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  1. Tinman

    New Weather API built in BI

    Now the weather is too easy to overlay, no weather tools or equipment needed. :) Everything is in the help file to set it up.
  2. Tinman

    Question about "Alert Folder"

    Today I noticed that in my "Alert" folder I had some 13,000 jpg's in there! After some research I found that ever since updating to that AI or BI is saving a alert image for every cam I run AI on. Note, I do not have save high-res option selected, just save to database. Something has...
  3. Tinman

    Playing with some fiber

    During our last Polar freeze, I had some time to mess with some fiber on my network. The main goal was to pull a new fiber from the house to shop through my existing 2" PVC pipe buried many years ago. My main concern was ground potential rise and lightning. I run 8 cams off a POE+ switch in shop...
  4. Tinman

    Having an issue with

    Actually, this issue seems to have showed up on 5.9.x.x and on. I have this issue on 2 other systems and have reported it to support. The issue is when you click ANY camera's settings and then click ok, it takes longer than usual to restart and the clock will hang over 20-25 seconds or longer on...
  5. Tinman

    CPAI 2.62 seems to be really good :)

    Been running for little over a month now and in my case, I use CPU mode only on Yolov5.Net using IPCAM custom models. It has been rock solid and with over a 1/4 of a million images processed! Big thank you to the CPAI team !
  6. Tinman

    Sure glad I have a basement !

    With all the homes destroyed and no fatalities is nothing short of a miracle :wow: Just a county away is close enough for me ! Some good footage here:
  7. Tinman

    EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-AS-S3 Privacy mask ?

    Can someone please verify that this model has the mosaic mask feature in the Privacy Mask? EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-AS-S3
  8. Tinman

    PTZ494M-25X sample clips

    A quick sample clip of my daughter's new PTZ494M-25X she purchased from Andy. Of course, dad had to install it. The night clip where the skunks are, was completely dark. Pretty much all stock settings at this point running cam at 15fps @ 4096
  9. Tinman

    Warning ! BI update will corrupt your database and will lose alerts.

    Have experienced this issue on 2 installs, and there is no fixing by reverting back to the previous update.
  10. Tinman

    Could BlueIris 6.0 be around the corner?

    With the holiday season approaching fast and version just released, I'm wondering if BI 6.0 will be showing up ? I know this is pure bullshit speculation, but the way Ken releases updates, it's bound to happen. :idk:
  11. Tinman

    Highest dewpoint in the country !

    Dewpoint of 76 and temperature of 95 and no wind, you don't care what the feel like temperature's brutal.
  12. Tinman

    Short review of Dahua NBK1000 Keyboard from EmpireTech

    Picked one of these up from Andy. I always wanted a joystick to control my PTZ cameras. A few years ago, I tried to use a Windows gaming joystick through BlueIris, but it just had to much lag and worked like crap. This NBK1000 connects directly to your PTZ through your network. In my case, I use...
  13. Tinman

    For those who forgot or misplaced their BI key (solution)

    If you can't find your license code you can always install this: GitHub - bp2008/biupdatehelper: A Windows service which helps manage Blue Iris updates It will find your key from the BI registry, provided you are not installing from scratch on a clean system of course.
  14. Tinman

    More sidewalk action :)

    She actually went down in my yard, but it was in the shadow of my tree. Might have to go back to IR mode on my other cam to get better lighting there :) The night people know not to use my front sidewalk now as the outdoor floods will come on.
  15. Tinman

    BI bug

    Just noticed this update screws up my schedules. Go back to and its back to normal. I sent support a note. Before update: After update: UPDATE fixed this issue
  16. Tinman

    PTZ question for any of the newer Dahua auto tracking models.

    On the SD5A425GA-HNR the stepping is so little and there is no setting to adjust it. I assume this is to do with the auto tracking ?? But it really makes the PTZ controls in BI really sluggish and then goes to fast. Ken has tried to adjust the Dahua New V4 protocol but still bad...
  17. Tinman

    My old sidewalk proves to be a challenge for some.

    So over a long long time, my sidewalk has developed quite the curve. It has provided some good clips over the years. I give the guy kudos for walking and not driving !
  18. Tinman

    PTZ controls not working in UI3

    I can't seem to get my Dahua cams to work with the controls in UI3 using Dahua New v4. They work fine using BI GUI controls, but nothing in UI3 except for the 3D positioning does work. BI UI3 243
  19. Tinman

    SD5A425GA-HNR tracking great

    Very happy with how good this camera performs ! Except my trees are in the way :)
  20. Tinman

    Fox family clip

    Grabbed this clip from my daughter's cam this morning.
  21. Tinman

    Yuanley POE+ switch

    I had a couple of Zyxel ES100-8P poe switches fail here the last couple of months. They have served me well as they are as old as the first poe camera I have owned, which has been awhile. So to try something new I have been using the Yuanley TS2083GS-P to replace them. Spec. wise they are great...
  22. Tinman

    New PTZ upgrade

    Due to Andy's Spring Sale, I did some upgrading :) Not that the old one has failed, but after 6 years It might outlast my ability to climb up there and swap them out. I am going to install the old one at Daughter's house for it's final resting place. Now to start playing with the new features. :D
  23. Tinman

    Ever caught a mole on camera ?

    Last week I have been watching a mole on my neighbor's sidewalk edge hoping it would stay off my lawn. But after I noticed some dirt along the edge I went to my cams and did a little digging :) I could actually see the mole making the ground come up. Its poor quality as I am digitally zoomed...
  24. Tinman


    And it was right, beautiful today :)
  25. Tinman won't start service...stay away

    UPDATE: I did manage to get it started by killing the service and running update file by itself. So far it is running, but must have a bug. Sent Ken a note as well.
  26. Tinman

    Crop spraying

    puke bag please :puke:
  27. Tinman

    Storm comes out of now where

    The video is a little long as I hadn't had time to edit it. Check out clouds rolling at 5:40 and the shit hits the fan at 9:30. I had little damage but trees down and power lines in town. Some reports of crops destroyed in area as well. I watched the white truck pull up by my Blue Spruce to...
  28. Tinman

    Lunar Eclipse clip

    Here is a short capture with my 25x PTZ last night. It is a 16x time lapse and short because I never wanted to keep moving cam. I needed auto tracking LOL
  29. Tinman

    New Screen capture recording feature.

    So in the update notes on we are now able to record our screen within Blueiris as Ken does here in this video: Anyone have a clue on HOW to do this ? Would be very useful in explaining issues.
  30. Tinman

    Small delay in BI when closing a viewed clip

    I noticed a small delay or black screen when I close the clip viewing window within the BI gui. I noticed it after going to and .14 does it as well. Going back to makes it close fast. Just wondered if any one else noticed this.