Search results

  1. M

    SD49225XA-HNR rolling shutter above shutter speed 1/120

    I got around to installing my SD49225XA-HNR about a month ago, after having purchased from Andy a couple months before that. I've been dialing it in for it's application, but I get a rolling shutter effect at any setting of 1/120 or above. The higher the shutter setting, the worse it gets. I...
  2. M

    q see cam issue

    I went thru the NVR web interface by using the LAN address. Click the info tab. I have a Q-See 858 (white), which is equal to a Dahua NVR4108-8P V1, circa 2016. I may not even have 3 series interface. I don't really know, I stopped using the NVR some years ago. Your model is much newer with...
  3. M

    q see cam issue

    You can stick down your current path, this is just FYI, this is what I was looking for on the system/version page, this is on mine. You have what you need for now, no big deal.
  4. M

    q see cam issue

    8MP cameras are also called 4K, you don't have 8K cameras. I used "Duck-Duck-Go-Search-Fu". Correct, I may have pointed you to the wrong page for the info, or just thought I saw something I didn't. Regardless, you have possession of the user manual for your NVR now, and a path forward. Please...
  5. M

    q see cam issue

    Here you go. This looks like it.
  6. M

    q see cam issue

    I'll have to check mine later and see if I can provide an example and where it is. Even if it's not what I think it is, I will just default to matching up visually and by features.
  7. M

    q see cam issue

    Odd. When I click the same link, it starts downloading a .zip file. It may not be that page in the NVR. I'm not in a spot where I can look into my NVR, but if it's like mine, I believe somewhere, in some information, is an alphanumeric string, and I believe it starts with "NVR" Kinda poke...
  8. M

    q see cam issue

    Your NVR probably has 3 series firmware. I doubt you are on 4 series because of when that NVR was on market. Here is an excellent resource for the NVR interface. I will still try to find a manual for the hardware aspect. I just thought of something else that would keep me from just searching...
  9. M

    q see cam issue

    Looks like a pretty decent NVR. I'll try to match this to a Dahua model today for a user manual. Dahua Wiki (scroll down to software section) Your need for a config tool may not be as high if you set each camera up as an individual network device, then add to the NVR via the IP address. Up...
  10. M

    q see cam issue

    Possibilities: Also see under software and tools section for Mac OS software. These may be of help. If they're not, we'll try to match with the Dahua model for resources.
  11. M

    q see cam issue

    The QSee I got is everything --no Dahua at all. The only config tool I could find was from Dahua and I read in another thread here that QSee often used Dahua cams, so just went that way. I don't think I ever found any resource for a QSee config tool. In all my searching, I can't even find a...
  12. M

    q see cam issue

    I'm going to have to copy some of your post into mine so I can address your questions one at a time. I'm assuming if I get into the guts and am able to assign a static IP, that if I disconnect from the switch, it will stay, correct? That I'm altering something inside the cam software. Yes, in...
  13. M

    q see cam issue

    This is just my personal preference, but also aligning to best practices from this site, is to not have the NVR command the settings for the cameras, i.e. not "plug-and-play", configure all settings on each camera. You can still use the NVR for recording if you wish. I personally find...
  14. M

    q see cam issue

    I would think best practices for anything electrical would be to match the volt and amps of the camera. Oddly, I do not own one of these devices. The Dahua documentation for the 1831E only list DC12V, no amp value. The Q-See documentation says DC12V 1A. I do not know if this is standard, nor...
  15. M

    q see cam issue

    If #13 won't power up via POE, the only other way to get to the factory default process is if you powered the camera via the DC connector, but there are no guarantees on that. (But an alternate power source is good to have for troubleshooting purposes) Glad I could help.
  16. M

    q see cam issue

    The older Q-See kits were packaged as plug and play, if everything is default, you should not have to add the camera user and password. But did you try admin/123456 or admin/12345? You do edit the camera password in the NVR setup tab, click the pencil under modify. IIRC, the QCN8093B may be...
  17. M

    scrambled green screen

    According to the random models checked, 12th i9 gen uses UHD 770, and 11th gen uses UHD 750 (for i9 and i7, i3 lists UHD 730)
  18. M

    scrambled green screen

    Did you use the find/inspect function in BI when add the camera? Was this an established system where everything was running fine, then you experienced the green screen? Do you have Windows updates automatic turned off? What, if anything, did you do between when everything was working fine...
  19. M

    Luxriot Set up 4 IP POE PTZ cameras only 1 works.

    You didn't mention the types of cameras. I wouldn't bother with creating a camera group until all your cameras are connected successfully. Are you using the latest version of Evo Complimentary? In the monitor, under channels, the local server is in red, probably because you haven't connected...
  20. M

    Camera intermittently stuttering offline many times each day

    I'm not saying this is the cause, but I've seen that before on cameras that I added to BI manually. Do you see any issues connecting directly to the camera? I would have intermittent connections, weird frame rate readings, grey screen with pixellation at the bottom. When I added cameras using...
  21. M

    Hardware watchdog Time

    Since this is your BI system, there shouldn't be any reason it should go to sleep, but maybe check the BIOS for the idle power state settings to be sure the low(est) power mode is disabled. Haswell CPU's introduced sleep modes so low that power supplies had to be Haswell certified for support...
  22. M

    IPC-HDW5442TM-AS huge internet traffic

    In the camera interface, P2P is located under the network tab, in the access platform. I don't use SmartPSS so I have no remarks there. A better explanation of your network topology would help-what is your current setup and what do you want to do?
  23. M

    model rec w/ SMD(person) & vid qual =/> IPC-HFW1831E ?

    That is too general a question to ask. It depends on your use case scenario. Some cameras are going to perform better given the circumstances. You may get more input from the forum if you posted how you will use the camera and ask for suggestions.
  24. M

    IPC-HDW5442TM-AS huge internet traffic

    You may have blocked the camera itself from accessing the web, but if you've activated P2P, and SmartPSS may be running as a service so it records whether you're live viewing it or not, I would say that may be suspect. Turn off the P2P, always use a VPN to get to anything at home. SmartPSS may...
  25. M

    IPC-HDW5442TM-AS huge internet traffic

    Maybe the camera log file will tell you something. (Ignore the quantity of logs seen in screenshot, I'm dialing in a new 5442T-ZE) Highlight an entry and you can see an IP address.
  26. M

    DH-IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV-S3 jelly footage

    Thank you for the info. My question wasn't clear. It was the reference to best practices for setting i and p frames, and how this affects quality in different software (i.e. Blue Iris behaves better when i and p frame match). Your explanation above helped. There is the perpetual mention to...
  27. M

    DH-IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV-S3 jelly footage

    I just read the article myself, I hope I interpreted this the encoder plays a part in determining the iframe/p-frame relationship, the encoder in the camera hardware or the encoder in the software? What if there is a conflict between the two encoders? Just looking for clarity so...
  28. M

    DH-IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV-S3 jelly footage

    There seems to be two schools of though regarding fps and iframe settings. There are numerous mentions to match fps and iframe, but a post above mentions that matching is counterproductive to higher quality. I apologize if this is OT and hijack the thread, but can someone explain what benefits...
  29. M

    Christmas Sales 2021

    Everyone's marriage is currently safe, at least until Andy's Black Friday sale...
  30. M

    Christmas Sales 2021

    Y'all can rest easy, I don't think the SD49425XB-HNR is available anymore. I just checked with Andy.