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  1. E

    Biz Jet Crashed into Parked Aircraft Scottsdale, AZ

    No extra change for the e-ticket ride. ATC person could earn extra $ as an auctioneer.
  2. E

    PSA: Physical Gift Card Fraud

    BACKGROUND 11/20: My sister bought me a physical Home Depot gift card for Xmas from the Torrance, CA location. 12/25: I scratched off the strip only to discover two of the PIN code digits missing. There was no physical evidence of tampering to the card packaging. 12/27: Took gift card to...
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    Crowdstrike Affecting Windows Computers Globally.

    And when things go awry. Wish I had shorted the company
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    FBI disrupts Russian Moobot botnet infecting Ubiquiti routers

    In today's lesson, do not expose your devices or services to the public internet. Under court order, FBI remotely removed malware and changed firewall rules to block access. Does not bode well for Ubiquity...
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    New botnet malware exploits two zero-days to infect NVRs and routers

    CVE's nor articles disclose which vendor(s) are affected. Although, previous variants of the Mirai bonet targeted TP-Link and Trend Micro products.