...except that's a lie. Nobody is trying to BAN books unilaterally. There are some who rightfully want to not allow children to see material that is not age-appropriate.
If you can't see the difference, you're part of the problem.
The Democrats will be on it shortly... In an effort to stem the use of illicit drugs, they will soon be putting waiting periods on prescriptions picked up from pharmacies, as well as background checks and banning more than a 30-day supply, because nobody needs 90 days of a medication. These...
Good. Now all corporations, sports, etc. should follow suit. The best "position" to take on this virtue-signalling nonsense is to just not take one. Don't say a thing.
Exactly. The proper normalizing factor is percent of criminals of a certain race, not percent of general population. The same is true for number of injuries caused by cops-- normalize it to the racial makeup of the department. And regarding the latter point, if 49% of injuries were "caused"...
What I learned in EVOC (emergency vehicle operations) is that deadly force is warranted when a cop is shot at, no matter what the form it comes in. Running down the suspect is a 100% valid tactic.
What a bunch of idiots, thinking that we are a bunch of idiots.
No, inflation is NOT at the lowest level. The rate of change of inflation is at a lower level, but the overall effect of inflation is cumulative.
In this case, I view it more as leveling the field between the fuel taxes paid on gasoline and the lack of any taxes paid by electric vehicles. Roads don't repair themselves (nor do states like California, but I digress), and it is a legitimate function of government to collect taxes to pay for...
Check the news. The unelected nazis at CARB (appointed by the idiot leftists elected in this dump) have now banned diesel train locomotives older than 23 years old, as well as adding a host of other restrictions/regulations. The only glimmer of hope is that this must be approved by the Feds...
Bernie Sanders is like the crazy uncle that you feel compelled to invite to Thanksgiving dinner, but don't really want there. He's a babbling idiot spewing nonsense.
The elevators where I work are different... you choose the floor outside the elevator, and the console points you to the one of the three that will be going to your floor. Makes me feel like an idiot when I go into a "regular" elevator these days, since I stand there and don't press a button...
Not only that, but the sheer amount of energy content, which should make people shake their heads when they first tried replacing it with EtOH, and then electricity...
A local was telling me that a friend of his went to college with her, and said that, without a doubt, she was the smartest person he ever met. I laughed in his face, and asked if "went to college" was code for something, because she's a f-ing moron.
For what it's worth, after about a week without receiving SMS alerts on my phone (Xfinity Wireless, more or less the same as Verizon), I started getting the backlog of messages as of last night. As others have done, I have configured pushover notifications and will be paying the $5 for the...
No good deed goes unpunished. The People's Republik will find some way to charge the Marines with something, like violating the scumbags' civil rights...