Search results

  1. RyanODan

    Onvif Compatible Doorbell Cam

    We have a new wifi video doorbell that will cover everything you mentioned as well as record to your Hikvision NVR. It's also ONVIF conformant for adding to other devices: NSC-DB1 1080p WIFI Video Doorbell
  2. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Here's a quick workaround if you need the doorbells IP address to be static
  3. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Thanks Jake!
  4. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Here's the newest firmware and changelog: v1.4.62 Build 12-1-17:Here Changelog:
  5. RyanODan

    NEW 1080P Wifi Video Doorbell!

    Hey @rayt, can you send us a few pictures of how you have it connected and of your wiring?
  6. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Absolutely. Shoot me a PM with your full name or order number and I'll check on it.
  7. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Hey @wariow, do you need a discount code?
  8. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Thanks! It's a pleasure. We're always glad to help.
  9. RyanODan

    Mini outdoor PTZ : DS-2DE4A220IW-DE

    Honestly, I would make it different but a lot of people seem to forget their passwords so I'll leave it up to you.
  10. RyanODan

    Mini outdoor PTZ : DS-2DE4A220IW-DE

    You need to create an ONVIF user account now. You can do that here: 2017-12-19_1703
  11. RyanODan

    ipcam for NSN-608(4K)-8P

    The Dahua cameras will definitely work with your system. If you get a chance, give us a call between 9-5pm CST Mon-Friday when you're at the location with the NVR and we'll help you get the Dahua cameras added.
  12. RyanODan

    ipcam for NSN-608(4K)-8P

    Hey @seabot, The Dahuas will definitely work with your NVR thanks to a nifty protocol known as ONVIF. If you pull up the specsheet of an IP camera and it has ONVIF listed then it should record on the NVR. (See Screenshot->2017-11-30_1906) I've never heard of an sv3c. After looking it up I...
  13. RyanODan

    Hikvision backdoor? (WSJ article)

    Also, @bp2008 made a program from the exploit that allowed you to easily change the password on the cameras that were dated earlier than version 5.4.5. You can find it here: Hikvision camera admin password reset tool and I can personally vouch that his release of the password generator script...
  14. RyanODan

    Hikvision backdoor? (WSJ article)

    Yeah, @Cljs, montecrypto (a member on this forum) found the "backdoor" which was easily executed on any cameras that were/are port forwarded and have an outdated firmware (below 5.4.5) Here's IPVM's Demo Video: Here's the ICS-CERT page: Hikvision Cameras | ICS-CERT
  15. RyanODan

    Excellent customer service!

    @c hris527 Thank you for the positive feedback and repeat business! As always, reach out to us with any questions you have that we can help with.
  16. RyanODan

    Excellent customer service!

    Hey @baltomare1 We really appreciate the feedback and kind words. Thanks for choosing us for your surveillance needs and as always feel free to reach out anytime with any questions at all!
  17. RyanODan

    Blue Iris with Nelly’s nvr?

    Hey @Bwall, You can use BlueIris with the NVR but it's definitely not required nor would be necessary since the NVR will be doing all the recording. iVMS-4200 works well for viewing the cameras locally and remotely. You can definitely run an HDMI cable from the NVR in the basement to your TV...
  18. RyanODan

    USA FTP Password

    Anyone else able to log into the USA FTP? I get a wrong UN/PW prompt which just started happening a few days ago. Hopefully they're just upgrading's happened once before but was fixed soon after. One of the best resources for info, firmware, software, etc.
  19. RyanODan

    Mini outdoor PTZ : DS-2DE4A220IW-DE

    We also have the auto-tracking feature available on ours: 3MP Version 2MP Version If anyone is interested let me know and I'll save you a few bucks.
  20. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Hey @zcline, thank you!
  21. RyanODan

    Dahua Hack Fix Firmware

    If you have a Dahua recorder with a firmware dated before March of 2017 and it is port forwarded there's a good chance you've probably been "hacked" by an extremely persistent bot. If you're one of the thousands of people this has happened to and haven't upgraded your recorder yet (as well as...
  22. RyanODan

    Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

    No problem at all, here's more: v5.2.0 141016 - Working v5.3.6 151105 - Working v5.3.9 170109 - Working v5.4.3 160808 - Working v5.4.3 170123 - Failed v5.4.3 170217 - Failed
  23. RyanODan

    Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

    v5.4.0 160401 - Working v5.4.0 160520 - Working v5.4.3 160705 - Working v5.4.4 161125 - Working Honestly @bp2008, you've done it again. I can't thank you enough for releasing this. Days of headache and wasted time waiting on password resets. Almost everything before v5.4.5 should reset since...
  24. RyanODan

    New 4K Ultra HD Security Cameras!

    Thanks for the feedback Mark. Glad to hear you like them so far.
  25. RyanODan

    Hikvision TFTP update software

    In case anyone needs PDF instructions.
  26. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Hey @gag81, thanks for the order! Feel free to shoot me a PM or email me directly with any questions.
  27. RyanODan

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Hey @overkill, thanks for the order! Let me know if there's anything I can help with in the future.
  28. RyanODan

    Flash Sale!! 2MP & 3MP Vari-Focal Dome IP Security Cameras!

    Same excellent quality as the 2MP and 3MP Hikvision cameras we carried a while back. Now with a lower cost though!
  29. RyanODan

    Flash Sale!! 2MP & 3MP Vari-Focal Dome IP Security Cameras!

    The two fixes for Firefox are: Download the 32 bit ESR version here: -Regular Version of firefox: In URL type: about:config Right click, choose New Select Boolean, for the preference name put in...
  30. RyanODan

    Flash Sale!! 2MP & 3MP Vari-Focal Dome IP Security Cameras!

    Hey @injunear What app are you using that keeps prompting you for the plugins? Do you mean a browser? If so, which browser?