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  1. saltwater

    Privacy Invasion CCTV Style...

    My neighbours made a sex tape, they don't know it yet :)
  2. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Check the 5442 series of Dahua cameras, they have the 1/1.8" sensor and are 4 mp. This is a topic worthy of a separate thread, and there are many. If you check the wiki out, you'll find good general information regarding VPN's, well everything. In short though for setting up a VPN when on...
  3. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I can't comment on Uniview cameras as I've never used them. I've done a cursory search and they are, or the one camera I checked, is ONVIF compliant, but I'd get that confirmed. See this site for specs of a Uniview camera. The camera I linked to has a sensor size of 1/2.8", this is the...
  4. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Others can chime in here, and I believe they will support my comment. I've purchased the bulk of my cameras, 12 Dahua type 5442 cameras, on separate occasions or transactions, from @EMPIRETECANDY, and not one problem. I've had follow-up chats (Whatsapp) and emails regarding certain issues or...
  5. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Forgetting the Cloud Key for a minute, yes it will work, as mentioned previously, that's how my system is setup. Now getting back to the Cloud Key, I believe it's the same network operating system as powers the UDM series of modem/routers, so within there you could create an incoming VPN...
  6. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I don't think Ubiquiti cameras are ONVIF compliant and therefore unless you use the Protect system, you can't use Ubiquity cameras. If you are going the Blue Iris route, then you have many more camera options available, obviously not the G3.
  7. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    1. I'm not an expert, but outside of the Unify system, I don't think we have access to the harddrive in the UDM Pro. I think it's only there for the Unify Protect NVR. I haven't installed a harddrive in the UDMPro, no need, so that is why I am a little uncertain if it is generally accessible...
  8. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I understand where you are coming from. As mentioned previously, I am in the Unify eco-system (UDMPro, 2 x 24 port switches and 5 access points). Management of the network is a dream and I'm no expert. The UDMPro does support incoming VPN as suggested by @wittaj. The VPN I use is what...
  9. saltwater

    Hello from a new member

    Welcome aboard, another Aussie as well.
  10. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    That's correct. If using Unify Protect, that is the software that manages your surveillance system. Out of curiosity have you compared both prices and specs of the Unify cameras against the Dahua 5442 (or Hikvision equivalent) cameras. The 5442 series cameras are the go-to cameras around...
  11. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    Using your Ubiquiti system, set up a VPN, even use their one-click method, send it to your device and presto, you have access to your locked CCTV system.
  12. saltwater

    Looking for advice of Camera and Software

    I'm in the Unifi eco-system (UDMPro, 2 x Ubiquiti POE switches, 6 Unifi Wireless Access Points) but elected not to run their protect network. About three years ago, I ran the figures and 13 unifi cameras would have cost me a fortune, AND I would have been locked into the Unifi CCTV system...
  13. saltwater

    Blue iris evaluation version

    I was not affected by this problem. I couldn't be bothered posting a settings screenshot, but my system is set to "No automatic updates" and to check at startup and daily at 3:14:34 AM. So, daily throughout this issue my Blue Iris was 'phoning home' checking if updates were available...
  14. saltwater website down (2023.07.07)

    Good luck with that. I'm serious, please report back with your progress.
  15. saltwater website down (2023.07.07)

    Touch wood, but my system has not been affected. I run Blue Iris as a service, automatic updates are turned off, but I am notified of when updates are available. Me being me, I do update within a day or two of being notified. I'm currently on BI version Reading this thread...
  16. saltwater

    BlueIris is amazing! Why bother with NVR today?

    I do. I don't.
  17. saltwater

    BlueIris is amazing! Why bother with NVR today?

    "No one wants to use a browser ...", that's a big call, where did you get that information? What you should have said is, "I don't want to use a browser". Sorry, I couldn't resist. Sent from my SM-G998B using Tapatalk
  18. saltwater

    Blue Iris... a very painful setup. Any suggestions?

    Why do you want to update Windows? I haven't updated Windows 10 since 2020, it's primary purpose is to run Blue Iris. I've de-bloated to the max, turned off Windows update. Once a week I schedule the computer to shutdown and restart, just to clear out any gremlins that maybe there. If...
  19. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Good pick-up there, I also downloaded his screenshot and image; I was looking for GPS data but none to be found. He may well be in Australia, but his lingo doesn't fit.
  20. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Possible, but I'm now not looking for logical conclusions. :D
  21. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Yep, that's where I was coming from. Also, he used a phrase, "So excuse me for a while as I have my can opener for the can of whoop ass that I have had sitting on my counter to open." Straight off the bat, this phrase is not Australian, and he uses Ass instead of Arse.
  22. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Now I'm intrigued, that wasn't what I was referring to but had to open up an AliExpress page, and sure enough for me the products were listed in Aussie dollars, if that's what you were referring to. Now, I'm starting to doubt myself. I'm going out for a run to clear my mind.
  23. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Actually, I didn't think of that component, but that wouldn't in of itself be conclusive, as the screenshot could have been taken hours earlier or whenever before posting.
  24. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Nope, but I like your thinking. :D
  25. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    These cameras are on the other side of the fence, do you think something is not quite right? They would have good footage the other day when I was mowing the lawn. My misses thinks I'm paranoid.
  26. saltwater

    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    I seriously doubt that the OP is from Australia. There is one dead-set give away that he/she is not from Australia. I'll let you guys guess why.
  27. saltwater

    BlueIris is amazing! Why bother with NVR today?

    I suppose it's a matter perspective, but I, as a residential user (non-commercial), would not class the flaws as you describe as major flaws. I only use the mobile app on a minimal basis and for any major scraping of video clips required, and when I do require them, it's usually from four...
  28. saltwater

    Is this the best set out for my current needs?

    Yes, here in Victoria (Australia) it is illegal to covertly record a conversation between other people if those people (all parties to the conversation) are unaware of their conversation being recorded. So, if one person, a party to the conversation is aware of the covert recording, then that...
  29. saltwater

    BlueIris is amazing! Why bother with NVR today?

    If a CCTV camera does not have a static IP address, and that camera fails, for whatever reason, if that camera is then allocated another IP address, does that not introduce other problems?
  30. saltwater

    Would like help with Net Time

    Another dumb question, and I only ask because I did something similar the other day, have you played around with the firewall and/or VLAN settings etc recently? (I changed my WiFi network to be more isolated, or equivalent to a guest hotspot, and there appeared to be no problems. It wasn't...