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  1. G

    Small camera display project, looking for ideas/advice

    If you ever want one for $20 just let me know. haha
  2. G

    Small camera display project, looking for ideas/advice

    @nayr those Y cables rarely work with Windows tablets. The charging (input voltage) threshold is usually just compromised enough. I have a box of various Y adapter models and tested against the 50 million different R&D tablets I have at my office. fbnoise the quad view works like this for me...
  3. G

    Small camera display project, looking for ideas/advice

    I use wireless for my displays and switches -- works really well. The timeouts that you're experiencing would go away with that self healing refresh script. Even if I'm watching a monitor during the refresh I barely notice it. Just keep the USB running power and you'll be fine :)
  4. G

    Small camera display project, looking for ideas/advice

    Okay that USB dock thing is way too expensive. Micro/Std USB --> LAN costs about $2USD so factor that when considering options. You don't need a whole desktop "dock" unit. I use 10" Windows 10 tablets that cost about 90-120USD depending on the sale. They have one full USB port in addition to...
  5. G

    Comcast (Xfinity) will activate 1 Terabyte data limit plan beginning November 1st

    I hit 21.9TB last month. I'll probably have to do the $50/mo unlimited plan until the fiber arrives. Already had to sign up one of my other places earlier in the year. bleh
  6. G

    Not able to export clips

    No luck. Same results.
  7. G

    Not able to export clips

    Yeah my first thought was to amp it up to 20 -- I'll try a round of exports in a bit. I'm not too sure how common the occurrence is, but we'll see. My cams aren't above 300 kB/s and BI has access to a pretty dope NAS so everything was working pretty well until somewhat recently I believe.
  8. G

    Not able to export clips

    What is your receive buffer set to on 3-4MP cameras @ 6-10fps out of curiosity? Maybe it's something else, but lately I haven't been able to export certain clips. BI just bombs the task without displaying an error. It produces a half-attempted file that, after opening, allows you to identify...
  9. G

    4G LTE setup

    Most 3G/4G modems/routers have port forwarding options, however they do not work. Not sure why they keep adding that feature in the firmware, but maybe it's for the possibility of a commercial static IP that is WAN accessible.... (Last time I checked, Verizon wanted like $500 for a static IP)...
  10. G

    First tower. Solar Dahua.

    VPNs are fine for almost every application with the exception of this. Now, you could do some things on each end to eliminate the broadcasts and reduce keepalives etc, however it just requires tinkering and lots of it. Everyone has their favorite "combo boards" but really you have 50% of what...
  11. G

    First tower. Solar Dahua.

    (responded in quote)
  12. G

    First tower. Solar Dahua.

    Nice setup! Couple questions: I see an RPI in the box with a relay -- What task is that doing out of curiosity? The RPI itself will almost certainly corrupt if power is kicked from it occasionally, so an in-line USB battery (mobile cell charger) would ideally help with that. What is your...
  13. G

    Most stable solution for wireless feed?

    OP will likely tap into existing power on each light pole via junction box as mentioned. I've run wireless bridges for cams with huge success, but each time I did I hated myself for doing so. Just didn't have any other options much like OP. Thankfully WiFi radios are getting more reliable and...
  14. G

    Front door - what lens?

    Yes. Don't dismiss 2.8 entirely without knowing any measurements or physical limits :-)
  15. G

    Front door - what lens?

    "Luckily my porch is an old brick/concrete block and in order to get onto the porch to the door, you need to walk thru a door sized opening so its a natural choke point." "Def stay away from 2.8mm. Not good at all." Communication skills are strong in this forum.. So my *individual results...
  16. G

    Front door - what lens?

    If you search eBay for "Fisheye IP Camera" You'll see them splattered about. Name brands didn't give me want I needed: Outdoor, PoE (this one didn't have that, but splitter works fine), Super wide angle, IR-Cut, IR that wasn't in a dome, At least 2MP, Under $100 -- The IR was always the deal...
  17. G

    Front door - what lens?

    So a while ago I used a 2.8mm and was generally dissatisfied (all depends on the layout of your entrance!!!!!) I was able to see the faces of people at the door, but it wasn't wide enough to capture packages. I tried a $70 fisheye unit with well thought out IR design and am extremely happy...
  18. G

    Blue IRIS and IOT ( Internet of things)

    Yep that's how I'm currently running the garage relay. Using an IR break sensor to do the whole LED status above the entrance and Web status etc. I threw a 3wire Dallas in the garage as well off the same cat5. I just want to start reversing some of this eventually just to simplify it a tad.
  19. G

    Blue IRIS and IOT ( Internet of things)

    It's just an ESP201 (esp8266 variant) chip that is running EasyESP on it (It turns the chip into a web server with control over all of the IO pins. You can ideally hook it up to MQTT and cloud services to do a laundry list of things, or you can use it like I did in the example to send a basic...
  20. G

    Blue IRIS and IOT ( Internet of things)

    I don't think you need MQTT in BI... the HTTP functionality and other already built-in features should do everything you want. Ken included everything for in/out operations. And probing EMAIL every x times a minute is highly inefficient and likely has a huge delay. Here's an example of a $2...
  21. G

    ZWave Controller Question

    Perfect. I won't really be using it to integrate into BI, however you're doing exactly what I want to do from the wget side of the fence. Between you and bp2008 it sounds like the HTTP commands is a success.
  22. G

    ZWave Controller Question

    Hey all, I've been able to build everything without the use of cloud junk or ZWave, but lately I've been tinkering with ZWave and realize how stupid simple it is. So my question is if there's an "open" controller that I can shut off from cloud services and directly hit up via IP/web...
  23. G

    nayr's home automation build out...

    MicroCenter had a handful of them open box for $61/ea so figured why not. Turns out they do work well. Playing with min RSSI helps in a few spots for sure. I had one sitting on a desk running active during some benchmark tests and I thought it was going to start on fire (theatrical). The heat...
  24. G

    teaches me to lock my truck

    Why are you blocking the sidewalk?
  25. G

    What to do to salvage cameras lost due to static/lightning?

    Just a thought since it wasn't mentioned and I've seen it countless times: You tested the 12V source, right? PoE and 12V input have a little separate setup inside before they combine so if the 48v input of PoE gets fried, some times you can simply power the cams using a 12V barrel jack. I've...
  26. G


    First thread I click on 20 minutes after some kids put this on my car after it was (perfectly) parked at a cafe in town BP - What camera are you using for this shot? I'm sure you've been asked a million times so sorry about that. Looks nice.
  27. G

    Bridge Cam

    OP, It's difficult to say people prefer certain sharpness or color profiles when you're talking about sub $300 devices.... that said, give me 300 and I'll buy a used and older DSLR and some decent glass. Problem [ultimately] solved.
  28. G

    Bridge Cam

    Canon T2i and T3i etc -- Body for around $240-300 and the 70-300 is about $100 -- Idk buy used or refurb and that price drops even more. I bought a T3i kit for someone and it came with an 18-55 and 70-300 for $299 new in box... The deals are out there. If you're looking for video...... Canon...
  29. G

    Bridge Cam

    I'm pretty sure OP is referring to an advanced point-and-shoot camera. The word "bridge" references the fact that the camera is larger than a traditional point and shoot camera and is a 'bridge' to buying a standard DSLR. That said, for about $300 you can buy a DSLR w/ 70-300mm lens that blows...
  30. G

    4G LTE setup

    (answered in reply)