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  1. Lebeter

    Any way to get 3mp 12mm camera capture license Plates?

    If I ever ran an LPR system, what i thought about doing was mounting an outdoor IR light and mounting it on a tree high up facing downward and powering it from one of my low voltage landscape lighting extensions since they are both 12v. Something like below. If you have a tree near the street...
  2. Lebeter

    Any way to get 3mp 12mm camera capture license Plates?

    I thought this was already a 12mm lens? You could probably find a 16mm mega m12 for 1/3 sensor on ebay to replace it with. Although, the further you zoom it in at this angle will mean even less frames to capture as something passes. going to have to kick up your frame-rate possibly for...
  3. Lebeter

    Any way to get 3mp 12mm camera capture license Plates?

    Can you give us some feedback after changing the exposure time to the smallest fraction. At least try a few of these settings if the light is altered too much with the shortest exposure. Try a few cars passing by and see if the results change.
  4. Lebeter

    Any way to get 3mp 12mm camera capture license Plates?

    Thanks nayr, yeah anyone could build it for about 40 bucks @ lowes. I built two of these. the birdhouse is 9.95, but i put two of them back to back and attached them to each other. birds have actually nested in the back one. get a 2x2 post, the house has a recess underneath to fit right on top...
  5. Lebeter

    Any way to get 3mp 12mm camera capture license Plates?

    This seems more like a shutter speed problem than a focus problem with my limited photography knowledge. When comparing to those photos with the UPS truck, the truck is actually driving away from the camera allowing subject/plates to dwell in the frame longer vs the angle of these shots where...
  6. Lebeter

    Break in, sort of

    I'd have to agree, I'm sorry that you got robbed as its a very unsettling ordeal to go through, but considering taking someone's life is really only something you should poised when your own life is in danger. Shooting people over stuff is just as mindless as stealing stuff. Stuff is stuff and...
  7. Lebeter

    Security systems lowering insurance?

    I think ultimately everyone has to weigh the benefits/drawbacks of such a service. I know folks who have alarms installed and then never set it because its not habit. Or if they have a scheduled arming setup they get annoyed by it and turn it off. Or they turn the whole thing off because the...
  8. Lebeter

    Security systems lowering insurance?

    You typically have to show a contract with a monitoring company negating any savings if you are self monitoring which often times doesn't count. So great you save $100 dollars, but you have to spend at minimum $9.99/mo. for some basic service and pay out more if you have too many false calls to...
  9. Lebeter

    Cat5/6 Cable - Currently very cheap / on offer at Newegg

    If the application is for in-wall or conduit installations I would recommend against this stuff. It was a great deal for a reason, its cheap cable. Stranded and no isolation member. Try running that through walls or sharp conduit and you will witness first hand the cable collapsing/crimping...
  10. Lebeter

    I need some good door alarm sensors

    I use the GRI switches, you can find them i bulk on ebay.
  11. Lebeter

    More Cameras? Specs/Settings help please

    Like others have said the most witnessed methods for reducing overhead are lowering FPS, pushing overlay/flipping/rotating onto the cameras and using Direct to Disk. With 7 cameras on a Phenom II X4 3.2ghz @ roughly 13MP, I was able to drop from around 70% to 50% just going from 20-30fps to all...
  12. Lebeter

    Tree Shadow false alarms

    Thanks for the response, but I'm trying to limit anymore equipment installations. As much as they can make the system more accurate they also involve more complexity and points of failure. I can live with a degree of false alarms which is the case with any system realistically but was curious...
  13. Lebeter

    Tree Shadow false alarms

    have people tried using this function to reduce rapid cloud/sunlight changes and or a camera swapping from color to IR mode at night? Trying to get rid of these alerts from occurring daily.
  14. Lebeter

    temp ban from

    Post the actual quote.