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  1. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I've just added, but the button is not showing up. { "plate_number":"&PLATE", "Image":"&ALERT_JPEG", "camera":"&CAM", "timestamp":"&ALERT_TIME", "ALERT_PATH": "&ALERT_PATH", "ALERT_CLIP": "&ALERT_CLIP" }
  2. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I was able to update by following the directions on the notification screen and it went without issues on Ubuntu. The changelog screen is blank, however.
  3. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Yes, those arrows. thanks!!
  4. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    0.17 seems to have a new UI bug. When you enter "Correct Plate Number" by clicking on the image, the cursor keys are capture to scroll the images in the background rather than move the cursor in the foreground edit window.
  5. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Thanks, I'll give that a shot.
  6. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Is there a way to get a dedicated sub-forum for this thread? It would make things a little easier to find. Does anyone know a clean way to backup and restore the database? I am trying to move the install from one machine to another. I can get a new instance up with an empty database. I've...
  7. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    and it;s back.. (I didn't do anything)
  8. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I am soooo looking forward to this feature!
  9. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Anyone know what causes thumbnails to randomly disappear--it was there 20 mins ago. The full-size image is there, and browser refresh doesn't help. Thanks
  10. P

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Do you have static object analysis enabled?
  11. P

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Which module in CPAI is getting the queries? Is it the ALPR or the Object Detection?
  12. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    You have this in front of the key, right? "x-api-key:"
  13. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Check your API key to make sure they match.
  14. P

    Dahua model number decoder?

    Thank you both, that's exactly what I was looking for!
  15. P

    Dahua model number decoder?

    ok, thanks. no one has decoded their part numbers?
  16. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Default location is c:\BlueIris\Alerts
  17. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Did you control-left click on the clip?
  18. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    On BI, go to clips and select alerts. Find the one where it should have read the plate, and control-click on it. This will bring up the AI stats, you can see how the image was processed.
  19. P

    Dahua model number decoder?

    Is there a quick guide to decode Dahua part numbers? I'm looking for a camera that has very good low light and will be pointing this from driveway toward the street. I want to be able to see clearly up to 80ft away, on camera AI would be great. From the posts, I can't tell which models are...
  20. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I'm pretty new to BI also, but based on what I've learned, I think it goes like this: BI trigger (motion detection) > Alert/Confirm with AI > CPAI > ALPR module > BI Alert confirmed > ALPR DB If your LPR camera can be aimed at a license plate, you can manually trigger an alert in BI and watch...
  21. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    From the CPAI dash, I see there are 0 jobs executed, which might mean BI is not sending any detection requests to CPAI. What do you have on the camera Alert tab?
  22. P

    CPAI integration?

    wow, I dont know how I missed that part! Thanks, I'll definitely give that a try.
  23. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I updated and it worked perfectly, no issues. Thanks!
  24. P

    Is a few dozen / day "no signals" in status normal?

    What does your log show? I get this a few times a day, and it does match what I see on BI's UI where the signal disappears briefly. One camera is color, the other is IR (monochrome). Like you, I also do not see signal drops when I watch directly via rtsp using a browser. I'm on the latest...
  25. P

    LPR database/archival software
  26. P

    LPR on Aircraft-Registrations? Anyone?

    Non-towered airports are pretty common here in the US. Why not record broadcasts on CTAF frequencies to capture the tail numbers? ALPR will probably not recognize the tail numbers without some custom model? Maybe just run the images against OCR? There is a OCR module in CPAI that seems to...
  27. P

    Remote site, no broadband, power available

    That will depend on your camera and how you config it. If you want to control how much data you use, a more advanced camera with AI would probably give you more flexibility, for example, only sent alerts/images on detection of people rather than just motion. So spending more on the camera...
  28. P

    Remote site, no broadband, power available

    If you are not streaming from it all the time, 200G should be plenty.
  29. P

    Remote site, no broadband, power available

    If you have mobile service, maybe a cheap IP camera with a sim slot is the easiest way to do it. Reolink makes a few decent cameras a sim slot.
  30. P

    Remote site, no broadband, power available

    You didn't mention where in the UK, but if traditional broadband isn't available, have a look at WISP. Sailing isn't cheap, so I am guessing Starlink might not be out of the question for your club. :)