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  1. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    just to confirm, did you put your cameras password in the URL and then try?
  2. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    replace "user" with admin and "pass" is the password to your camera. Also take out ":80" Your URL should look like this: http://admin:<insert your camera password here>@
  3. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    What's the exact URL you're using?
  4. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    Newer Firmwares (5.5.x and above): http://admin:password@IP/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/1/picture Older Firmwares (5.4.x and below): http://admin:password@IP/Streaming/channels/1/picture
  5. RyanODan

    Get still image through URL from Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]

    You can only pull snapshots with HTTP URL in a browser I believe.
  6. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    You can try this: H Series Doorbell Camera Quickstart Guide - Nelly's Security It should still work with a 24v transformer.
  7. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Hey @WilRC Sorry about the late response, I just now saw your post. Did you get a chime already? If not you can get a good mechanical chime on Amazon or at whatever Holland's equivalent to a Home Depot is. Here's the one we use at Nelly's for testing...
  8. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    It would help a little bit but there will most likely still be some wall in the view.
  9. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    that all depends on the location so without any of that information or pictures I can't really say. It doesn't angle it much but helps in some scenarios.
  10. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    Side Wedge Mount for NSC-DB1 Wifi Doorbell - Nelly's Security Up / Down Wedge Mount for the NSC-DB1 Wifi Doorbell - Nelly's Security
  11. RyanODan

    Hik connecting DS-KB6003-WIP Wifi Door Cam to 7616NI-E2

    Glad to hear you got it working!
  12. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    I tried when we first got the DB1 but it continually rang the chime over and over after I plugged it in. Could've been something wrong on my part but didn't spend to much time on it. I'm also curious if anyone has established a connection through it. It's microUSB, not the newer Type C.
  13. RyanODan

    Hik connecting DS-KB6003-WIP Wifi Door Cam to 7616NI-E2

    They've released at least 3 firmwares [that I know of] since the one you have installed. I would suggest upgrading. Here is a link to the newest...
  14. RyanODan

    Hik connecting DS-KB6003-WIP Wifi Door Cam to 7616NI-E2

    You may want to try that password mentioned in my post with Blueiris. Although, if you're able to get into the web interface you should be able to use that username and password in Blueiris without problems. I've never heard of there being two passwords for the doorbell. If still not working I...
  15. RyanODan

    Hik connecting DS-KB6003-WIP Wifi Door Cam to 7616NI-E2

    No. Hik connecting DS-KB6003-WIP Wifi Door Cam to 7616NI-E2
  16. RyanODan

    Hik connecting DS-KB6003-WIP Wifi Door Cam to 7616NI-E2

    Did you try what I mentioned in my last post?
  17. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    What firmware are you currently at? Did you factory default it after each firmware upgrade/downgrade?
  18. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    @dony71 First you need to add the doorbell using the app that it came with. Next, simply log into EZviz using your Guarding Vision or Uniden account credentials you created during the initial setup.
  19. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    @dummptyhummpty Are you using a modem+router combo only or is there a router in front of your modem/combo?
  20. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    I could be wrong but I doubt it will help the wifi signal at all. You will probably have better luck installing a wifi extender and then connecting the doorbell to it, have you tried that yet?
  21. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    This firmware works. I installed it today and everything seems exactly the same as far as web interface and operation. I imagine they fixed "bugs" but no way to tell until (or if ever) there's a release log. Let me know if anyone else gets a chance to test it out and if it resolves any issues...
  22. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    I agree, I usually do it the other way around too. Unfortunately the doorbell has to be online and fully working to upgrade through the app or LAN. I've never tested any other firmwares but from what I've read they are all the same. You bet, here's instructions to upgrade it on your local...
  23. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    That's correct. For the record, I wasn't trying to be rude by referring you to the earlier posts and apologize if that's how it came off. There are just a few possible problems you may run into and requirements you should be aware of before deciding to purchase. With that being said there are...
  24. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    As far as I know you cannot get button push notifications/2-way video chat with anything except the Hikvision apps (Hik-Connect, Guarding Vision, iVMS-4500). I don't personally use BlueIris so I could be wrong.
  25. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    @diver165 Thanks for the info, good to know it works great on LAN!
  26. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    @tWeEzY, you may try defaulting it by holding the button on the side for 15+ seconds (usually continue holding for 10+ seconds after it says "the device is rebooting") and then deleting it from the app. Once both of those steps are done set it up again, once set up try it's IP address in...
  27. RyanODan

    Hikvision cameras with Firefox browser no plug in

    The new NVR/DVR firmware (v4.1.x) for Hikvision supports Chrome.
  28. RyanODan

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    For everyone having issues with it disconnecting/showing offline randomly (and sometimes still getting notifications), it's not your doorbell specifically. A lot of people are having the same problem. It works great on the LAN only but the cloud connection is where the problems seem to start...