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  1. T

    Saving Video Files to USB

    Hello. I have Blue Iris version 3 and I cannot figure out how to save clips to a USB flash drive. There was some trouble in front of my house the other night and a lawyer has asked to see the video. If someone could please explain how to get him a watchable video file, we both would appreciate...
  2. T

    Using BI with TP-Link acess point

    Hey guys, my last thread was deleted with the questions about the TP-Link as an access point for my Foscams. I just got it hooked up and running. I have the TP-Link connected via lan cable to my Linksys router. My question is, what should I set it up as? The goal is to have the Foscams...
  3. T

    Learning curve

    Hey guys. I'm a new user with a few questions. I've been reading the instructions, so I'm hoping to not look like I want to be spoon fed. I had a question about remote use of the Blue Iris. I haven't found much on doing what I want. I have my computer pretty remotely mounted, so it's...
  4. T

    Hello all

    Hey guys, from Northern Indiana here. I have a few Foscams up and running and I am looking to consolidate them into one feed to view them from. I can only run Chrome at work and unfortunately you can't consolidate with this browser. I hastily installed BI last night and got 3 of 4 cameras...