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  1. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Let us know what you find out. Could be impacting to all the BI users. Thanks
  2. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Hi guys, been a bit since I posted; life and all. So I am not finding (I am sure its been discussed) anything current on what (if any) support there is for Intel ARC A750 (the Intel pcie cards) for acceleration. I need to put BI/CPAI onto an AMD system with an Intel A750 and hoping by now these...
  3. slidermike

    EmpireTech 9th Anniversary (Summer)Sales

    Its an addiction. lol
  4. slidermike

    2024 EmpireTech Autumn Sale Plan

    @EMPIRETECANDY hi Andy. Are tickets still for sale, it is Tuesday. I tried the link but it said page not found. Thanks!
  5. slidermike

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    Did you try resetting to factory and power cycling the camera a few times?
  6. slidermike

    Waterproof Junction for 4 strings of POE?

    Yep amazon has several outdoor rated boxes for this sort of case. They come in various sizes. This one could be mounted to the backside of the mailbox post and run the wires/gear up into it. Waterproof Junction Box
  7. slidermike

    Doesn't this panel create more problems down the line?

    Agreed, quality connectors make for a solid connection. No different than punching them down. I punch down connectors and sometimes they are not secure; no different than prebuilt as long as they are making a good contact.
  8. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Thanks for the 411 @mailseth I did read about YOLO8 last night, was impressed and installed it. Switched from the tried and true YOLO5 (MLD or whatever its called) to YOLO8. It did not trigger on any motions. After restarts and other misc efforts I flipped back to the tried and true YOLO5. My...
  9. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    @MikeLud1 (or anyone who is in the know), is there a reference page that gives the recommended CPAI detect module <> hardware accelerator? What I mean, is it spelled out anywhere for folks who have (asking for myself) a gforce 1660 ti , what the recommended CPAI detection module is? I am...
  10. slidermike

    I7-8700k still the best budget friendly option?

    My 2 cents on the graphics card.. My nuc-like i5-11320h and its integrated Iris Xe does a great job handling Blue Iris / Code Project with 5 IPC-T5442T-ZE cameras. The cpu is barely used unless I am on the pc playing a game or watching youtube. The iGPU is doing most of the work related to BI...
  11. slidermike

    Can I trim & combine BI clips into 1 file then time-lapse it?

    It has been a long time since i edited video but when i did, i used Vegas Pro software. Last i knew you could try it free. Whatever software you choose maynot support bvr but you can convert your files to the universal .mp4 format if needed. My 2 cents, the user base here are great at video...
  12. slidermike

    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd

    @EMPIRETECANDY most people just call in "i am sick" instead of blaming a typhoon when they do not want to go into work for one day. We save natural disasters for a week off. :secret:
  13. slidermike

    Important! EmpireTech Official Website Active

    @EMPIRETECANDY Andy the site looks real good. As a request, suggestion what about adding a "what changed" text file next to the firmware so users can see if the newer firmware provides improvements for their use case? It is tough to know if you should upgrade (or not) when all you see is a...
  14. slidermike

    Does enable GPU use iGPU?

    @kaltertod is 100% correct. Also, when you do first enable gpu it will show cpu until the AI detects something. I do not recall where that was called out but I read it on the forums here and I have noticed it on my own server as well. The settings will say gpu enabled but it will still show...
  15. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I have a similar result with my intel based bare-bone Windows 11 build @Pentagano . .net lets me select GPU (built in intel gpu) but 6.2 bounces back to CPU only.
  16. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I see some options @Corvus85 #1 Stay on the current version. "if it works do not mess with it" is a very common thought process within the ipcam community. #2 Try the updated non-cuda gpu version to see if that works for you. (you have 2.1.9 gpu which works to use) #3 Try the updated gpu version...
  17. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    @Corvus85 @wpiman is correct with the syntax (assuming your unraid container was previously on the last latest release of CPAI). Docker <--- this shows the exact image names as they get replaced if you want to pull an older one. Here is where in Unraid you would set it. screen cap 1, normal...
  18. slidermike

    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd is a great way to ship and get good rates. A friend of mine buys/sells on ebay/whatnot and uses for all his shipping needs. Print labels, track packages etc..
  19. slidermike

    Pixilated recording and view

    If you can view the streams fine from the cameras directly (browser or hikvision app to bypass BI) then review the BI settings for bitrate being too low. If its still bad for while viewed bypassing BI then check the camera stream bitrate. Blocky, pixelated can be low bitrate. It can also be the...
  20. slidermike

    IPC HDW5442TMP-AS-LED - NAS - SFTP test failure

    Im pretty sure your issue is the folder/user rights on the Syno. Advise you post or read docs on how to enable remote sftp write access from the syno community. Two quick kb from Syno. &...
  21. slidermike

    stunnel troubleshooting: - StartService: error 1053

    Thanks for the tip about using "task manager" to force stop the service. Once I did, I was able to start the service without issue.
  22. slidermike

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Google is your friend. HalfPrecision Module dependant, but for modules that use CUDA this specifies whether half-precision operations should be used. Valid only for cards with CUDA compute capability >= 6.0 & If you want a...
  23. slidermike

    IPC-T5442T-ZE IPC-T5442TM-AS IPC-T5842T-ZE SMD 3.0 Smart IR Latest New Firmware From EmpireTech

    The file looks to be the older Aug '22 in the first post.
  24. slidermike

    2023 EmpireTech Spring Sales

    @EMPIRETECANDY are you going to attach the refurb list to the 1st post above? I did not see it. Will purchasing from the refurb list also earn entry into the lottery? Thank you Andy!
  25. slidermike

    IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

    Check the very first post in this thread Dave.
  26. slidermike

    Planning new cameras positioning and models, moving away from Unifi Protect

    I think your planning and reasoning is solid. I also agree that front camera is too high to be of indentity value is someone is up to no good. Best to lower it. 3-4 meters should give you better face and plate reading ability. While i have only watched demos of the 180 cams, sounds like you have...
  27. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Happy Chinese New Years. Enjoy your two weeks off Andy!
  28. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Your best bet is to DM or email andy direct for that. Remember he is in China so expect a delay in response.
  29. slidermike

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Thank you @EMPIRETECANDY and the folks who spun the wheel. Congrats to all the winners! Looking forward to the next raffle!