Search results

  1. Razer

    Good source to buy IP items at

    I order from him all the time and never even look at the catalog myself so I never even ask to see it. I just shoot over an email saying I need 10 of these and 20 of these or whatever and then he will shoot me the quote to approve and we're good to go. For those looking if you have a good...
  2. Razer

    Hikvision's new 4MP 2-series

    Leave it, it is there to capture moisture in the camera. Specifically important when installed outdoors.
  3. Razer

    "SLACK" > Have you tried it yet?

    I recently setup Slack and have it running in my office. It is actually very good and cannot be simpler to setup and install. I too read about it and decided to look into it more and then try it. In trying it I really had it fully setup in like three minutes. So really I ended up with fully...
  4. Razer

    GoPro Hero4 Drops price of 4k

    I really like the Mobius, I have not got one yet but have considered it for a long time now. I need another dashcam for my other vehicle and it is on my list. I'm also considering the JooVuu X camera and a few others. I like the wifi feature for setting changes, aiming, and pulling video all...
  5. Razer

    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    Depends on my use case I suppose, overall I personally greatly prefer a software and computer based solution over a standalone NVR. Exacq does update a lot, once a quarter at a minimum and some small ones in-between at times. Used to be more like every 45 days but they have slowed down since...
  6. Razer

    24 8MP Cameras using Blue Iris (follow up)

    @dobiecomputers - I run several servers and a ton of cameras spread out over multiple locations and I tried out a ton of software before settling on one that worked for my business use case. I ended up with Exacq and I have just shy of 90 servers and honestly need to count cameras again as I...
  7. Razer

    GoPro Hero4 Drops price of 4k

    I purchased an SJCAM M10 and the quality of video and audio was so bad we tried it out for a week or two and then gave up on it. It is sitting in the cabinet here discarded really, maybe one day we'll find a use for it but overall it is useless to us for now. I was actually pretty disappointed...
  8. Razer

    Cam Location Pic (2.8mm or 4mm)?

    I personally get my Hiks from @milkisbad who is here on the forum. CMIP3032 for the 4mm and CMIP3032-28 for the 2.8mm are the two I use. They are Hik cameras branded for them and his support is stellar. I'm attaching a couple of photos of a 4mm camera I have, one shot in 3mp mode which is 4:3...
  9. Razer

    Cam Location Pic (2.8mm or 4mm)?

    For that view if the doors are the important shot then I would do a 3mp turret or bullet with a 4mm lens. I agree that will be the better lens for the shot, and I would do a 3mp camera as you then have the option of the wider 2mp view or the more square 3mp view which I think would be your best...
  10. Razer

    People spread on videos

    Set FPS to 10, and the iframe setting to 10 also. See if that helps out. Leave the other settings as they are just to see. I would do variable bitrate at normal or higher quality but maybe separately as a test. Lower noise reduction too to like 30 or 40 as some of the ghosting right as you...
  11. Razer

    500 ft POE run

    I have many cameras working great one 500 feet or so of cable. Over 500 gets more dicey, but up to 500 I have had great success and no issues at multiple locations. How old is your cable? I do not even worry about 450 foot installs any longer as I've not had one not work yet. Prefer fiber or...
  12. Razer

    Have you purchased a HUISUN IP Camera?

    Nope, not yet and not likely to at this point. PTZ is mostly useless to me as the cameras are just going to sit and look at a static scene. Also the cameras are not supported by my NVR software so unless they work identically to Hikvision and can be installed as a Hik camera then no use to me...
  13. Razer

    Necessity of surveillance-class/WD purple hard drives and usage of SSDs

    I wondered the same thing, I have about 400tb of storage total on multiple servers and growing all the time. I used to use WD enterprise class drives and switched to Purple and they have been running great for me so far and I have had no purple drive fail yet. I'm using 3 and 4tb versions. I...
  14. Razer

    Baby Monitor Hell

    Yep, I agree with the above posters, that camera is perfect. I have the LTS version model CMIP8932 but there is also a CMIP8912 that is 1.3mp so probably better in total dark and it also does not have wireless. Regardless, that camera hits all you high notes for sure.
  15. Razer

    IP Camera Tester

    I have used one like that for analog cameras, IP cameras it is easier to carry a laptop for me anyway. Also, as a note on the one like that I have the battery is not connected inside when you get it, have to open it up and plug the battery in before it will charge.
  16. Razer

    That Is One Big Dog

    Even if she had the leash in hand it's not like she could really stop the dog from doing whatever it wants, so it is good it appears very well trained lol. I knew of one of those around here and it was kept in the back yard quite often and when I'd drive by I'd wonder why they bothered with a...
  17. Razer

    Choppy Playback

    It might be the iframe setting, that gives the look of an image "reset" every couple of seconds on the default settings. Try setting the FPS to 15 and the iframe to 15 and see what it looks like then. That's just my first thought without more information on the specific issue. If that's not...
  18. Razer

    Turrent or Dome

    Turret every time. Have used both many, many times and I no longer install domes.
  19. Razer

    Hikvision's new 4MP 2-series

    Sorry, I'm no help there as I only use PC based NVR software and have never used one of the standalone units at all. I need to buy the one in the classifieds here just for my own knowledge lol!
  20. Razer

    Playing multi files of multi cameras when backup for evidence.

    I use Exacq and when I export I can put as many as 16 cameras footage in one .exe file that is self-contained. Pretty neat as you can watch one, or all video streams, frame by frame, zoom in and out digitally and all. The cops do not need any special software and the software runs without...
  21. Razer

    Hikvision's new 4MP 2-series

    Contact @milkisbad on here. Better prices and better service for sure. Send him a PM, if service and ability to return and the like are important that is your best route.
  22. Razer

    Hard Drive - WD Purple or?

    So today I was setting up a new DVR and was able to run some performance data using the Samsung SSD tool. I installed an SSD for the OS, and installed a 3tb WD purple. I then reformatted the original 500gb Toshiba drive and set it up for video storage also. Running the numbers of course the...
  23. Razer

    Door kicker messes with my car

    Sounds like you have a decent plan, I find the motion detection on the Hikvision cameras to be okay outdoors and worlds better than other brands I've tried. Maybe bump it up slightly, and I too prefer to not sift through hours and hours of footage. I try to keep 100 days of footage on hand for...
  24. Razer

    Have I messed up unmanaged switch?

    Glad you got it worked out, it is much more fun once you can actually see images right? :)
  25. Razer

    Have I messed up unmanaged switch?

    You need to give your cameras an IP using SADP before they will show up in your router. They have no address by default until you set one. If they are showing up in SADP then everything is fine, you just need to finish setting up the cameras now.
  26. Razer

    Improving video quality from DS-2CD2332-I (video of actual thief embedded)

    For an area around vehicles like this if you don't want constant light then that is perfect for motion lights. Sure there is about two seconds for the camera to adjust but then your resulting video is great and the light alone is a deterrent many times. If not they have a tendency to look at...
  27. Razer

    DS-2CD3345-I 4MP Turret Missing NTSC (60htz) in Firmware

    I agree that it is pretty much a non issue in your case, though I could see issues if it was looking directly at lighting you might still see some banding, mine do in testing when they look at fluorescent lights for example even on a low FPS setting. Also, sounds as if you are a business user...
  28. Razer

    Recommendations on 8mm - 12mm camera

    Yeah, Frankie does not carry the 12mm lens ones and I give him grief for it all the time lol. I order my 12mm Hik bullets from wrightwood surveillance and they have been fine to deal with. I have 12-13 of them sitting on a shelf in my supply area right now actually, they are great and have...
  29. Razer

    IR LED light / Illuminator for outdoor use Scene IR seems to be highly recommended but I have not used one yet. Researching them now myself actually.
  30. Razer

    Cant get a decent night image on cars moving 25mph at 40 feet with my 4mp cam.

    So far I am having a harder time getting a good nighttime image on my 4mp cameras than on my 3mp cameras. You need to have shutter speed at 1/30 at the very lowest, on some of my 3mp cameras I have them at 1/120 and those work great at night even with cars driving by the cameras. You just need...