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  1. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    don't use scan qrcode - you must use one of manual modes..
  2. steve1225

    Is Current 4K-T & 4K-X Inventory "-S1" or "S2"?

    The S2 variant of 5849 is mostly fictional one.. it only exist on Dahua site.. I tried to find & buy it in Europe... Everywhere is only S1 (even if on the webshop page there is S2 specs copied from Dahua website).. The only 5xx9 Full Color cam which is available as S2 is 5449-ZE (varifocal...
  3. steve1225

    Dmss Push notifications.

    new DMSS 2.0 using new Dahua cloud streaming is released...
  4. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    DMSS 2.0 is released and available on Apple / Google App Store as a update... functionality is almost the same.. small UI/UX tweaks are everywhere.. the biggest new functionality for me is ability to show streams from all devices (NVRS) at once (all screens, demonstrated on pic below where you...
  5. steve1225

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    This in reality is not a bug. this is product differentiation from 7xx2-X feature :)... 5xxx (as also many mid-level PTZ) do Video Meta Data with plate image snapshots but not OCR... People who use VMD knowns that usually the plate image are very sharp and readable - camera chooses one from...
  6. steve1225

    Does the P5D-5F-PV Camera Support ONVIF Protocol?

    Rule of thumb: If camera have classic Dahua 4digit model number with chassis prefix and options postfix - it's Dahua, with Dahua web interface & integrations... If not - it's a scam not Dahua... it's simple...
  7. steve1225

    Does the P5D-5F-PV Camera Support ONVIF Protocol?

    Dahua sold Imou, now it is independent company From some time we see those consumer cams under Dahua brand sold very cheap, but they are crippled so as not to compete with real dahua products sold for installers
  8. steve1225

    Does the P5D-5F-PV Camera Support ONVIF Protocol?

    I had ability to play with some similar models (not this one) - ale they DIDN'T HAD web interface nor ONVIF compatibility. They support only Dahua private protocol & DMSS... very crippled product at firmware level... Shouldn't have Dahua logo... but it's very cheap..
  9. steve1225

    Help with image adjustment at night

    rotate camera to the right.. too much walls and too much reflections from them...
  10. steve1225

    Help with image adjustment at night

    ^ this :)
  11. steve1225

    IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV brick

    one more time - you bricked camera with improper / incomplete firmware update... first stage looks ok - linux & network stack loads correctly... problem is with second stage (Dahua software).. you can try to find manuals in internet how to recover camera firmware over tftp or rs232.. Or...
  12. steve1225

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    after year and half of waiting.. at last :)
  13. steve1225

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    Does Dahua want to do hardware refresh for SD4/SD5 this year? They are based on old SOC (previous 5442-S2 generation era) and latest 2024 firmware with AcuPick 1.0 were well beyond the hardware capabilities of the camera's processor...
  14. steve1225

    2025 New Arrivals From EmpireTech

    wow... now found this thread (I have been very absent from this forum for the last few weeks)... great news for varifocal TIOC-PROs. This will be a hit!.. the only risk is whether Dahua will manage to make a varifocal for the F1.0 aperture, which will be sharp??? In the new 5449-ZE from last...
  15. steve1225

    IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV brick

    You initialized the cam... ok... so what is Your problem now? what is Your computer or camera?
  16. steve1225

    OEM Dahua NVR - Newest Web UI design is a disaster - NVR-NV42A16-P16-4K-S2L

    You didn't specify but are You a Mac user? Have You installed Microsoft Office for Mac with included Microsoft Windows fonts? This is source of the problem... This problem started on 2023 Dahua NVR firmwares and it was much worse that now.. NVR UI was hardly useable on Mac on any browser...
  17. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    Today this presentation looks more complete (have some sense)... more interesting / technical stuff starts at 8:00 minute mark...
  18. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    yes, it is. Do you remember that strange Do Lynk YouTube presentation a month (maybe two) ago which we commented here on the forum? There were slides inside that full DoLynk app for installers will be payed subscription..
  19. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY) do you have any more news about this? Or any other news what Dahua want to show in 2025? Dahua was very quiet in 2024 - apart from the AcuPick 2.0 / animal support firmware upgrade and the new WizColor / TIOC-PRO series they did not show anything new in 2024 from the main...
  20. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    When I will return home, I will play more with all those new DoLynk apps / services.. Especially when Dahua will do this DMSS 2.0 upgrade.. without implementation details it's hard to tell.. ps. big plus they try to do something new... and repair very old problems (like not connecting video...
  21. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    As i understand full DoLynk 'super admin' functionality will be available only for people registered by Dahua as installers (in Poland it means, after Dahua official installer courses)
  22. steve1225

    Is it possible to get a notification when a particular vehicle passes my home?

    it's not, on dedicated ANPR camera models (ITC413?) there is full local API integration, which work with white/black list and allows to integrate with automatic gates / parking ticket systems etc.. question is how much of that functionality is possible on 5xx2 + 608XI... those are not ANPR...
  23. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    From many comments on Polish post I see that the biggest difference will be more extended ownership model. If someone will use DoLynk to install/configure Dahua equipment, it will have 'super cloud admin' rights on installed equipment at clients facilities. And that person (installer) will...
  24. steve1225

    Is it possible to get a notification when a particular vehicle passes my home?

    There is white/black database for car plates on 5xxx/6xx NVRs... There should be somewhere options, to use those list in ANPR settings... Now I'm outside my home/country, somewhere next week I should return then I will check on my cams/NVRs..
  25. steve1225

    URGENT!!! There will be new DMSS 2.0 and new cloud account mode & new cloud video streaming

    Fresh info from Dahua Poland - there will be DMSS 2.0 released in next few days.. And new cloud account mode - where classic P2P service, which allow to connect client with camera/NVR over many firewalls will be replaced by DoLynk Cloud, which will work as proxy server. Now I start...
  26. steve1225

    IPC-HDW3849H-AS-PV brick

    none of those files are not for UPDATE over web interface for Your camera!!! Only DH_IPC-HX3XXX-256-Taurus_MultiLang_PN_Stream3_V3.140.0000000.32.R.250115.bin is proper firmware binary file for web (or config tool) upgrade. Question is this firmware exactly for your camera model (there are many...
  27. steve1225

    Question whether the dahua camera/NVR combination works for "AI by recorder" and good "night vision"?

    Heh.. You really tries to outsmart people who installed hundreds of cams :) 5xx9 are Full Color camera line (like Yours 5449-A180 cam), they don't have/see IR, almost all are only fix lenses, have big problems with not sharp image due big sensor and fully open F1.0 aperture (check Bokeh -...
  28. steve1225

    Question whether the dahua camera/NVR combination works for "AI by recorder" and good "night vision"?

    You selected half meter long big metal 'monstrosity' which will be very visible to anyone. And very 'pointy' (because it's big bullet). if you want to have not so visible cams, use small ones.. most popular cams for home market are cams in turret (aka eyeball) housing. they are small ball with...
  29. steve1225

    Question whether the dahua camera/NVR combination works for "AI by recorder" and good "night vision"?

    this camera in official Dahua distribution in EU costs about 4K Euro.. I don't think there is anybody here who had ability to play with it.. Yes the spec looks very good. It even supports AI on all channels (with some limitations like Video Meta Data only on one).. Please remember this camera...