Definitely notice the lack of Amazon trucks on the roads.
No Amazon trucks parking the wrong way, 8 feet from the curb, on a busy road.
I do not miss them, although convenient, would not mind Amazon disappearing.
What's going on here?
I know these are known to have focus issues but seems I have half a screen out of whack.
Left side of view is much more focused than right side view. Look at the stone driveway, can see stone on left, blur on right.
Is this a bad camera or typical view? The lens is clean...
What is going on here, Dahua Z12E went magenta. I can't get it to change, nothing funky in settings.
Tried a camera restart, nothing.
Video is this morning, the switch from black and white to color
I seem to have a recurring problem with the UI3 LAN address changing when I lose power to the router.
What causes this and how do I stop it? Is it a BI setting or the router?
PIA when it happens, I have to change all the bookmarks in my devices to the new address.
Just in case anyone is looking for a cheap tablet Amazon is currently having a sale on the current version fire 10 tablet.
Prime members only Price $74.99
I actually enrolled and used my free 30 days of prime for this. I will cancel prime before the free trial period is up.
Anyway, in case...
Those of you with more experience then me, I have a question.
Are all RJ45 connectors the same or are there small differences with different brands/sellers?
Where do you buy a good reliable connector for terminating your cables?
I’ve having trouble with a 180 camera and believe a firmware upgrade would be beneficial.
What I don’t understand is how do I upgrade the firmware without exposing the camera to the internet.
what’s the safe process?
Is there a program I need to do this? Config tool? Do you put config tool on...
So I’ve read myself into another decision that I didn’t know I had to make. Shed mounted cameras.
I’m thinking at least 3 cameras, one is definitely a PTZ5A4M 25x. Maybe a pair of t54ir ze s3 also. Three 4mp cams.
I figure a POE+ switch in the shed so only 1 wire going from house to shed...
T54ir-ze-s3 really had a hard tome today with the dark and gloomy weather/rain.
Been running it on the day/night switch setting. Camera wouldn’t stay on the day setting with a 1/1000 exposure.
Constantly changed from day color with a little of a dark image, to black and white to night and...
So I’m looking for an 8tb purple hard drive, 5640 rpm.
I’ve missed a few “open box” auctions on ebay. They just sell to close to new for my liking. “Open box” has a price.
Anyway, been looking for a presidents day deal and I’m coming up empty. Anyone see any deals I’m missing?
Thinking about making some waterproof camera mount junction boxes.
This is the proof of concept, throw around ideas portion of the build.
Will be made from plate aluminum. I have quite a bit of 1/4” and 1/8th inch aluminum plate. Thinking the boxes would use both thicknesses.
Will be...
So I put my PTZ up on my test rig. Initialized and all that.
How do I use it?
I was able to set up zones but that is all.
Auto tracking?
IVS zones?
I don’t see any of it in any menu.
There has to be some sort of “start here” post written, I just can’t find it.
How about definitions of all the...
I’m in a single story ranch, want to run a conduit from my basement to my attic for camera wires.
I happen to have a piece of copper dwv pipe 1 1/2 - new. It’s a really thin wall pipe, I never see myself using it for drainage anywhere. Had this pipe for over 20 years.
Anyone see any issues...
How’s the trial version lately? I did a search and nothing current comes up about the blue iris trial version.
I fully expect to buy BI at some point, wondering if I should skip the trial version all together.
Is the trial version a full version of BI?
I have my 1st couple of cameras in hand. Now what?
I have to imagine they need some sort of bench setup before getting deployed. Is that thru blue iris or the dahua interface?
Windows or Mac?
My only windows machine at the moment is my new to me hp elitedesk that I’ll run blue iris on. I use a...
I’ve never been a camera guy but I was left a “present” in my front yard recently that has changed my thoughts. It’s time for some cameras.
I have been reading here a lot lately, just learning.
I plan on using blue iris and a dedicated PC which I just picked up yesterday. I happen to be local...