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  1. Razer

    This guy is fantastic

    Just as a side note - I also do not curse. My family growing up did not curse. I have a 15 year old daughter that does not curse. It is a choice, it does not hurt my feelings and I don't run away crying when people curse around me but I find it useless myself. To me it shows either a weak...
  2. Razer

    Any new exciting cameras coming form ISC-West?

    As the thread goes, what is the exciting stuff coming at ISC West this year? Anything new form Hikvision and Dahua? I can't attend myself but one of these days I really do have to get to one of these events. Need to be closer to me I guess, is there anything similar ever in the midwest...
  3. Razer

    Recommended siren and light combo that I can trigger via alarm output on cam or NVR?

    Re: Recommended siren and light combo that I can trigger via alarm output on cam or N As a note I solved my issue with two separate products. I ended up using this siren, This is VERY loud and works extremely well. This is just a standard siren and light that I then had to find a device to...
  4. Razer

    Ready to pull out my hair, help me with odd Hik issue aound setting an ip....

    In the end though nothing I did would make these work. I went back the next day and tried again with my laptop and a POE injector. I tried the cameras directly connected, via the switch, via just the POE injector and my laptop connected directly to the camera with a 6ft cable while I was on a...
  5. Razer

    Ready to pull out my hair, help me with odd Hik issue aound setting an ip....

    Ok, so it is not like I've not setup 400 or so of these cameras now so I feel I know my way around pretty well. Yet here I sit stumped and ready to severely injure some Hik 3032 cameras...... I am installing 24 Hik cameras in both bullets and domes right now at a new site. I have about 16...
  6. Razer

    Carl, the owner of Network Camera Critic, passed away

    Wow, extremely sad news for sure. I wish the best to the family, it sounds as if this was a major shock and out of the blue so I hope everyone handles this as best as can be expected. Sorry for your loss, he will be missed.
  7. Razer

    Why do people use virtual servers / hypervisors?

    I have programs that were too large for one server, and even on the newer high end servers the software itself cannot handle the number of connections we need it to do. Then we end up with a VM1 and a VM2 with the databases split in two as the software cannot grow as big as we need it too! It...
  8. Razer

    Ping Tracer - an internet connection monitoring tool

    Very cool tool thanks, though after you mentioned it I many end up with PingPlotter Pro just for the multi target tabs as I have need to ping several locations at once when I have issues. Appreciate your post on your solution though, it brought my need for a solution to the front of my mind...
  9. Razer

    Why do people use virtual servers / hypervisors?

    In my environment it is much better to have virtual servers than full real boxes. I recently built three servers and two run at slightly less than half load. Then one one can fail and the other can take up the slack. I also have another server at a third location that is just a backup so so...
  10. Razer

    CCTV Camera Tamper Proof Mounting Screws

    I agree, when I have lost bullet cameras it is because someone beat them to death with a stick or a 2x4. I've also had them cut the wire coming out of the bullet before, but only a couple of times as they usually cut it somewhere in the conduit run. Only once have I had cameras stolen, and I...
  11. Razer

    Best NVR Software that money can buy?

    Yep, I can certainly assist anyone with Exacq questions for sure. I too would consider all three of those mentioned to be good solutions it just happened that Exacq met all my needs best. Avigilon would be my second choice and overall while Milestone may work for some I was not a fan overall...
  12. Razer

    Effectiveness of footage leading to actual arrests, or any other camera sstories?

    I have had many, many arrests from our cameras. Footage is used at a minimum of a several times a week, almost daily, to answer some problem or question. Most recent arrest was last week. Some times the arrests happen that day, sometimes they do not know who it is at first and it takes a...