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    The Aussie Tax office will want their cut!!!
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    Recommend settings for encoding & image for 5mp Uniview camera in low light

    Try changing the scene type to outdoor or similar. The starlight scene is possibly trying too hard to get a bright image at the expense of image quality.
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    P2P Safety & Secure?

    Just about every router under the sun would block that ip address on an outbound interface, unless there is a misconfiguration? Any manufacturer coding their device to do that appears stupid.
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    Traffic Camera Information on Highways

    Based on font, looks like Hikvision to me
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    Adding Old Night Owl Analog Cameras to Blue Iris through Axis P7214

    How are you powering up the analogue cameras? You should also try a different web browsers.
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    Adding Old Night Owl Analog Cameras to Blue Iris through Axis P7214

    Ignore all the errors and get the encoder web interface on your network working correctly before you start on Blue iris. Your home network is likely in the or range and the axis encoder should be in that same range. Also try factory defaulting the encoder. By...
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    Pushover Delayed Notifications

    I get my alerts in about 8-10 seconds. My cameras send the notifications directly via the PO supplied email address. Works quite well but I think some type of API configuration if it was possible directly in the camera would have been quicker. I've got some python code on a PC that sends via PO...
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    LPR Fighting Crime - IPC Member?!?

    I'm always concerned that providing footage identifies your property and perps might return in retaliation. We don't have armed deterence here in Aus.
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    P3255 Mid Span requirements

    That camera has very modest power requirements. You shouldn't need anything too powerful. Class 4 Poe is around the 15-25watt mark. A standard poe+ switch will power it ok. Are you using a non Poe switch and why are you using a midspan?. How long is the cable run?
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    Help with troublesome plate night captures

    Image looks very grainy. I would definitely reduce the gain. You most likely need more IR light. Not all plates will reflect the same. I see many where people deliberately damage the coating. Which state is that plate from ?, I don't recognise the font.
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    Is it possible to connect a driveway beam alarm to a NVR via I/O's

    Sounds like a cool project, I had similar ideas but never committed time to it. Take a look at this, might be useful. I've started playing with node red, with the above info might be achievable.
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    Hack required - how to unscrew screw when allan key doesn't grip

    Unlikely but I'm wondering if the wrong torx was supplied?. There are 2 types, the anti-tamper tool has a small dimple in the centre.
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    Hack required - how to unscrew screw when allan key doesn't grip

    Sure you haven't mixed up your tools?. Those things shouldn't slip at all. You may need a use a security torx rather than a standard torx.
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    NDAA Compliant Cameras

    I didn't think they were related.
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    P2P not working on Managed Network with Draytek Firewall

    What NVR do you have and where do the cameras connect to ?. Do the cameras go to the POE switch or directly to the NVR?, Either way you need to verify internet connectivity. Place a PC on that connection and try browsing the web. Ensure your NVR has DNS configured.
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    P2P not working on Managed Network with Draytek Firewall

    Where does this go?. To the draytek?. Enable DHCP on this interface on the nvr and see how you go
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    Zerotier help needed

    No, ZT requires a client on each end point.
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    IP address on router not browser

    You may have an IP address conflict. What is the static IP and what is the dhcp scope?
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    Axis Q1786 Focus issue

    What browser are you using?. Have you tried clearing the cache?
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    Axis Q1785-LE Focus issues at night

    During daylight, when image is correctly focused, set focus to MANUAL. The focus should be stable enough for both day and night.
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    Serious cctv on a work truck

    I'm pretty sure cameras made specifically for mobile purposes do not have a mechanical IR cut filter. Using standard type cameras may result in early failure of that part due to vibration.
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    Which Router to buy in 2023? UPDATE went with OPNsense on a firewall box.

    Thanks for your reply, l re-checked my email and the Netgate web site (with optimism) but it's EOL. My plan however is to continue using it. From the email "This is due to FreeBSD, the underlying operating system for pfSense Plus software, no longer supporting 32-bit platforms like the Netgate...
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    Which Router to buy in 2023? UPDATE went with OPNsense on a firewall box.

    My NetGate pfsense SG-3100 has been rock solid for last 5 years but NetGate advised this week that it's end of life. Their recommended replacement (2100) is a step down in performance and current exchange rate make me question where to go !!! :confused:
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    Hello from Australia need reply concerning if neighbor is spying.

    Aussie lingo/spelling is missing. People next door to me are my neighbours.
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    Remote connection to NVR without static IP

    Nice features, thanks !
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    Remote connection to NVR without static IP

    I was going to suggest ZeroTier, but how would you run it on an NVR?. Is there a Windows box on the network ?. I know some amount of outgoing requests to ZeroTier are required, but 2G wow! DDNS requires some kind of client to update the DDNS server. Most routers have a built in client for the...
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    Automatic milestone alarm matrix pop up

    Well you're probably 80% there. You'll likely need to create an action based on a rule. Check the Milestone forums, I'm sure there is more documentation there.
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    Automatic milestone alarm matrix pop up

    What version of XProtect are you running?. I'm pretty sure you need either Expert or Corporate. Search for the Product Comparison chart to compare functionality.
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    Divulging to much info on here

    How long before manufacturers include a GPS receiver in their cameras?. Whether installed as a feature or secretly, images may divulge their exact location embedded in exif data. If a current cctv system was hacked, it's likely difficult to identify it's location. Inclusion of GPS hardware...
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    Cloning axis ip camera

    IP addresses are the easy part. Each camera has a unique burnt in MAC address, you'd need to somehow spoof that, ie not easily done.