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  1. saltwater

    [Hack Job] Dell Optiplex 7050 SFF - How to add a 2nd 3.5-inch HDD

    I ended up doing nothing. I originally was using a HP Prodesk with an 8TB harddrive and getting around 8 days of 24/7 recording for 13 cameras. There was no second 3.5" drive available. I purchased a HP Elitedesk that has space for two 3.5" harddrives, inserted one 18TB drive and the other...
  2. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Ok, I've checked my Web Server tab. It's been about three years when I set this up. I have checked "Refresh external IP at Startup and again every 30 mins", but unchecked the "Use an HTTPS port (Stunnel). I use Unifi VPN to gain access and I have to remember to turn it on before accessing...
  3. saltwater

    Recording two time stamps

    In my humble opinion, a better approach is to use your Blue Iris computer as the time server. There are many threads related to NTP, and the utility program of choice, and what I use, is NetTime. I'm not sure of the innards of Blue Iris, and I could be wrong, even though the BI time stamp...
  4. saltwater

    Recording two time stamps

    In live view, at your computer (not the mobile app) is your computer time the same as the imprinted camera time? (to the second) At what frequency are you updating/checking your computer time? At what frequency are you updating/checking your camera time?
  5. saltwater

    Recording two time stamps

    I'm not aware of that type of setting available. If your cameras are working as expected, as regards an accurate date/time stamp, then just do the same to your computer. EDIT: I believe the date/time displayed at the top of the screen, is the date/time of the computer and not your mobile...
  6. saltwater

    Recording two time stamps

    I'd say that simply your computer time and camera times were not in sync. I've just checked one of my recordings via the mobile app and both times are in sync to the second. My setup: Each camera every 10 mins checks the Blue Iris computer for the correct time and the camera time is updated...
  7. saltwater

    Daylight Savings. How did everyone's cameras do?

    Daylight savings in Victoria, Australia, kicked in a month ago, and all my cameras changed time accordingly. I also use the Network Time utility and that is working as it should. The log file clearly shows all responses to my cameras every 10 mins.
  8. saltwater

    New BI setup, looking for recommendations..

    Which ever switch you end up with just make sure it supplies more wattage than the total wattage required by your cameras, as it's the switch providing the power. I can't recall the watts used by the 5442 series of cameras, I have 13 of them, and my Ubiquiti 250W 24 port switch does the job...
  9. saltwater

    What motivated you to get started

    I read a thread in relation to issues with the exported image recorded in low resolution when it should be in high resolution, or the best possible resolution. In one of the comments was this: How true that comment is. I've also retrieved CCTV snippets from victims of crime or neighbouring...
  10. saltwater

    How many days of video do you keep for a home system?

    13 Cams, 24/7 mainstream & sub-stream recording, about 18-19 days on an 18 TB drive, but only use 16.9 TB of the drive for recordings using Blue Iris. If police were to ask me about a car driving past 16 or 17 days earlier, first I'd scroll through the alerts, if not found or no alerts for the...
  11. saltwater

    Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility

    Yes, great tool, I even referenced it in another post just last week.
  12. saltwater

    100% CPU usage every Saturday

    I have a weekly Windows task schedule to shutdown and restart Windows. That is set to go off every Monday at 7.34 am. I run 13 cameras on a HP Elitedesk (i7 6600) and haven't run into your issue. I've turned off the Anti-virus thing, defragmentation of the drives and plus ran a de-bloater...
  13. saltwater

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    Will they also record? It's a cost that is not necessary if your only purpose is to view a group of cameras.
  14. saltwater

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    You keep referencing having numerous satellite NVRs. I'm not following precisely what you mean. Does your main NVR record all cameras? Do the satellite NVRs also record a group of cameras that the main NVR records anyway? Is the primary purpose of the satellite NVRs in order to connect...
  15. saltwater

    Neighbor busts camera

    This is a blessing in disguise, the home owner can now purchase and install a proper camera. :)
  16. saltwater

    Moved from Blueiris to Scrypted NVR.

    So the skills you learned, you transferred to another project and the benefit of those skills is that you were up and running quicker than your first project, that's normal. Granted, it's not rocket science, but still from zero knowledge to some knowledge takes time.
  17. saltwater

    cant use splitter...

    Just throwing it out there, but how much power is the NVR throwing down the line? How much power does the PTZ and the other camera require?
  18. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    If you have trouble loading or running the old Internet Explorer, copy the next line, paste into a text file and name it with an extension of .vbs. In my case I named it "IE-Exporer.vbs". Then run the file, it will open up the old IE. CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application").Visible=true
  19. saltwater

    New member needs some help

    Your normal camera (or two) attached to the front of your house, capture whatever they capture. Add to the mix street facing cameras at your boundary line and all of a sudden, you have more of a storey to tell and show. You have to be creative with boundary line (or close to the boundary...
  20. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I believe you are leaning towards Ubiquiti and I still reckon you should at least check out TP Link Omada system as it appears to be not as expensive as Ubiquiti but similar in all other respects. Sorry to regurgitate this aspect, without re-reading from the start of this thread, I know we...
  21. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Yep, I'm in the same boat. Windows 10 is here for quite a while. Plus my machine is solely dedicated to Blue Iris.
  22. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Around AU$300 for the 5442 (2.7 to 12mm turret) from here. I've worked it on the exchange rate of 0.65. The fixed lens versions will be cheaper, at the Amazon site have a look around.
  23. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Yes, that's where VPN kicks in, you're accessing your home network as if you were at home. Using your network settings you can block outgoing traffic to the internet, ie. your cameras. But using your VPN, your network thinks you are within your network and therefore the blocking rules are...
  24. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I have a similar narrow side, 1.8m x 15m, the below image is a fixed 6mm lens 5442 camera, rotated 90 degrees.
  25. saltwater

    just got home starting my computer and clicked on Blue Iris icon and got this

    I haven't updated for years so I haven't got this problem. I'm about to changeover computers, so who knows, maybe I'll come across this issue, but nice to know it's an issue and it's not me coming across it not knowing it's an issue, if that makes sense.
  26. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I'll assume your maths are correct, but I'm sure others are better able to make comment in regards to the theory of what you're asking. I can only go by experience and compare two cameras, both Dahua, one is an 8mp on a 1.27" sensor and the other is a 4mp on a 1.18" sensor and both 2.8 or...
  27. saltwater

    Do solar garden-style lights help?

    DNA collector
  28. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Just adding to the sensor size part of the discussion: I know the below two camera angles are not the same view, but the camera pointing to my meter box and gas meter is an 8 mp on a 1/2.7" (or thereabouts) and the porch camera is 4 mp on a 1/1.8". You can clearly see all the noise in the 8...
  29. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Here's an article, that I haven't read in a while, but should have all the info regarding VPN setup. I am not precisely sure how it all works, hence my reference to the above VPN article. In Ubiquity's case, it records that I created a Teleport VPN and invited myself (my email address) to...
  30. saltwater

    Is there a way to make certain cameras private?

    Hang on a minute, can we backtrack a little, did you say you have 64 cameras? I thought I was a little excessive with 13, but then you win this contest, hands down. :)