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  1. J

    Arjun, where are ya?

    It would be better if they could at least spell the name of their product correctly... it's "wiener". The way they spell it would be pronounced "whiner." That's all from the spelling Nazi today.
  2. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Well, at least they won't have to pay tax on the tip...
  3. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I'd be happy if the Democrats would support the US Constitution instead of wiping their asses with it.
  4. J


    What if my gesture identifies as speech?
  5. J


    I want one when people come to the door, especially salesmen.
  6. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    The last time I checked, "equality" meant treating all people equally, not giving preferential treatment to some at the expense of others. DEI has nothing to do with "equality" and, in fact, demands inequality.
  7. J

    Arjun, where are ya?

    He's got the cleanest penis in town...
  8. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    And the cost to the nation to eliminate it was paid in blood. There's your reparations!!!
  9. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Bitch-- Read the fucking Constitution and tell me where it is written that the Federal government should be paying people's rent. Stupid asshole.
  10. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Wow. She dodges the press and any real interview. She's weak and feeble, as she can't even answer softball questions from friendly interviewers. Her running mate is just a few bubbles off. And she has the audacity to say these things about her opponent, who is traveling all over the country...
  11. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Ten years? No, much longer... At least 20, when they faked the Audi "auto-acceleration" bullshit by modifying a car to show that it was doing something it didn't.
  12. J

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    I had to LOL over how long it took them to open the hood... We keep a battery-powered DeWalt cutoff saw on our engine. Make four straight cuts (diagonally across the corner at the "A" columns to remove hood from hinges, and a V-shape around the latch) and the hood will be off in a couple...
  13. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    ummmm.... Which is which? Probably more accurate to say, "two commies and two gay idiots walk into a bar..."
  14. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Yes, no apparent smarts built into Unifi Protect. And at this point, no ONVIF trigger support. It's essentially like a backup to my BI, and as HMC8403 said, a way to check the cams without signing into VPN.
  15. J

    Stupid people deserve their own thread....

    I like the way the cop shut the asshole down immediately with the "we ain't playin' that game" statement. So many of these get drawn out so long because the cop shows far too much patience when not warranted.
  16. J

    Money & Economics

    As one who lives in a high tax state (<-- understatement of the year...), I agreed with the limit on philosophical grounds-- the Federal government should not suffer lower revenue because some states are horribly run. That said, I wouldn't complain if the limit was increased or eliminated...
  17. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    For me, it just worked. I have my main network on 10.x.x.x, with the cameras on 192.168.50.x. On the "Unifi Devices" page of Protect, you have to hit the help question mark in the upper right, and then you'll see this: Choose the "try advanced adoption". I typed in the IP address of each...
  18. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    Good question. Not sure exactly, I just know that it allowed me. IIRC, I went into the app settings and it was offered as an option to me. I've had my UDM-P for a few years now, so maybe there is some minimum amount of time with an account that is required?
  19. J

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    I downloaded the early access version and set it up yesterday on my UDM Pro. I had a 10TB disk sitting around, so I popped it in. I was able to add all but one of my cameras (a mix of old Axis P3343, Amcrest PC2M-841, and various Empiretech 5442 models). The one that I couldn't is an old Axis...
  20. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    No, this is just plain stupid. Essentially, they passed TEN NEW LAWS to counteract the stupidity of the one law that enabled criminal behavior as long as the value was under $950. The idiocy is astounding.
  21. J

    Scooter Crash

    Well, he did figure out a way... Maybe not the best way.
  22. J

    Scooter Crash

    Did he hit a raised reflector in the road or something?
  23. J

    Ughhh... Gonna be a wet weekend

    "Debbie Does Florida" doesn't quite sounds as good as if it had hit Dallas... Just sayin'
  24. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    This is so fucking stupid. Asshole George keeps bringing the question up, and blaming him for responding? And then out of nowhere claims that something he is not saying is a "slur"? What kind of stupidity is this? The press is so biased it isn't even funny.
  25. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :) his pants!!!
  26. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    So, by the same token, because my forefathers came to this country in the past 120 or so years where there hasn't been slavery, I shouldn't have to pay, either. It's simply pandering, nothing else.
  27. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    I'd like to know why, if systemic racism is in place, how did this numbnutz become mayor? He's so full of shit his eyes are brown.
  28. J

    Burglary Tourism?!?

    Same as CanCuba stated, a Chilean ring was hitting one of the most expensive zip codes in the US near where I live, using second-floor windows for entry, since they are seldom alarmed.
  29. J

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    OK, but apples to apples, include the manufacturing costs of the solar panels in there as well, including government subsidies. And I laugh that the idiotic state that I live in gives electric cars the ability to drive in the carpool lanes, which were stolen from the "regular" lanes, which...
  30. J

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    One major difference is that petroleum is a source of energy, while the battery just stores it. That energy has to come from somewhere...