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  1. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I think I do understand what you are saying. I suppose I could have used something other than braces so it doesn't get confusing for you, but maybe it is too late now (confusing others). Maybe I'll switch brackets [] instead? For a while I could support both [] and {} I guess if you think it...
  2. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I did look to make sure that the Confidence level is being save correctly. It is being saved to the registry and into memory. There may be some unrelated issues that could have caused what you are seeing. I'll keep an eye out for that.
  3. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I took a look at your log file. What I am seeing here is that there were no dogs identified by the AI at all: person 0.57180154 295 100 321 146 2021.02.02 05:53:56:3575 - (Trace) car 0.61758655 876 127 1008 348 In all the log files I'm seeing no reference to "dog"...
  4. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The confidence level on animals is often lower than you might think. In addition, sometimes you will have a double definition. In my case my dog is sometimes a "sheep", sometimes "cat", and usually "dog". Often I get deer defined as "dogs. The later might be understandable because there is...
  5. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I am using a software library that sends a "string" (text) to your MQTT server. The terms in the braces are substituted with the On Guard values. The only things that On Guard recognizes are the ones in the MQTT setup screen. What happens is that the recognized terms are substituted for the...
  6. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I am using a software library that sends a "string" (text) to your MQTT server. The terms in the braces are substituted with the On Guard values. The only things that On Guard recognizes are the ones in the MQTT setup screen. What happens is that the recognized terms are substituted for the...
  7. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The fact that they weren't in the motion only is because they weren't found interesting. It is possible that this is because of the parking filter. Without the detailed log I can't know for sure. However, as you step through them using the AI they may be added. The parking check goes back...
  8. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Yes, I plan on doing that. Even if you have multiple instances on Windows one of them can crash. That is on the list for the next week or so. It isn't difficult and the payoff can be relatively high. I'm trying not to make too many changes too frequently so things can settle down some.
  9. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    It does them one after the other. If 10 messages are in the queue and you have 5 instances it will go 1 - 5, 1 - 5. In theory I could just take one that is not in use, but I don't think you would gain much on average. Right now I'm testing with 10 instances of DeepStack with the mode set to...
  10. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have about a 10 year old Axis camera that has great optics and 10x zoom but poor (768) resolution, and a couple of fairly new camera with great resolution and poor optics. There are a lot of ads out there for "high resolution/4K" 6x zoom cameras, but they don't tell you that the lenses are...
  11. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Yes, you do need to uninstall first because the installer won't allow minor version releases to be uninstalled (1.7.3 to 1.7.4 should just install, but to won't). When I have the time I will completely change the installer setup, but this may take me a bit. There were some bad...
  12. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have posted a Release This should fix MQTT and 95% plus of the cases were moving cars were considered parked.
  13. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have put yet another release at: Release On Guard Security Assistant Version · Ken98045/On-Guard 1. This has a fix for MQTT publishing. Things were very wrong before. 2. This should go a long way toward fixing a problem where moving vehicles were considered parked. This should...
  14. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I changed nothing, or very little with respect to MQTT in this version. This specific error means that the MQTT server cannot be reached with the message. That may mean that (1) the contact info for MQTT isn't correct - maybe only for the motion stopped message(2) the server isn't up - goes...
  15. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    If you can turn on the Log Detailed Information, repeat a test and search for the file(s) in question. You should see a lot of detail there. If you like you can copy the section relative to one of the files. Either attach that to a post or send it to me. I don't need the whole thing, just the...
  16. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The 1.7.3 version had several problems in the area of ignoring moving cars and not identifying parked cars. Please try (see the other post about this). I'm sorry I didn't spot this earlier. My test cases worked for the 1.7.3 version, but that was apparently a fluke. The determination...
  17. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have released another version that fixes the problem where cars in motion were determined to be parked and were therefore ignored. That release is here: Release On Guard Security Assistant Version · Ken98045/On-Guard. In addition, ignoring cars that are in fact parked should be...
  18. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I tried signing up for Sentry a year or more ago and couldn't even get through the sign-up -- I'll give you money if you want it --- part. I emailed them and got a response about 3 weeks later that said "it works for us". I tried it again, and it didn't work still so I gave up on them.
  19. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    This is probably all related to the parked car problem (I think). You can turn on "Log Detailed Information" and maybe you can get a better idea of what is going on. There is a lot of spew when this is on, and not everything captured in the log will necessarily make sense to you, but if you...
  20. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Yes, I am trying to filter out parked cars since cars are interesting when moving, but not so much when they are just sitting there. I am actively working on making this more reliable. When you review the picture in the UI they will still be shown as interesting if you use the Analyze button...
  21. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Thanks for the information. I am looking at all the logic related to this. It is definitely over estimating that a vehicle is parked. I think that if I look at the history of objects in a location for about a minute or so I should be able to figure this out better. One of the problems is...
  22. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Yes, I have seen this multiple times. There is logic in their to reduce the multiple objects into one object that has the highest confidence. As the documentation mentions the confidence of the object with the highest confidence is artificially boosted. That is because the AI seems to say: "I...
  23. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    Please see my other post regarding parked vehicles. There may be something related to the any vehicle stuff. However, in some test photos I used it will detect a car even with "any vehicle", but more often than not it considers it falsely parked if it is in the distance even if moving. If...
  24. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    I have taken a look at this and you are correct. The logic that determines a vehicle is parked needs to be re-visited. In particular, I think that it is mandatory to look at a longer term history than just the previous frame. However, please note that this will probably never be perfect. The...
  25. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    There is a new release Version 1.7.3 at: Release On Guard Security Assistant Version 1.7.3 · Ken98045/On-Guard This fixes bugs where: 1. Areas were not delete properly 2. Objects to search for in an area were not deleted properly 3. Urls to notify when motion stopped were saved but not...
  26. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The logic for defining a car as parked needs to be worked on. It seemed to be better for lower frame rate situations. That is, if you are taking 10fps the vehicle may only move slightly between frames. At 1fps, the moves further, and therefore isn't considered parked. There may also be some...
  27. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    That change is now there if you do a Code download from github. Look in the Src\Installer\Setup directory for the install files. This includes a few other bug fixes as well, but nothing too dramatic. Sorry again, that feature should have always been there.
  28. K

    Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard

    The only (relatively) easy way to do this is to re-create things. The hard way: You could also manually change them via the registry if you are comfortable with that. The settings are at: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\K2Software\OnGuard. Each camera has RegistrationX and RegistrationY...