Search results

  1. Swampledge

    New to PoE IP Cams with Blue Iris with AI

    If you’ve got cameras that are detecting and tracking people well, and that’s what you want, you’re all set and don’t need AICP analyzing images from those cameras. I use on a cheap cameras without those smarts to differentiate between shadow movements and people and cars. I also use it on a...
  2. Swampledge

    New to PoE IP Cams with Blue Iris with AI

    I’d also recommend that you spend some time getting familiar with Blue Iris and tuning motion detection settings before jumping into the complexity of CodeProject AI. CPAI analyzes what BI sends it, so a good understanding of BI tuning is groundwork for the refinement of AI. Also, if you are...
  3. Swampledge

    T5442T-ZE Failure Modes

    Camera in the subject line is a bit over 2 years old. It’s main stream seems to be starting/ stopping, while the sub stream continues to chug along reliably. It’s an outdoor camera, but the connection is indoors. I initially thought it was a switch issue, because I first noticed the problem...
  4. Swampledge

    Raccoon Pond Swim

    Why do I feel like a Peeping Tom when I watch this?
  5. Swampledge

    Pros should do better

    Article describes police search for a woman fraudulently making ATM withdrawals. Pictures aren’t bad, but you‘d think an ATM could have a better image. Also, why doesn’t a drive-up ATM also have a license plate camera...
  6. Swampledge


    I blame Amazon. They think people want delivery at those early hours, but you have to be diligent when ordering to pick another option to avoid them. As for why he pulled into your driveway, I can think of two: 1. It’s dark. In your driveway, his vehicle’s headlights help him see and avoid...
  7. Swampledge

    New to the site, big vision, many questions..

    Welcome to IPCamTalk! There’s no reason for your cameras to interfere with your wife’s internet access, if you set it up properly. Your camera system should be be able to function even if your router is powered down. I’d suggest you do a little bit of research into the difference between...
  8. Swampledge

    Questions regarding 5241-z12e (Zoom and substreams)

    Make sure you have zoom enabled on the PTZ controls tab of the camera settings. I have actually disabled it for my cameras of that type because I occasionally unintentionally change the zoom when accessing through UI3. I don’t have my LPR cameras set to record continuously because there are...
  9. Swampledge

    need super simple camera recommendation

    At a minimum, the camera, a POE injector or power supply, an Ethernet cable, and a PC with attached monitor. You could even use a “smart” TV with a built-in web browser in place of the pc once set up, although set up through one might be difficult. Easier would be a surplus pc with a network...
  10. Swampledge

    need super simple camera recommendation

    Based on info you’ve provided earlier ( detect presence, mostly differentiate between UPS and FedEx trucks) you don’t need 5 mp or better. Also consider that, especially if you can come up with a surplus PC with a network card, your least costly, simplest setup might be an IP camera connected to...
  11. Swampledge

    Mini-Review - 5442-Z4E-S3 AKA B54IR-Z4E S3 - Replacement to the 5442-Z4E

    My 2nd LPR camera is a 5442E-Z4E S3. I decided to test it in that application because it’s very close to the road, and, if it didn’t work to my satisfaction, I had another location where it would be perfect. After setting up the manual exposure for day and night, I was amazed to find it was...
  12. Swampledge

    PTZ Seeking Your Sage Advice And Guidance

    I’ve recently been thinking of getting a PTZ to put on my barn to monitor the chicken coop and run, but able to scan other parts of the property with great zoom if needed. The only intruders are generally bear, bobcat, fox, and deer, except for the infrequent (and explicitly permitted) visits...
  13. Swampledge

    How to install PoE camera with limited attic access?

    A Blue Iris license costs less than a single good quality camera. Renewal is not necessary unless you want to continually upgrade. In over 2 years of use, I have never had a need to seek support from BI. Every device, including NVRs, has a learning curve. If it doesn’t, it’s gonna be very...
  14. Swampledge

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I transitioned to CPAI the same way- bought a 2nd, newer PC and a second license. Installation went pretty smoothly- but I’m just using CPU and not messing with GPUs, containers, etc.
  15. Swampledge

    need super simple camera recommendation

    Also, what information do you hope to gain from this camera? Merely the presence of a car or person, or sufficient clarity to identify a person’s face or license plate?
  16. Swampledge

    How to install PoE camera with limited attic access?

    Yes, if you put a POE Ethernet switch in your attic, it could power one or more POE cameras through standard Ethernet cables. (Make sure they are pure copper, not CCA, but that’s a rabbit hole we should avoid for now.) The switch would plug into a standard outlet like any other electrical...
  17. Swampledge

    How to install PoE camera with limited attic access?

    @Nixer22 , I see your concerns about seeing and recognizing intruders on your property. Be sure to read and understand the principles of DORI when selecting and locating cameras.
  18. Swampledge

    How to install PoE camera with limited attic access?

    NVRs are really computers with the manufacturer‘s software. Blue Iris is NVR software that runs on a Windows PC. I went with Blue Iris because It can accomodate a wide range of cameras, and it is continually supported and upgraded, plus, in the event of hardware failure, it can be reinstalled...
  19. Swampledge

    Selecting compatible cameras and software

    I think Blue Iris will do just what you want. I started with it 2 years ago, and love it’s customize-ability. Blue Iris’ price is a bargain for what it delivers. Plan to use wired cameras to your BI PC or NVR, then you can view them via WiFi. I have an under $200 PC in the basement running BI...
  20. Swampledge

    How to install PoE camera with limited attic access?

    Welcome to IPCamTalk! Here’s a stab at sorting out all the equipment you need to consider : You need a modem to convert the internet access from your provider to an Ethernet system. The router allows devices in your house network to talk to the internet through your modem. If you have WiFi in...
  21. Swampledge

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    So you are following David L ‘s instructions at post #538 ?
  22. Swampledge

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    Are you referring to instructions posted in this thread? If so, what post # ?
  23. Swampledge

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    The reason you want to assign an IP address outside your DHCP pool is so that you don’t unintentionally assign an IP address that your DHCP server has assigned to a different device and cause a conflict. If you know of an unused IP address within the range used by your other cameras, you can use...
  24. Swampledge

    Low Voltage Transformer to Power IR Illuminator(s)

    When I replaced my landscape lighting “transformer,” I noted that some are AC and some are DC. So make sure your power supply is the same as your illuminator.
  25. Swampledge

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    It’s AC. Mine’s running on my old doorbell transformer. Edited to add: Same as the Ring and Nest video doorbells it replaced.
  26. Swampledge

    Have we lost some AI troubleshooting ability, or is it me?

    BI version CodeProject AI version 2.1.9 When I first started using DeepStack AI with Blue Iris, I recall being able to inspect the details of the AI analysis and see a photo of each frame sent to DeepStack. In the BI version I’m running, when reviewing a cancelled alert, the only photo...
  27. Swampledge

    BI alternative

  28. Swampledge

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    What I do is maintain low expectations for the “intelligence” portion of AI. I have a camera where I found rabbits were most often detected as birds, so I alert on rabbits and birds. I want to be alerted if deer are present, and during one rainstorm I kept getting “deer” alerts because of a...
  29. Swampledge

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    I have negligible experience with NVRs/DVRs. But Blue Iris’ built-in web server is what you would call adaptive. It sends sub streams for multi-camera views, and automatically switches to the main stream for single camera views
  30. Swampledge

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    Phil, I get the impression you are very concerned about display resolution, hoping to see all fine details on many cameras. That is very bandwidth intensive. With the right cameras and system, display resolution should be fairly unimportant. One neat thing about the Blue Iris solution that has...