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  1. P

    CPAI integration?

    Interesting, were you on Coral on CPAI or CPU, GPU?
  2. P

    CPAI integration?

    Yeah, you are probably right, I didn't do that because I can already anticipate the responses: 1) frigate+ 2) someone in 2023 already tried (and mostly failed)
  3. P

    CPAI integration?

    I think you and I have very different experiences with Frigate AI. I am running it on a decent machine with Coral, and it's FAST but not accurate. It gets people and cars mostly right, but everything else is kinda poor. What I mean by integration is to call CPAI from Frigate, not actually...
  4. P

    CPAI integration?

    Any chance of seeing Codeproject AI integration in the future for Frigate? Would be awesome to see that.
  5. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    did you make a local "storage" directory in your docker-compose directory?
  6. P

    False positive tuning

    I do tell it to pre-trigger: However, the first 3 images are exactly the same (T-685, T-358, T0 are identical images only the yellow box gets changes):
  7. P

    False positive tuning

    Most recent frame would mean after make time, so if your make time was 1.0 sec, then the first frame it would send would be 1 sec after motion started, correct? I was wondering why for my LPR, I kept missing the plate because make time and zone trigger were capture the vehicle leaving the frame.
  8. P

    False positive tuning

    For "make time" = the amount of time motion has to take place before it is consider motion, so a 1.0 sec make time means it will not trigger if motion stops at 0.9 sec, right? While it is in make time, are the video frames queued to be sent to AI? If your camera is running at 25fps, does...
  9. P

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    The POE step down to 5V might be generating a lot of heat, maybe you can do the step down outside of your enclosure to avoid complex cooling for your Pi and SDR? Maybe something like this 5V 1.8A Isolated Output PoE Module - For Raspberry Pi 3 B+ or 4 Maybe also consider using 23 AWG cat6 to...
  10. P

    Running CPAI on OrangePi/RK3588--RKNN modules are "not available"

    In case anyone is considering running CPAI on the RK3588, this is what I am seeing in terms of perf on the RK3588 Below is on CPU. CPAI avg is slightly under 40ms running average. I only have a 15w power supply on it, so it's probably running at half of that right now.
  11. P

    Running CPAI on OrangePi/RK3588--RKNN modules are "not available"

    Okay, looks like the problem was the official Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS image from Orange Pi's site. Under platform, it comes up as Linux/Arm64--which is accurate, but looks like CPAI actually looks for OrangePi as the platform: I was able to get this to work by installing Joshua Reik's Ubuntu...
  12. P

    Running CPAI on OrangePi/RK3588--RKNN modules are "not available"

    Yes, sort of. I do not currently have plans to act on the data, just collecting it is sufficient. I only have 1 camera doing LPR currently and it's point out to a very quiet street. I'd be surprised if I would have more than 30 reads per day. However, where I plan to install this is going...
  13. P

    Running CPAI on OrangePi/RK3588--RKNN modules are "not available"

    Newbie here, but I've googled for hours but have not found much success. I currently run BI and CPAI on the same server, and it works ok. The server does not have a GPU and it takes 300-700ms for AI to run, and this is on only a few cameras. The server is a 11th gen Intel i5, 16G of ram...