Hi, I have a Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret, and seems to be focusing on the lense.
I took it apart and cleaned the inside of the case glass and the outside as well,
I also cleaned the focal lens.
When I zoom in or out it gets real blurry and takes a while to focus if at all.
but it did...
well stated, I have the 2mp on my house, and this is for pan, tilt, zoom, daytime people and vehicles, and nighttime just looking at anything I see moving. so far so good. I have not had anyone walking around at night yet to video.
well after all the hoopla, I was thinking about some feedback on the night vision video footage, on how clear it is, oris not? and see other footage that may be better? Just saying. It would be helpful. Thanks
All my Cams are connected through my D-Link PoE+ Switch(s), to my NVR which is one 24/7. My NVR, which has a large TB drive. When I need to back up my footage, I backup onto a thumb drive and put it on my Desktops 14TB drive(s) I then convert and edit.
I only use Blue Iris to view if a notice...
I have not used guard station, just NVR and Blue Iris on my lapTop quick and simple. if you figure out how to manually adjust with Blue Iris let me know.
Yes, but not manual focus.
I rely on my NVR but adjust through Blue Iris
in Blue Iris when I click on record, I do not see a recording light or anything. but I do get a video on the left.
Thanks, I have not set anything it is all Auto, I wish I knew how to Manually focus, and play with the adjustments. But I do not know what they all are? I'm just a hope it was out of the box type of guy.
It was too large to upload here, so I uploaded it to youtube.
go easy on me, I think the footage is awesome.
maybe you all saw better,, but I think it is nice a clear.
what format can I upload on here? or do I have to upload somewhere else first? The footage is on my property and my neighbors, 10 acres away. I think the close-up footage is outstanding, crisp, and clear.
OK, I woke up at 1 AM to take some video footage of some deer and possum. what format can I upload on here? or do I have to upload somewhere else first? The footage is on my property and my neighbors, 10 acres away. I think the close-up footage is outstanding, crisp, and clear.
so at over 1500 feet what would be good?
maybe seeing lug nuts on a truck? plate numbers on the trucks, the logos, and writing on the trucks, or seeing a person's face in detail, or maybe what packages are on the trucks? so far I have these checked.