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  1. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    BTW, been reading more on Axis cameras, and they look pretty good for my specs. The prices are obviously higher as several people have mentioned, in some cases 2X-5X higher than what I was hoping for, but not horrible if I space things out and build my system slowly. I found several models that...
  2. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    You literally don't know me and you make all sorts of assumptions about me. I think that says more about you than anything else. I haven't done anything to you except apparently filling the forum with BS as you call it, which I didn't force you to read but somehow it evoked a response enough...
  3. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Yep, there is no perfect solution, definitely no unicorns and mermaids, so I'll be dealing with some degree of gray, the lesser of two evils, etc... And as for being 5 generations behind with a roll my own approach, honestly, I might be okay with that if I can't find something else on the...
  4. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Yes, I bought Netgear POE switches, I didn't see anything Netgear made that fit the specs of what I want, and Arlo, which was formerly part of Netgear (but still controlled by Netgear) as I understand it, doesn't make anything that meets the specs.
  5. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    To summarize the brands I'm currently looking at based on this thread. To the nay-sayers and critics of my motivations, I'm not done with my research, these are just brands suggested here in this thread, they're not listed for suitability, and they are also not in any particular order. Sorry if...
  6. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    I don't think I'd ever satisfy either of you guys with what I might write here. @Flintstone61, what makes you think I'm insincere about trying to figure this out, very curious? And what makes you think I have anything to do with IPVM or John? Which I don't, as I've already indicated. And...
  7. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Appreciate that, yeah, I get your original response's point much better now! It's more of a can of worms than I was hoping, but the good news is that I'm pretty happy about discovering a lot of things I didn't know before. It's a big eye-opener to a market and supply chain I had no idea was so...
  8. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Already mentioned my reasons for not using Dahua or Hikvision. I'm still researching, so currently Uniview is indeed on my list as a recommended brand, BUT this is a work-in-progress so I haven't looked into Uniview enough yet. I'll definitely be looking at reports about Uniview's entaglements...
  9. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    And honestly the more I read about some of these companies and some of their shady practices and background, the more frustrating this simple little search is becoming to me. I'm literally almost to the point of considering rolling my own little simple camera systems and building a prototype...
  10. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Uniview and Axis are both on my list to evaluate. Nelly's sells several Uniview models that are NDAA compliant, so yes I'm looking that those. And on the related point someone mentioned that companies like Uniview also make products that use banned chips as well, there is no perfect solution...
  11. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    That's another reason that this is tricky -- there is always the risk that any supplier is going to have some issue in the future, so I think the best I can honestly do is go with the information that I have on hand today and make the best decision I can today, and then who knows what the heck...
  12. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    How many degrees of separation? Personally, I love this conversation, even though it's veering off topic, I could stay up all night and it could be an incredible discussion. And frankly I like that this forum is open enough to tolerate that kind of tangential exploration without moderators...
  13. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    I appreciate the questions, and as you know I'm trying to avoid devolving into a political discussion, and I also don't want to attempt a personal analysis of people I don't know, and I'm just trying to figure out what cameras to buy, and I'm very appreciative of the suggestions in this thread...
  14. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Thank you! Hadn't thought of using ebay. I just checked out that model and found some great prices. Have you tried them with Blue Iris?
  15. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Definitely will be calling Nelly's this week when I get a chance, plus research the other brands mentioned so far. Very grateful for the help in this forum, glad I signed up! :D And as for Black Friday, yes, I will try to take advantage of any deals I can find.
  16. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Thank you, will check them out! As far as "trash" goes, everyone has to balance their needs, which are all different, I get it. In my case, I realize I'll probably be getting something more expensive than I originally planned, or maybe something that someone else thinks is "trash." I don't know...
  17. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Overthinking is something I'm fairly good at, lol. But no fear-based consumerism going on here. And referencing Obi-Wan is ironic given that of all the fictional pop icon figures you could reference, he's a perfect example of an ethics-based heroic figure who opposes big government overreach and...
  18. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Thank you -- yes, I think I'm going to be compromising on features and cost here to reach my goal. The way it goes. Appears that Dahua and Hikvision had achieved a high level of features for a very low cost, so I can see how they dominated this market. I definitely get it now.
  19. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    No connection to IPVM, don't know John. I'm a new user here, unrelated to anyone, any dealer, any company, I have no stake in any of these companies, and while I have read the IPVM posts, my own research includes other sources, and all I want to do is exactly what I set out to do in my original...
  20. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Yes, this is what I'm finding. It's not an easy task. But this thread has been very helpful. I plan on following up with Nelly's this week, and it appears that not only do they have NDAA compliant cameras, but I found this: NDAA Compliance Guide: Which Security Cameras Can You Install on...
  21. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    I totally understand your position on Sony, and in recent years I've tried to pay more attention to what a company does -- and how it handles it when wrongdoings are discovered. And I try to make more informed purchasing decisions that are in alignment with my personal values. And again, there's...
  22. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Thank you for the info, will check those out! Quick search confirms your price issues, but maybe they make a "consumerish" model too.
  23. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Yes, those NDAA compliant ones look like a possibility for me. I'll be calling Nelly's this week and asking them for info/suggestions too. The NDAA ones look a little pricey for me, but maybe that's what I'm stuck with. They've obviously been dealing with this so they might have some other...
  24. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Thank you, yes, those threads are part of the reason I decided to start this thread, instead of just reading and lurking. I just had no idea how difficult it would be to find something that meets my personal specs. But this thread has already been very helpful!
  25. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Yep, indeed. I've had a lot of time recently to reassess my consumer habits and recognize that there are ethical decisions that I've been avoiding for many years. In any case, again, not being political here, I personally believe -- probably like most folks here -- that there is a lot of gray in...
  26. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    Right, there is no company that I might agree with 100% ethically. Agreed completely on that. There is always going to be something ethically unsavory or objectionable about most (if not all) of the big tech companies out there today, one way or another, and I'm guessing we'd agree in general...
  27. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    The way I have things planned is that the firewall won't allow any devices on my camera VLAN to talk to the Internet except for the Blue Iris machine, which I'm leaving connected to the Internet so it can get Windows updates, etc... and I may want to access it via VPN. It's possible I may lock...
  28. I

    New user trying to figure out an affordable POE-based Blue Iris system that doesn't use companies like Dahua, Hikvision or Reolink

    I read those threads during my research, and I was hoping not to wade into the political aspect of this query. It's a tough discussion, lots of issues, I get it, and I understand that there are people with many different perspectives. For me, I just decided after some pondering that I would...