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  1. Philip Gonzales

    AI Capture Fails!

    Excuse the mess... A few from my backyard. I get alerts from my backyard sent to an email inbox dedicated to my BlueIris Alerts, which automatically marks the emails as read. I usually just review the alerts after the fact, especially since it keeps thinking my doggos are people. Just for...
  2. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Waaaaa we can run more than one model on a camera at a time. Mind=blown! Lol
  3. Philip Gonzales

    AI Capture Fails!

    I found this alert a bit comical and I've heard of some people getting some wonky AI alerts, so I thought it would be cool to start a thread where we can share our AI capture fails! Don't get me wrong, I love AI! I just recently learned how to install DeepStack and then Code Project's SenseAI...
  4. Philip Gonzales

    Does it matter where the OS is installed?

    Also you want the BlueIris database on the fastest storage available as well. So double check that the DB is on an SSD as well.
  5. Philip Gonzales

    Does it matter where the OS is installed?

    Always install the OS on an SSD. Interface doesn't matter as much as SSD vs HDD. Benefit is faster bootup and overall faster experience in the OS vs a HDD. I would never install the OS on a HDD in this day in age.
  6. Philip Gonzales

    Forum going down and up…Withdrawal

    Makes sense...
  7. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Thanks for looking into this. Glad to know that I am not crazy! Well I still may be crazy, but just for other reasons than this haha. I will try turning some stuff off and back on again to see if my URL's work after DBCompact. Thanks!
  8. Philip Gonzales

    Forum going down and up…Withdrawal

    Same... Totally the same. Lol
  9. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Can you clarify a bit on the above? This is the only part that I am confused about. I successfully got Pushover alerts working a couple weeks ago and the only part that I haven't got working is links that persist after a DBCompact. Not really a big deal, since I don't usually have a need to...
  10. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    I just stopped it, waited a minute, got distracted... A few minutes later I got a pushover alert for a cat on our cars. Lol. Meh, I suppose I could set the service to manual just to test this but seems I don't need to use the buttons anyhow lol.
  11. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Yep service is running fine. I rebooted and it run fines. The "issue" is only if I hit the stop button in Blue Iris. Simple solution for me, just don't hit the stop button .
  12. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    With Blue Iris and CPAI 1.6.2-Beta. I thought this was working before. Doesn't matter much to me but just pointing out what I see because why not . Maybe bc I am on the bleeding edge?
  13. Philip Gonzales

    Hurricane Ian

    Whhhaa no forced color! Whoever owns this cam needs to hit up Andy! Haha JKJK
  14. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Sweet, glad to see you got it working! I was drafting up a reply regarding what you meant by Blue Iris is not responding including checking the logs for AI activity, checking the timeline, and alerts, etc. For image processing time I have the following set. I think there are going to be too...
  15. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    "Delete: nothing to do..." Is not related to AI. This is related to your clips and archiving setting and the regular housekeeping that Blue Iris does to keep your drives within the limits you have set. If there is nothing to delete yet then this is a normal message. "AI: Alert cancelled...
  16. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Thanks, I'll give it a try. I also just realized my real-time images: 999 value is likely not working due to not having anything in the To cancel: box. Added giraffe and I think that may be the ticket to my 2nd question.
  17. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Coming from Deepstack to SenseAI and having a 1650 Super, I literally just ran the installer for Sense AI followed by replacing the file as Mike instructed. I didn't even uninstall Deepstack. It just worked after that. Unsure if I should have ran the cuDNN script or not...
  18. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Sweet add me to the list, it is working on my 1650 super as well :). Thanks Mike!
  19. Philip Gonzales

    5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here

    Does SenseAI work with the Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650 SUPER yet? And if not is this something the devs are looking into? Just curious bc I'm currently running Deepstack but saw several posts of ppl having issues with the same graphics card that I have, so don't want to switch over until it works...
  20. Philip Gonzales

    Send Pushover notifications with pictures and hyperlinks

    Wohoo thanks to OP for making this post. I went from not knowing what Pushover was to being fully setup in ~30 minutes. The only issue I had was sometimes the links would take forever to load or would timeout. I suspect this is due to some issue with NAT Hairpinning/NAT Loopback on my...
  21. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Crashes When UI3 Is Run - Solved

    Nice! Glad you were able to get your issue resolved. Thank you for sharing the cause, as this will likely help someone else in the future. Odd... as I have disabled an offline camera before without this issue, but I believe it. Likely could be a difference in version or settings as far...
  22. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Crashes When UI3 Is Run - Solved

    Try this... Go to Settings> Cameras> Hardware accelerated decode. What option do you have set here? Try setting this to no. Then go to each camera and go to camera settings> video> hardware decode> make sure this is set to default or no for each camera. Test and see if that makes a...
  23. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Crashes When UI3 Is Run - Solved

    Could be related to your hardware acceleration settings based on a similar post I found on here. See below. Also make sure you have excluded blue Iris from your AV. I doubt it is that, but may be worth a try.
  24. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris UI3

    No problem at all. It's all part of the process of developing. I'm sure we'll glady all deal with the minor bugs than to not have UI3 at all, so it is all good! Heck it's a great product and we love it! You are only human. Although a very wise one! Keep up the good work bud!
  25. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris UI3

    Unable to reproduce green video after upgrading to UI3 223. UI3 version 222, Blue Iris version: - able to reproduce green video issue when switching between cameras. UI3 version 223, Blue Iris version: - Not able to reproduce green video issue. Very nice bp2008!! Good work!
  26. Philip Gonzales

    Useful Hack: Showing latest alert image in a group view, inspired by @MikeLud1

    Ah I see, it seems very dependent on which device I am connecting from also. Thanks for the tips!
  27. Philip Gonzales

    Useful Hack: Showing latest alert image in a group view, inspired by @MikeLud1

    Any chance you can share how you got the 4 cameras to fill the group view? Seems I do not understand how to modify the layout to not have so much wasted space. See screenshots below.
  28. Philip Gonzales

    Useful Hack: Showing latest alert image in a group view, inspired by @MikeLud1

    I had to change the directory in the attached .zip/bat file (I also changed the target path to match the name I wanted to use)... But other than that, all good! Thanks! xcopy "C:\BlueIris\Alerts\" "C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\www\latestalert\latest.jpg" /Y to xcopy "C:\BlueIris\Alerts"...
  29. Philip Gonzales

    Substreams and Murphy's law?

    Mind=Blown! Thanks @looney2ns! I hadn't even realized there was a substream 2!!! This makes the decesion much easier to use substreams, as I thought I was stuck with D1 resolution for the substreams.
  30. Philip Gonzales

    Substreams and Murphy's law?

    Thanks for sharing. I am so indecisive I have already went from Continuous+Triggered, to Continuous, back to Continuous+Triggered. Probably have checked that checkbox a couple of times also. I have FOMO either way! Lol. If I record the mainstream 24x7 then my retention isn't as long...