZE is an S3 version, the answer is yes. If it's pre-S3, the answer is no, and the EmpireTek model is the better camera.
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    Mini-Review EmpireTech IPC-Color4M-T

    Is it still too stupid that it can't detect animals?
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    And when the dems throw a hissy fit, can we throw their own tactic against them, "misogynist" ?
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

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    Need NVR + 7x IP cams + 1x doorbell cam. What would you do?

    Roughly the same reason I got a 16 channel NVR for 12 cameras and now I'm SOL with 18 cameras.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Why did Gaetz resign his congressional seat so quickly, only to drop out quickly from the AG appointment? Possibilities I can think of: 1. He knew bad stuff was coming his way and preemptively resigned. 2. Allows Florida to get the ball rolling quickly on the special election to fill his seat...
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    WTS (sold) Dahua IPC-T5442T-ZEB + 2x IPC-HDW5231R-ZEB

    T5442T-ZEB $60 + actual shipping 5231R-ZEB $30 each + actual shipping The photos are 2 views of the same cameras. The 5442 is the one that says "Empire Tech" on the base. The 5231s were outside for a few years. The 5442 was outside for a few months until I figured out it can't detect animals...
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    What email did you use? Aside from that, you can't expect much handholding because of the low price business model. As wittaj stated, you can expect some help from the forum if you don't make outrageous requests.
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    Alternative to ZeroTier?

    Negatory on using an email address...
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    Alternative to ZeroTier?

    Sounded good to me until I saw that you need to use an account from a list of places I avoid.
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    Cannot Change IP Address On Dahua IPC-HFW8232EP-Z

    Assuming they're not very expensive, sounds like a good idea.
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    Alternative to ZeroTier?

    I'm using the free edition of Team Viewer and getting along with it fine. I don't have any comparisons to make, so this isn't so much a recommendation as it's something to try. The biggest annoyance is that it nags you to buy the non-free version.
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    Cannot Change IP Address On Dahua IPC-HFW8232EP-Z

    I and others figured this out a few years ago. It's probably the biggest shortcoming of ConfigTool in terms of causing confusion and wasting time. I vaguely remember the last time I initialized a camera, the newer ConfigTool showed a warning message about changing the password in the search...
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    How to Fix Drive Issue: Overallocated

    More and more companies aren't content to sell you something. They want a continuous cash flow from you. Probably the same reason DVD movies are disappearing. If the public accepts it, they'll get away with it. You will own nothing and you will be happy!
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    How to Fix Drive Issue: Overallocated

    Omygosh, I've been answering under the assumption that you use the typical setup of the C: drive holding all the files except the big storage file, with that being on a separate physical drive. That bad assumption explains some things you said that I didn't understand, and makes some of the...