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  1. S

    Just for fun: Stream your dashcam to BlueIris

    This isn't really a practical setup, but just wanted to share a quick project. Grain of salt, this requires quite a bit of infrastructure so it's not for everyone, but I figured I'd share anyway. There are a lot of ways to do this, but I did it with mostly things I had lying around. Here's a...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    LOL, oops. I didn't even know a FAQ existed! Added this reminder to the top post in case anyone is lost in the future. 100% Everyone's environment is different, so it's all about tuning things to fit your needs
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Great share and awesome feedback. I'll add in your findings about BI config to the top post. Good note that static object analysis should be disabled to prevent flooding requests. In my case, I'm not having BI control CPAI, so I wasn't able to adjust the model size from there. Good reminder...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Done. Updated top post with my results and changed title of the thread to focus just on Coral on CPAI
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Not topic at all. Very much appreciated. I was suspecting the same thing and I was hoping someone could confirm. I also wasn't sure which version of CP.AI would be the most stable, and I haven't had the time to play with all the different releases. Since it's taken a slightly different turn...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Yeah, i know coral support was added just recently, and things are still really fluid, so I fully expect it to be all really experimental. That's why I'm asking what others are seeing so we can share some data :) Definitely will experiment on my side and share any results I can. Thanks @mailseth...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Just wanted to report back on this. Ordered the dual TPU PCIe adapter. Ran into far more hiccups than I should have along the way on both hardware and software side of things, but finally got it installed and working. I've been able to meet my goal of moving all my object detection to the dual...
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    8-9ms inference speeds with OpenVino on a cpu 7th gen!!

    those are great numbers. I wonder if there's a way to incorporate into BI
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    BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox

    oh man, yeah, dizzying number of ways to configure storage. In my case, here's how I do it (pretty much what @Hetticles listed under option #2): I have an LXC client acting as an NFS/Samba server on the same physical proxmox machine The LXC file server manages my entire disk array and blue iris...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Yeah, absolutely. power, heat, and noise budget are all part of the calculus. Costs are one thing, but noise could be an even bigger dealbreaker for some. Too bad benchmarks don't exist for CPAI. Trying to get a handle on what to expect out of various platforms
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Thanks for clarifying. Gotta love those late night purchases! We've all been there. This reminds me all over again that the Dual TPU should be used in dual channel mode in order to use both processing units. An adapter which properly supports the necessary 2x PCIe channels for the Dual TPU to...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Awesome. My board does support birfucation. Do you have first-hand experience with that adapter? I'm wondering if the Dual version of the coral works on it.
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    BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox

    Yup. You can do a few combinations. All of which sound like they work for your use case. For example: One GPU for VM(A) and one TPU or GPU for VM(B) One GPU for VM(A) and one TPU or GPU shared for various LXCs (On a separate, but related note, this is further complicated by advances in...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Oh, great question. My topic was intended to be a conversation reference for others in the same boat right now. I was looking around and noticed most of the recommended M.2 to PCIe adapters were in the $30 range and Coral Dual TPUs are now back in stock for $40 ($70 total). Got me wondering if...
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    BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox

    I just made this migration several months ago. I will echo everything @Hetticles wrote above. I'll also add that Proxmox is great and really easy to get started, but making sure everything runs optimally can require a lot of time. Some things to consider for planning: You can choose "fat" (full...
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    Sharing setups with CodeProject AI on Coral hardware (Spring 2024)

    Hey ipcamtalk. Sorry if this has been brought up, but things move quickly, so just wanted to get some opinions on the best hardware accelerator options for under $100USD? I was previously looking at coral m.2 since I have one lying around, but it won't work in my current Intel-based system. I...
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    Alerts: zoom in on AI detected objects without framing?

    Hi everyone, I'm using BI alerts to remotely view activities on my phone. The alert images are great, but I'd like to zoom in on the alerts since it's much more helpful to identify things this way. This is mostly working great, but as you can see from the sample below, the framing of the...
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    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    good point. I'll post back with results after it comes in after a few weeks
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    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Does anyone know how a Coral Dual Edge might perform against a 3 year old i7 (10700K) for CPAI? It seems things are moving pretty quickly in terms of adding Coral support, despite the old hardware. Thinking of picking one up to test out. Thanks!
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    Successful change of 1/3" Dahua lens from 2.8mm to 25mm

    Just a quick note to add about removing the original lens and Dahua cams. I've had very good success removing the glue simply by blasting it for 30 seconds with a heat gun. If you don't have a heat gun, a hairdryer will work. It will just take a few minutes instead. Once the glue is warmed...
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    Create GIFs from alerts & clips; Send Pushover notifications with GIF attachments

    Appreciate your reply jaydeel. Yes, confirmed that the pathing is correct for $bi_alert_folder_path. EDIT: Actually, now that you mention it, I tried using the UNC path (/server/bi/alerts) instead of the locally mapped path (D:/bi/alerts) and it seems to be working. Thanks!!!
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    Create GIFs from alerts & clips; Send Pushover notifications with GIF attachments

    After using this for months with no problems (thanks again @jaydeel !) I've run into a weird edge case problem. For various reasons, I had to reconfigure my blueiris server to use a network share for clip storage. After moving to network share for storage, I noticed GIF files were no longer...
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    Create GIFs from alerts & clips; Send Pushover notifications with GIF attachments

    Makes perfect sense. I should have caught that myself; I appreciate your help!! New update works a treat. Awesome work! If time permits, my plan is to write an add-on script or maybe fork yours to work with Home Assistant. My hope is to eventually have more granular control over notifications...
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    Create GIFs from alerts & clips; Send Pushover notifications with GIF attachments

    @jaydeel Awesome script! Thanks for putting it together! Ran into a hiccup with forgetting to reboot the host after adjusting the environment vars, but everything else went smoothly! This is much more polished than my old pieced-together scripts for the same function (I was using scripts to...
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    simple comparison of deepstack on x86 vs arm64 + intel compute stick

    Been experimenting with deepstack performance and wanted to share some quick results x86 setup Intel i7 10700K 32GB Dockerized deepstack arm64 setup raspberrypi 4 with 8GB + intel compute stick Dockerized deepstack Sample results below (Both sets are from the same video clip from a doorbell...
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    Severe video blocking and artifacting with Dahua and new i7 Blue Iris server

    Wow, what a great post. Thanks for the tips! Been crazy busy lately, but I'll be sure to try out some of these ideas. The part about moving off SSD makes a lot of sense in an unintuitive, roundabout way. Appreciate the info!
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    CPU from 67% to 82%+ After Update to (same was true after update to

    Yup, confirmed the correct URLs for proper substreams. Half my cameras only have 1 substream anyway.
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    CPU from 67% to 82%+ After Update to (same was true after update to

    I'm also seeing a huge CPU spike with recent updates. Went from 5-10% to over 70-80%. Was already on substreams and verified they're still being applied. Trying upgrade to now to see if that solves the problem.
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    UI3 Tablet Recommendations

    Very good question. High WAF/reliability is very important to me too, and I ALWAYS prefer wire. Unfortunately, the adapters included in the mounts are not true POE. They only convert power. I have not found a suitable micro USB poe adapter which fits right angle yet. Not sure if it exists...
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    UI3 Tablet Recommendations

    Yes, can totally be done on Homeseer or even BlueIris. Regrettably, I don't have time to do a full writeup (and I don't have homeseer), but if it helps, here's the mile high overview: Quick rundown of how you get Tasker to trigger overlays from MQTT events (off the top of my head) Install MQTT...