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  1. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    So, I just dropped off the HikVision mount at a Metal Fabrication shop to see if they can cut off the Dahua junction box and swap/weld it to the Hikvision to make the mounting process easier for me. The Hikvision mount is narrower and longer, However, I'm not getting my hopes up too high because...
  2. tech101

    Suspects casing and returning later in the night.

    Last night, someone stole a Corvette from our street. Did get the getaway vehicle on camera hours earlier while they seem to be scoping the area, and then they returned at night.
  3. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    Or Also feels like Dahua PFB306W-S might fit and than PFA120 will be fine ?
  4. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    I just got the camera over the weekend. First impression is it is really big :) and really well-built. I have not powered it up yet as it does NOT come with a mounting arm like Dahua, so I will order it and wait for it to arrive. Once that is here, then I will start testing and mounting it...
  5. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    Just heard from @EMPIRETECANDY that he shipped out the camera on Monday. This pic was courtesy of Andy before he shipped out the unit. Thank you so much, @EMPIRETECANDY! So here's the first teaser pic of what's to come, I guess!
  6. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    Update: Just checked with Andy he maybe posting some pics/video soon for the PTZ before the shipment if he has time :) Thank you so much @EMPIRETECANDY
  7. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    Yeah, that is the main reason for me picking out the 2MP version instead of the 4MP.
  8. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    I just checked with Andy earlier today; he said it's still about a 10-day wait. I'm still waiting for the order to ship. Also Andy is welcome to test it if he likes and has time and to post some videos here before he ships out the unit, but that's if he has time for that. Otherwise, I will post...
  9. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    No word yet on the shipping. I'm guessing the Chinese New Year might be causing delays, so maybe soon :) Also, I'm a bit busy now LOL, so hopefully, I'll be able to have one of my buddies install it for me If it arrives. We just had a baby girl last week, so our hands are really full at the moment.
  10. tech101

    Anyone Know What Make And Kind Of Car This Is

    No, likely not an RC; it usually has 'RC' written on the sides. There are a lot of customers in California now taking delivery of the CyberTruck, and also throughout other states. Right now, Tesla is pushing out the Dual Motor variant. The Tri-Motor is set to go into production later this year...
  11. tech101

    Anyone Know What Make And Kind Of Car This Is

    That Tesla CyberTruck appears to be a customer vehicle with a custom wrap.
  12. tech101

    Now that's a security camera

    Someone here once mentioned that cameras multiply like rabbits, and I must say, that is so true! :lmao:
  13. tech101

    Now that's a security camera

    For me, the reason was really that I wanted to get one. Also, I got it a while back, and some of those PTZ cameras with larger sensors were not even available when I purchased the Sony. I have the Sony paired with a large sensor PTZ, so while the PTZ tracks, the Sony serves as a fixed camera...
  14. tech101

    Now that's a security camera

    While it is a nice camera, you can get two or three PTZ cameras for a similar price, and they can auto-track. Don't get me wrong; it's a very nice setup. I have one, and I believe another member, besides myself, has also acquired one. However, you can achieve good enough with many fixed cameras...
  15. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Did you make any other changes to the code when loading Vin Data, especially concerning the timer? If not, it's odd because this process is supposed to happen overnight (Part of Daily Activity Routine)" , unless you manually click 'check forensics,' which is fine too. However, I recall a few...
  16. tech101

    Retirement Gift

    Congratulations on your retirement!
  17. tech101

    I like this PTZ.. HikVision - DS-2DF8C260I5XG-ELW 1/1.2" progressive scan CMOS @ 2mp.

    It'll be next month at some point, hoping sooner rather than later.
  18. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    As mentioned earlier, to handle larger values in the data received for the primary key (PK) and Site_ID, a larger integer type had to be employed. Seems like new signs ups are getting a bit larger values
  19. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Glad it worked out Don't forget to Configure pushalerts.
  20. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Close your downloader. Under your build file folder there is a config file. Make sure that is <add key="SqlCon" value="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=LPR;Persist Security Info=True;Integrated Security=true" /> For the connection string for downloader. Start the downloader. Also...
  21. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    You have no entries, that is why Blank On the Viewer. Well try to download the CSV from Rekor and than try to upload CSV file manually. Want to see if than any entries shows up. Also does the Downloader has the right database "LPR" ? Also your local Webserver imports imports on the downloader...
  22. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Aaha, So yeah you have no Entries for those dates.. Lets try this. SELECT * FROM LPR_PlateHits
  23. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Is downloader still Updating automatically ? In the background ? Do you know what is the latest plate ? Which came thru ? If. Yes Can you see that plate in SQL table ? Or maybe try to run this query and see if any results shows up.. SELECT * FROM LPR_PlateHits WHERE CONVERT(DATE...
  24. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Have you try installing the .net framework ?
  25. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Please ensure that the Viewer Connection String is set to "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=LPR;Persist Security Info=True;Integrated Security=true." Additionally, click on "All" Under date range and then Click "search for license plate data" This is to verify if the range of the...
  26. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    What is Your Connection string on the downloader ?
  27. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    On the viewer can you Please make sure the connection string is for SQL is correct ?
  28. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    Just to make sure this is a first time setup correct ? If. Yes can you make sure what ever IP You are using in able to reach the local webserver via browser on that PC is the one in the config settings of the tool. <add key="WebServer" value="http://LOCAL IP:PORT NUMBER" /> Also try...
  29. tech101

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports Steps I took To Get Mine Working. ZERO Programming Experience.

    When you mention that the tool cannot find the local web server, have you ensured that the IP is configured correctly for the local web server in the downloader tool? Additionally, could you also please confirm the default browser settings on the PC where the downloader tool is running ? Maybe...