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  1. Philip Gonzales

    Substreams and Murphy's law?

    The Check box reverts to checked when changing from Continous+Trigger to Continuous in the Record tab. Thus having the ability to uncheck the checkbox could be useful. Blue Iris is also using a whopping 2% CPU usage :lmao: so I'm not worried about it. :)
  2. Philip Gonzales

    Substreams and Murphy's law?

    I see, that makes sense! Thanks for the info!
  3. Philip Gonzales

    Substreams and Murphy's law?

    Ah I see, so "Continuous" is needed if I want to record the mainstream 24x7 (optionally substream can be also recorded with "record dual-streams if available". Also in regards to Deepstack, I believe the same applies through Camera Settings> Trigger> Artificial intelligence and the option...
  4. Philip Gonzales

    AI Status window always empty

    Camera Settings>Trigger> Artificial Intelligence. Check the box for "Save AI analysis details". This will generate .DAT files in your Alert folder. Drag one of those .DAT files into the blank AI Status window and Viola!
  5. Philip Gonzales

    Substreams and Murphy's law?

    Isn't using substreams just inviting our bad friend Murphy to our setups? I've been away from BlueIris for about 1 year since I purchased a new house and took a while to get around to installing some cams. It seems all the advice when I was left was to do everything to prevent Ol' Murphy from...
  6. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE PoE Pinout Tip - For Broken Connector RJ45

    Fixed, was a copy and paste error.
  7. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE PoE Pinout Tip - For Broken Connector RJ45

    Quoted a smart fellow in my above post
  8. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE PoE Pinout Tip - For Broken Connector RJ45

    The colors of the wires inside the cable of the 5442 are below... There is only one blue wire. The ones that say missing are not present. Green white Green Orange white Blue Blue White MISSING Orange Brown white MISSING Brown In regards to PoE A vs Poe B...
  9. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE PoE Pinout Tip - For Broken Connector RJ45

    Thank you very much for posting this. This pinout worked for me and I'm now back in business!
  10. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Thank you so much for posting this! I'm back in business now. Sorry for derailing this thread.
  11. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Hmm in the video he skips the red and black bc those are the 12v power connector wires. I wonder if I should try the same and then put the remaining 3 pairs where they would usually go based on their color. In that case pin 5 and pin 7 would be empty since I am "missing" striped blue and...
  12. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Yes, from the camera. The other side of the cale with the built in female RJ45 Jack had the wires come out, so would need to figure out the pinout to attempt a repair.
  13. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Sorry, didn't mean to be intentionally vague. This is not related to updating firmware. I was still working on cleaning up my install and adding wall plates on the interior of my garage wall. I was trying to pull the cable more towards the exterior wall and I pulled way too hard. Totally my...
  14. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    And it died... That's what I get for trying to sound cool. Oof talk about karma
  15. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Trial?

    Big sensor, Sony starvis "starlight" sensor. The 5442 cams are the best bang for your buck. 4MP and 1/1.8" sensor are the specs of this cam. Before this cam came out it was the 5231 cams with 1/2.8″ 2MP sensor. The more MP the worse the low light performance is, if all other things like...
  16. Philip Gonzales

    Blue Iris Trial?

    Why not H265 and why not VBR? JW
  17. Philip Gonzales

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Woohoo just upgraded mine. I upgraded without resetting :)
  18. Philip Gonzales

    Stop BI overlays from being saved to BVR files.

    Camera Settings> Video> Edit ovarlays...> Edit (OR) Add Text/Time...> Require live display at the time of recording. Not sure of any of this is helpful or not :D
  19. Philip Gonzales

    Stop BI overlays from being saved to BVR files.

    Even if overlays are disabled for live viewing, they are still written to the BVR file and may be displayed upon playback unless Require live display of overlay at the time of recording is selected here.
  20. Philip Gonzales

    Stop BI overlays from being saved to BVR files.

    5.3.7 - December 20, 2020 Video overlays are now always written to the BVR file. Each overlay object has a new flag Require live display of overlay at the time of recording which determines whether or not the overlay is displayed during playback. This allows you to decide whether or not the...
  21. Philip Gonzales

    Rough Plan for New House IPCam locations.

    For sure, it's on the list for today :-). Good idea! Just into the drywall, so I will indeed likely need to do something similar or I'm almost guaranteed to have a similar failure.
  22. Philip Gonzales

    Rough Plan for New House IPCam locations.

    For sure, my garage is about a foot short to fit my truck in it or else I would definitely park in the garage. My wife treats her car rough and she doesn't care about dings, scuffs, scrapes, scratches, on her car so naturally she doesn't care to park in the garage. Hmm, I think I'd rather my...
  23. Philip Gonzales

    Rough Plan for New House IPCam locations.

    Was able to order a couple of IPC-T5442T-ZE from Empire Tech/Andy off of Amazon yesterday. Was able to drill from my garage, directly up to a shared wall between my office and network closet. Probably a bit unconventional to have Ethernet on my garage ceiling, but good enough for me :)! Feel...
  24. Philip Gonzales

    Which IP Camera's for a Church?

    For sure! I'm going to advise him that 2 way audio is not a common feature found on most of the IPCam's I recommend and I will mention the reasons why. If he has to have it then I am going to recommend that he does not need it on every camera. That a few models of cams may be used, depending...
  25. Philip Gonzales

    Which IP Camera's for a Church?

    That is something I will need to discuss with the priest. I am going to go over Focal Length, Field of View (FoV), DORI, Pixels Per Foot (PPF), Resolution (and it's relationship to low light performance), Sensor Size, etc... But for now I am just looking for some high level recommendations to...
  26. Philip Gonzales

    Which IP Camera's for a Church?

    Long story short, I installed some camera's for my mom, with the help of my brother, who did most of the physical work. We installed mostly IPC-HDW5231R-ZE's in 2019 and she loves them. She is very involved with her Church and she volunteered me to recommend some camera's for the church she...
  27. Philip Gonzales

    Rough Plan for New House IPCam locations.

    Nope, but going to have to figure that out. Where there is a will there is a way. I didn't have power or Ethernet in this closet but now I do. To be fair my brother is the handy one. I'm just the helper lol.
  28. Philip Gonzales

    Rough Plan for New House IPCam locations.

    Hi there IPCamTalk, Long time no talk. If anyone remembers me, I kept saying I was going to buy a house soon. Well I finally did it! The green box in bedroom 5 is my "network closet". Red dots signify a camera. The dot in the top left corner would be a corner mounted SD49225T-HN, just...
  29. Philip Gonzales

    Review-Dahua IPC-HDBW4231F-E2-M Dual Starlight Cam

    Did you figure out your issue. I figured mine out today it seems. A few pics I took, not super relevant. Anyway my cam was rebooting over and over and kept loosing connection many times a day. I noticed if I tried to set auto maintain settings, when I would reboot the setting would be blank...