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  1. T

    First time installer in soffit

    What is the WDR setting at?
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    Router password

    Call the service provider, explain you want to use your own router due to VPN needs and only want to use the supplied device for “modem” access only. Ask for password. Often installers also write passwords on customer installation forms. Check the papers given at the time of install.
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    Dahua wall-mount bracket vs. junction box

    Here is a junction box with conduit. It can be mounted without conduit as well.
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    Face recognition inside car at night

    Lights shining directly into the camera will impact recordings. If you changed shutter speed to allow more light in when there was no headlights, the addition of extra light into the sensor will “wash out” the image when headlights do shine at the camera. If you set the shutter speed to offset...
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    First cam up HDBW4321FP-AS 2.8mm

    Might try a little higher and more toward the edge of the house. Maybe 6” or 8”, to see if that changes the impact the light is having on the view? You are not going not get rid of it, so figure out the best mitigation. It’s almost like closing an eye, holding a thumb in front of the open eye...
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    Do you guys hide your cameras? Is it a deterrent or a capture mechanism

    Not magical invisibility cloaking, but painting does help the mini wedge blend in.
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    Hello All,

    Greetings! Also do consider a non-poe NVR along with a stand alone poe switch. Accessing the cameras directly is a little simpler and should you choose to move to BI at some point in the future, it will be one less step. Welcome!
  8. T

    Do you guys hide your cameras? Is it a deterrent or a capture mechanism

    I have a mini-wedge dome mounted next to the front door, right at about 6 ft. There is a small glass accent window between it and the door. I put up an artsy "no solicitor" sign next to it, just to get folks to look up slightly to see what is there. Seems to get people to lift their eyes and...
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    Dahua NVR5216-4KS2 / NVR5216-16P-4KS2

    Yes, IVS is orange for events. The quoted segment was for scheduling. A specific holiday schedule is noted as orange on my NVR. Perhaps different firmware versions use different color schemes...
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    Just Another Newbie Seeking Your Amazing Guidance! Basic system

    The TMobile version has a different firmware. Most are “refurbished” and likely not rebuilt refurbished but rather shoved in a box after being wiped off refurbished. So, you have to flash new non-TMobile firmware on to it. And you roll the dice on longevity. The $20-30 savings was not worth it...
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    Just Another Newbie Seeking Your Amazing Guidance! Basic system

    Asus has relatively easy steps to set up OpenVPN and the listed routers come preinstalled. Yes, look at those routers.
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    Advice needed for new setup (newbie)

    An option for multiple cameras and a basic system, without extra features in your expense range might be the Costco Lorex 4K box system to start. Full kit- POE NVR, Cams, Wires and other accessories should be in the $700-800 range. They are manufactured by Dahua and re-branded. Do not have...
  13. T

    8 port poe switch

    What cameras are you going to connect?
  14. T

    Looking for a camera security system.

    If the wire is going to be run in the wall, no conduit would be needed. Wire can run and mounted exposed. It is not the best option though. Conduit provides protection from inadvertent incidents and from intentional acts of vandalism. It provides some weather and UV resistance too. Any...
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    Question about Dahua Cams with Micro SD card functionality

    I have Samsung EVO Select 128GB. Works fine. All reputable manufacturers will work. Stay away from no-name/knock-off brands.
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    Question about Dahua Cams with Micro SD card functionality

    The internet does not have anything to do with the system, other than remote access IF you set it up. An sd card capable camera allows for redundancy recording to the NVR and the camera as a “local” file. As noted, if something happens like theft or hardware failure (more likely) to a router...
  17. T

    8 Port POE Switch

    What are your plans for a managed switch? If “uuuuuuhhh”, “or not sure... maybe something later” are the answer, go with the switch you posted. 10/100 will be fine for the cameras. Switch has gigabit if you connect anything that needs it. Many 8 port switches only have 8 ports so you have to...
  18. T

    Replace my Lorex 4K (lnb8005) with a starlight (IPC-HDW5231R-ZE)

    I have both cameras. The 4K cameras do provide more detail at a distance, in daylight. If you need/want to digitally zoom in, the 4K is sharper farther out. Night time, the starlight does draw more light and provide better viewing. Don't expect either to provide a sharp picture at distance...
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    Mini monitor for next to alarm panel

    Tablet or phone with viewer app via WIFI. Not at a fixed point though. Whichever requires less energy to get to... :ohsnap:
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    New Member - Two Way Talk, Siren, Homekit, Blue Iris

    Had two-way talk on an Arlo system. Quality was horrible and there was a 5-8 second delay. Seemed like it’s more of a gimmick to get people to buy. There are cameras that have built in microphones. Some others that do not can have them added as a stand-alone device. Several threads with...
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    Just Another Newbie Seeking Your Amazing Guidance! Basic system

    Outside, on left pointing toward door. Mount camera behind roller door so when it is closed, it will not be stolen or vandalized. Use varifocal versus fixed so you can zoom in/out to customize recording area instead of a fixed lens.
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    Just Another Newbie Seeking Your Amazing Guidance! Basic system

    If there is a foot of clearance, a verifocal turret on the left of the business pointing toward the door would cover entry/exit when the roller door is up, if mounted behind it. Camera would be protected when door is down. An inside camera pointed at a the door, mounted about 6ft should help...
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    Just Another Newbie Seeking Your Amazing Guidance! Basic system

    Depth and clearance. Cameras stick out. This is going to limit what may be available to mount outside. Zooming in on the picture, if the business door is left hinged, the previous suggestion of mounting a mini-wedge wont work either. Crappy google street view photos without clarity, depth or...
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    Pixelation (Pulsating) issue - I Frame Interval

    Have you tried changing compression to h.264? Maybe it is a stream processing issue?
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    Smart PSS question

    I do not have any specific setting turned on and PSS does allow me to drag both the grey upper timeline area and while playing, the lower playback line?
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    Replace my Lorex 4K (lnb8005) with a starlight (IPC-HDW5231R-ZE)

    I have both cameras as well. In daylight hours I find the 4K outperforms when zooming in at a distance for details. You can set the verifocal zoomed in but you then lose the width. Your mailbox, street and neighbor’s are examples. With the starlight set as you have it, compare a digital zoom...
  27. T

    Just Another Newbie Seeking Your Amazing Guidance! Basic system

    The roll down door on the business may play havoc on exterior cams. Perhaps a Dahua wide angle mini-wedge dropped down to 5-6ft height with wires inside EMT conduit? Or better, through the wall/brick to the left of the door. It is a dome camera and would require dome care and potential...
  28. T

    networking/cam gear install location

    I’ve had structured media cabinets in several garages now. No issues with excessive heat but I’m also not in S CA. Generally I leave the front cover pulled out at the top for dissipation. Don’t screw the cover down and if it is really hot, just remove the cover completely. I have paernts who...
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    PoE Confusion

    The device will only draw the power needed. The switch will not push all 48v to the camera. As long as both devices are standards compliant, there will be a handshake at connection. This need determination also allows non-poe devices to be connected to the switch without voltage overload. Switch...
  30. T

    First time installer in soffit

    Junction boxes can be attached to brick walls too. If the aluminum on the soffit is thick enough alone for the weight of the camera, something as simple as short hollow wall anchors may also work for you. Could also work for junction boxes as long as there is a decent spread for distribution...